Looking for leg workout tips

First day back in the gym today. Going to get the legs going first. Looking for some tips. I pretty much stick to squats and then extension/curl machines. Want to mix it up a little. Also, recovery advice is appreciated. I always struggle to recover from leg days. Thanks everybody.


  • pjp1125
    pjp1125 Posts: 313
    Lunges are key. Try jump squats with dumbbells. Farmers carry. Make sure you don't neglect your calfs!

    As for recovery, after your workout, try to walk for at least 30 minutes on the dreadmill. Soreness is going to happen regardless if you are doing it right, but walking helps to break up the lactic acid which is why you are sore.
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    Deadlifts (I like to throw in a few Sumo style sets) and Good Mornings will really get the legs going. If you've never done Sumo style deads, you will hate me the next morning or possibly the day after :sad: But you will learn to love that pain. I second the walking after for recovery...that along with a cool shower.
  • marylorrainecox
    marylorrainecox Posts: 12 Member
    I do leg press and calf press (same weight, fewer reps). I also do abductor machine or cable. Some gyms have a kick back machine, or you could use cable, to work on glutes, along with leg curs and extensions- try pointing toes in, toes out, toes center, so each set works on slightly different parts of the muscle. If you are doing squats, try varying your stance all the way out to sumo stance and some with feet shoulder width apart. Walking lunges...

    Afterwards, walk on a treadmill on an incline to work glutes and calves even more, then STRETCH, for a while.

    I started using a back massager at home recently for sore muscles and it seems to really help reduce the soreness.
  • BL4ckPanth3r
    my legs suck too... but recently i am beginning to show some gains in mass and strength...

    my rules to legs are the following:
    1. all heavy lifts first. because i suck at squats i work on them first, i guess depending on your ability you may either start on dead lifts or squats.
    2. start light and work up to your 1RM. once completed 1RM back off weights and work for reps working on form. depending on how i feel i may try go for a 1RM personal best, or i will continually back off weight and work reps (when backing off weight i dont usually rest between sets, simply cause i like to stay warm and sweat heaps)
    3.because my squats suck, after i complete my deadlifts i will head to the incline leg press and work again to a 1RM, this is so i can work much heavier (over 2x) and i feel it stimulates my nervous system into firing more muscle fibres...
    4. on machines for hamstring curls and seated leg extension i aim at reps and muscle pumps as a polish.

    in summary:
    a.) heavy compound movements with low reps for strength at beginning of workout
    b.) finish workout with higher reps for polishing and mad pumps
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    my current leg day:

    - Squat.
    - paused high bar squat
    - front squat
    - high rep high bar squat (20's ect)

    Its fun. it hurts.
  • StaticEntropy
    StaticEntropy Posts: 224 Member
    my legs suck too... but recently i am beginning to show some gains in mass and strength...

    my rules to legs are the following:
    1. all heavy lifts first. because i suck at squats i work on them first, i guess depending on your ability you may either start on dead lifts or squats.
    2. start light and work up to your 1RM. once completed 1RM back off weights and work for reps working on form. depending on how i feel i may try go for a 1RM personal best, or i will continually back off weight and work reps (when backing off weight i dont usually rest between sets, simply cause i like to stay warm and sweat heaps)
    3.because my squats suck, after i complete my deadlifts i will head to the incline leg press and work again to a 1RM, this is so i can work much heavier (over 2x) and i feel it stimulates my nervous system into firing more muscle fibres...
    4. on machines for hamstring curls and seated leg extension i aim at reps and muscle pumps as a polish.

    in summary:
    a.) heavy compound movements with low reps for strength at beginning of workout
    b.) finish workout with higher reps for polishing and mad pumps

    I'm not sure the leg press has a good carryover effect on the squat in terms of strength. I made that mistake and I've since dropped the leg press in favor of more hammy/glute work. The squat is my weakest lift, but since I made the adjustment I've noticed increased strength in higher rep ranges and should be breaking my 1RM within the next couple of weeks.

    My current leg day:
    Low bar squat
    Front squat (with raised heels, better than the Leg Press)
    SLDL/Good Mornings/Glute-Ham Raise (depends on how I feel-- sometimes I do two of these)
    High rep Seated Calf Raise (pause at the top)
    Low rep Standing Calf Raise
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    First day back in gym. Don't overdo it on volume and intensity.