JurneyEve Posts: 84 Member
Goooooood morning everyone and welcome to Day 10 of our 30 Day Challenge. We are 1/3 of the way thru this. Only 20 days left. I had a good day yesterday. I stayed under my calorie count even after some ice cream and wine. I got on my elliptical and tried something new. I did 1 minute intervals of fast and slow. For 1 minute I went as fast as I could with my arms and legs working, then for 1 minute I went at a slower leisurely pace without my arms. I did that for 20 minutes. I wasn't sure if it was going to make much of a difference but I remember one of you telling me that intervals were better for you and it was kind of fun. Plus, my arms hurt today so it must have done something.

Today, we're thinking about taking a trip to Tampa. We might go down there, get a hotel, check out Clearwater Beach and Busch Gardens. At least that's what we talked about last night. My husband is still sleeping so I'm not sure if that's still on the agenda or not. :ohwell:

I've been thinking about the weekly challenge and listening to your ideas and I've come up with something. Our weekly challenge will be 3/20's. 20 squats/20lunges/20 crunches...in a row. What do ya'll think about that? I'm going to aim to do 2 sets of 3/20's every day. One in the morning and one at night. If you can't do one of these exercises for whatever reason, just swap it out for a different one. I just did this challenge and it took me less than 5 minutes. So I challenge you to do these exercises everyday for the next 5 days. Let's see how many sets you can do throughout the whole week. I've got one set down already. :tongue:

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might..." Ecclesiastes 9:10

Or in our case, our hands or our feet or our abs. :laugh: I just really felt like using this verse. I don't know why. It was stuck in my head while I was writing this so I felt compelled to use it today. I hope it speaks to you and I hope you all have a marvelous Monday.

♥ Diana


  • DaniKaren
    DaniKaren Posts: 79 Member
    Ello, fellow scale watchers!

    I like the 3/20 idea. I need something to burn some calories after this weekend. I swear, if it weren't for the fact that my dog needs to go for walks, I probably wouldn't have my couch. It got up to 108F, and I was miserable. On top of being inactive, I fell prey to the beer demon, (the tasty, tasty beer demon) because in my mind, if it's over 100, you need a beer (or three). Let the damage control commence!
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    Good morning!

    Good choice with the Tampa trip, I just did Tampa last weekend and we had a wonderful time. Yesterday I also stayed under my calories, though just by the skin of my teeth. Probably didnt need to have as much cake as I did, but who passes up publix birthday cake? Certainly not me.

    I also started my day one of Jillian Michaels shred yesterday, pretty sore today but thats not going to stop me. I dont know that I will be doing the 3/20s this time around, I will try but currently doing the shred and c25k so my muscles already kind of hate me.

    I hope everyone has a fantastic week!
  • Mary9921
    Mary9921 Posts: 100 Member
    Ok, well I'm up for the challenge.....but since I do rock hard abs(rockin body workout)....I'll skip the crunches...plus, I don't think my neck could handle it(I have a plate in my neck) but the lunges and squats I've got....:smile:

    ***I was so hoping to have pushups as the challenge here this week as my facebook challenge group is doing that and I was going to count them here and there as well, but it didn't work out that way....pretty sneaky, GOD :bigsmile:
    But this is better as I get to workout 2 different muscle groups this week...

    Anyway, I weighed myself and gained a pound....:grumble: but I guess that's not too bad...been eating under my calorie goal and exercising so I don't know except maybe I grew a muscle(we all know they weigh more than fat) :laugh:

    Well Diana, Hope you get to go over to the west coast.....sounds like fun :smile:

    @ Sara- I love Publix cake!!, Yummy....and 30 Day Shred.... is a great/hard workout :happy:

    @DaniKaren-:drinker: woohoo, beer!!...woohoo :drinker:
  • iplibrarian
    iplibrarian Posts: 42 Member
    Hi All! I like the 3/20 idea! I've actually decided to NOT weigh in this Friday. Not that I've had a horrible week, but I just feel a lot of pressure and I know I went a little overboard this weekend (footlong hotdog and kettle corn at the Rockies game yesterday). Still logging my food though and trying to stay under calories for the rest of the week. I know it is only Monday, but if I know I'm not weighing on Friday I won't feel so panicked. Weird... I know. Will be doing my squats, lunges and crunches tonight! :happy:
  • sarahdmccallum
    sarahdmccallum Posts: 23 Member
    Just testing out this ticker thing!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • sarahdmccallum
    sarahdmccallum Posts: 23 Member
    how do i make the ticker automatically show up with my posts?
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    @Sarah you have to go into your message board settings. (Right under the message board >> 30 Day Challenge for Dummies)

    Then there is just a little box you check to show your ticker. Hope that helps!
  • hippiejacket0810
    hippiejacket0810 Posts: 68 Member
    Seems like a good challenge. Didn't do it yesterday though. Kept checking for a new post and got tired of waiting. Lol. I'm an early bird.