What are your fitness goals?

ninjagirl007 Posts: 41 Member
Since this is a new group it would be nice to hear from everyone. What are your fitness goals? What are you doing to reach them?


  • lilywhitcloud
    lilywhitcloud Posts: 1 Member
    my goal is to get health, feel better about myself image. I want to set a good example for my three year old about being healthy. I have been exercising for the last two weeks but just really started watching what I ate and keeping it in my "food diary". I have been walking everyday for a hour in the wee hours of the morning while my 3 year old is still sleeping and my husband is at home. On bad weather days I do walk away the pounds. Since I have started exercising everyday and adding on watching what I am eating calorie wise, I have lost alittle weight but still have alot to go to where I would love to be.
  • ninjagirl007
    ninjagirl007 Posts: 41 Member
    That's a great start! Keep up the good work.
  • Arny1982
    Arny1982 Posts: 1
    I'm training myself to be able to walk a few mountains here in Iceland in the summer, it would not hurt to look good in a bikini.
    These days I mostly train my resistant but also need to lose weight a more.
    I'll get up and go to the gym at half past five in the mornings when everyone is still asleep, but my husband is responsible for bringing the kids to school because I go straight from the gym to work.

    Hope my english spelling is not horrible since it is not my native langue, but I just really wanted to write here and meet other moms that have the same interest as I as in being happy, healthy and learn to keep your goals and do your very best to reach them :)
  • My goal is to lose at least 15-20 pounds more ( I have already lost 15 pounds). I was diagnosed with diabetes in December 2012 and vow not to be on medication my whole life. I want to be healthy and teach my 7 yr. old daughter to do the same, since diabetes runs so strongly on both sided of my family. So my goal is to be healthy, strong and happy with my body image!!
  • ninjagirl007
    ninjagirl007 Posts: 41 Member
    I think its great everyone wants to be healthy. It can be hard but so worth it.
  • Jennms85
    Jennms85 Posts: 49 Member
    My goal is to eat healthy and instill good eating habits for my kids and hope they continue with their kids.
    We live such an active lifestyle I want to be able to continue to do the things we love to do as long as I live.
    Body wise I am close to the size I want to be, just mainly working on tone and definition. Being healthy makes me feel more confident and strong and i know my friends and family are getting the absolute best of me. My youngest is 6 months old and I am the healthiest I've ever been. I deserve this.....they deserve this! :smile:
  • ninjagirl007
    ninjagirl007 Posts: 41 Member
    Well said!
  • Heidi_20
    Heidi_20 Posts: 138 Member
    My goal is to lose the last 10lbs, hopefully before I go back to work in August! It will be the last of my baby weight!!!