Welcome Along

Hey Guys and welcome to the Hinckley MFP group. please introduce yourselves and a little bit about your goals with fitness and nutrition. also please feel free to point others in the direction of this group.


  • a18cey
    a18cey Posts: 5
    Name: Andy Lacey
    Age: 32

    I started my fitness journey about 3 years ago when i decided to quit smoking and piled on the pounds at my heaviest I was pushing 16 stone and had crept up to a very tight 36" waist. Although I was told I didnt "look fat" I didnt feel very comfortable in my body image. I have spent the last 2 years really learning about human physiology and especially how my body reacts to macronutrients, mitronutrients and different training protocols. Along the way I have replaced the unwanted lbs of fat with muscle and transformed myself into what I am today. I am happy to pass on my knowledge to anyone who wants to listen or gives a crap about that kind of thing.