Get to know eachother

Em2je05 Posts: 215 Member
So I figured it'd be cool to get to know eachother all in one place! So...I'll start!

Name: Emily
Age: 26
State/Country: Cincinnati, OH (USA)
Favorite Exercise: Walking
Favorite Go To Snack: Frozen Grapes (I'm loving them and it's easy to store and go in mason jars)
Reason For Losing Weight: To prove to my ex that he infact IS missing the best thing ever! but for real because I want to be able to live longer and live a healthy life. I also want to be able to be able to run after my nieces and nephew (I have a 9 year old nephew, a three nieces--5, 19 months, and 7 1 on the way--and more to come probably in the future!)


  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Great idea Emily!

    Name: Laura
    Age: 44
    State/Country: Minnesota (USA)
    Favorite Exercise: I need variety - currently I'm walking & running outside, using the various cardio machines at the gym (treadmill, elliptical, bike, rowing machine), doing Pilates, doing Zumba, and strength training. If I could find a good Yoga class that fit into my schedule I'd be doing that too.
    Favorite Go To Snack: Greek Yogurt
    Reason For Losing Weight: tired of being unhealthy, tired of not being able to find clothes that fit me well, tired of being tired
  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    Name: Unaisha
    Age: 21
    State/Country: London, UK
    Favourite Exercise: Tae Bo Cardio (Because it helped lose 50 lbs back in 2011)
    Favourite Go to Snack: Weightwatchers Chocolate Brownie
    Reason For Losing Weight: I've put on 20 lbs since Christmas 2012 and I decided it's time to get serious after I saw my pictures, I also want to look good in those summer dresses and bikinis :)
  • TrinaGoss
    TrinaGoss Posts: 198 Member
    Name: Trina
    Age: 34
    State/Country: Topeka, Kansas (USA)
    Favorite excercise: weightlifting, but I don't do it as often as I'd like. I only have small amounts of time to work out, and I've found that running and videos (such as 30 day shred) help me tone all over more than lifting does. But it's what I enjoy the most. :)
    Favorite go to snack: cheddar cheese, whole wheat crackers and turkey pepperoni
    Reason for Losing Weight: Confidence - I don't want to feel self conscious around anyone. I want to look good in short shorts, tank tops and cute dresses. I also want to look hot for my husband. :smile:
  • crystalball24
    Name: Crystal
    Age: 27
    Favorite Exercise: Biking and Hiking
    Favorite go to snack: Whole wheat quesadilla with salsa
    Reason for losing weight: Be able to where some of my old clothes again, feel confidant and comfortable in my own skin, and be able to finally where a bikini and not be embarrassed by my stomach (that's for sure my "trouble" spot! Oh and of course look sexy for my husband!!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Bumping this. I see a few of the Sunday weigh-ins are still pinned so this got dropped down. I'd love to hear from more people in the group!
  • babyblackbutterfly
    HI Guys!
    Name: Kirsten
    Age: 43
    Favorite exercise: running
    Favorite go to snack: Special K Cracker Chips
    Reason for losing weight: to set a good example for my children and to feel good in cute clothes :tongue:
  • KathleenSweetie
    KathleenSweetie Posts: 136 Member
    Name: Kathy
    Age: 51
    Favorite exercise: biking
    Favorite snack to go: Handful of nuts (walnut, pecan or almonds), Orange
    Reason for losing wt: To balance and energize my body/mind with healthy foods; To see my true curvy shape
  • krk5235
    krk5235 Posts: 220 Member
    <<<<< That's me there the shorter n fat coach, Keith. Just prior to MFP, an incentive to do something and one of the reasons I decided to lose weight, man boobs were getting outta control.
    From Ghent Hill, PA Bradford County.
    Age 52 - old fart.
    My favorite exercise??? Are you kidding me, how do you think I got obese? By not liking exercise of course! But let me go hunting and fishing, I'm happy, yea they're sports not exercises, but that's as close as you're going to get me liking exercise!
    Favorite snack, Yuengling Premium, not the Lager. --- you didn't specify if it hadda be a healthy snack.
  • sgouti1
    sgouti1 Posts: 98 Member
    Name: Sandra

    Age: 28

    State/Country: New Orleans, LA (USA)

    Favorite Exercise: channel surfing and 12oz. curls, but I force myself to do the elliptical.

    Favorite Go To Snack: cottage cheese over a sliced peach

    Reason For Losing Weight: I started to noticie I wasn't turning as many
    Also, I was diagnosed with a thyroid issue, and I really don't want to be on medicine for the rest of my life. Before I even filled the script, I wanted to completely change my lifestyle to see what impact I could make without meds. I've cut way back on drinking, forced myself to get more rest at night and more physicial activity daily, and have lost some weight in the process. Generally, with the changes I've made, I had been feeling a lot better. However, I'm actually going to the doctor this afternoon, because I've started to feel very run down again and having some of the same sypmptoms I had before the intial diagnosis. Hoping all my labs come back normal - I'll just keep my fingers crossed and keep doing what I'm doing!