Daily Supplements

mommyshortlegs Posts: 402 Member
What daily supplements do you take as a pregnant mama? My current line-up (amounting to 65 calories in and of itself!) includes biotin, calcium, fiber chewables, fish oil, folic acid, magnesium, a prenatal, and Vitamin C.


  • Andrea3030
    Andrea3030 Posts: 161
    prenatal (it is 3x a day)
    DHA (2x a day)
    Liquid iron (2x a day)
    Magnesium (1-2x a day)
    Probiotic (1 a day)

    It feels like a LOT!
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I am currenlty taking a food based prenatal, DHA, High potency garlic (2x per day), Vitamin C and three different types of probiotics. I will be using echinacea closer to my due date for the GBS if I am still positive. I also use Apple cider vinegar every day to help with allergies and water retention.

    I also plan to start up my homeopathic allergy remedy again soon.
  • igottaworkout
    igottaworkout Posts: 298 Member
    I'm taking my prenatal vitamin, vitamin D (because I rarely go outside) and Omega 3-6-9. I used to take Vitamin E as well but stopped on my dr's advice as she said it might be bad for the baby.

    No iron this pregnancy and no constipation!! Yay! :) I was really iron deficient with my three other kids. but maybe this time with my egg cravings (2 a day every day at least) and keeping track of my macro nutrients through MFP, I seem to have good iron levels for the first time :)
  • nyssaretter
    nyssaretter Posts: 9 Member
    I take my prenatal, "total greens," "alfajuice" (alfalfa), nordic naturals fish oil in the morning, and the total greens, alfajuice, calcium citrate, magnesium citrate, and vitamin d at bedtime. I keep forgetting to take my probiotic!
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I'm taking the following:

    Prenatal (Rainbow lite so it has tons of other stuff in it)
    low dose aspirin to help prevent preclampsia which I tend to get

    I used to take magnesium but my doctor told me to stop unless I start getting leg cramps.

    I am having a hard time taking and keeping this all down by the way.....praying my second trimester gets here qucik!