
Tell everyone a little about your self:

I am a mom of 2 boys. One is 11 yrs old and my youngest is 22 months, With my first son I gained 32 pounds and lost all but maybe 5-7 pounds but it went to good places :). Then with my youngest I gained a little over 50lbs and lost 30 pounds in the first 2 weeks but the last 20 lbs just doesn't want to go away. So here I am doing calorie counts and going to the gym hoping to improve my body image and self-esteem. What about you ladies??


  • Mjnslce
    Mjnslce Posts: 84 Member
    Hi nice to meat you my name is Jennifer I am a mommy of 5 they are 9, 8, 7, 6, and 10 months. With my youngest I did great during pregnancy and only gained 7.3 pound. I was so proud however now I have been using breastfeeding as an excuse to eat way more than I ever should. I gained 20 pounds in the last 6 months. This makes me very sad because I am at the heaviest I have ever been. So here I am to help me get back on track!
  • Hi ladies! I have NEVER been able to keep the weight off! I lost it and gained it back. My metabolism is soooo different. So, this is a life style change for me. I am doing what I did before, but the difference is that this time I am making permanent changes instead of temporary ones. I am doing what has worked before because I know it works for sure and I get results! It may not be the easiest eating plan but it is simple, healthy and brings quick healthy loss for me :) For exercise I'm doing 30 Day Shred and adding in elliptical or walking or a bit of both. Lots of calories burned with those.
    I want to feel comfortable with myself and have more energy and freedom to live this awesome life!
  • AshK85
    AshK85 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm a SAHM to 3 kids, ages 5, 4, and 15 months and am a full-time college student. I've had a very hard time getting the weight off and keeping it off. I was in the military before I had my oldest and I would love to have that body back! My biggest problem is finding the time to work out and the motivation to do so. I want to lose at least 40 lbs but hopefully more!
  • Heidi_20
    Heidi_20 Posts: 138 Member
    Hey everyone!! I am a mom of 2 kids, 5year old(almost 6) and 4year old! Between the two pregnancies I never lost the extra baby weight which put me very heavy after the second! I tried some diets and WW but they didnt work and were difficult to do with the little ones! Finally counting calories is working for me!!! I have been a SAHM for the past five years while teaching at night but come the fall I have to return to the daytime classroom! Boo, but that's life! Feel free to add me! I am always looking for extra support and others to cheer on in this process!!
  • Hello! I am a mommy of a 21 month old baby girl. I've been trying to lose weight since I returned to work after having my daughter and it has been a struggle. When I was pregnant I lost a lot of weight and while on leave I was able to maintain that, but after coming back the weight piled on. I am looking to lose 60lbs total and I struggle with staying focused when trying to lose weight. I definitely need a lot of motivation to help me stay focused. I want to be able to be healthy for my daughter and for myself, have more energy and of course fit into the size 12 pants I brought on impulse (lol). I've had a lot of people tell me I wouldn't be able to do it and I'm just ready to prove them wrong. I'm a mommy on a mission and I'm ready to drop the weight.
  • me525
    me525 Posts: 155
    HI all! I am the mother of two delightful boys, ages 8 and 6. I am FAR from my pre-pregnancy weight with number one and only about 15lbs away from #2's before weight (which was still 25lbs more than before number 1) I work full time and am in nursing school so finding time to work out is tough. I'm more concerned right now with getting my diet in check. I also want to teach my boys how food should be used and the best foods to eat in order to feel good and be healthy.

    I would love to lose this 40lbs, but I would settle for a more toned tummy and thighs that don't chafe when walking around in my bathing suit!

    I welcome any advice and encouragement and I am more than happy to return the favor!

  • Ejkh17
    Ejkh17 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies, I'd love to do this with you! I need support as I'm getting nowhere on my own.

    My little girl is nearly nine months old. I put on four stone in pregnancy stupidly by using it as an excuse to eat whatever I fancied. I've still got two stone to lose and have had for the past eight months! I'm breastfeeding still which doesn't help as I'm always hungry but I think my biggest problems are that I got into bad habits when pregnant and I spend too much time at home grazing. I walk with my girl in a sling between 30 minutes to an hour daily but I loathe exercise for exercise's sake. I have been doing the 5:2 diet for about five weeks but have not lost any weight because I eat so much on my non fast days. I'm going to continue with it though because I find it easy to follow but am going to set myself a few new rules:

    1. No meals after 7pm
    2. No food between meals
    3. No alcohol, chocolate, cakes or biscuits

    I'm also going to try to track and get on here to chat to you all. This matters to me as my confidence is low. I want to do this for my gorgeous husband and my little girl.
  • ZRx4
    ZRx4 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi all,

    New to this group. I'm a SAHM to 3 kids. Ages 4,3 and 16 months. I have never lost the weight from my first child. I weighed 133 when I got pregnant and gained 40 lbs which I never really lost. I'm so desperate to get to a thinner me. I started insanity this week, just completed day 4. I have never been so sore! I eat pretty good around 1200-1500 calories a day and have adopted eating organic awhile back. I'm hoping that'll help with my weight loss. While doing insanity I'm forgoing all added sugars and alcohol. Sticking with fruits, protein and some good carbs. Im turning 30 in 10 days and im hoping to regain my self confidence this year, as my 5 year wedding anniversary is also coming up. I dont want to be the mOmmy sitting on the sidelines too tired to play with my kids. Please add me to your friends list and we can help motivate each other! Good luck to all! :)
  • spellel
    spellel Posts: 11

    I am mum to a beautiful 7 month old boy and pregnancy just ruined me!
    I like many used it as an excuse to eat everything and anything I could... which I don't regret as when else can I and actually has made dieting easier as I promised myself if I didn't hold back during I would after.
    I put on 35lbs and had an emergency c section so had to take it easy for a while.
    Since March I have lost 22lbs eating healthy and doing 6/7 days exercise (7 when i was doing 30 day shred) and have 13 to go.

    I was actually hoping for an impartial opinion - is this a fast or slow loss for 4 months? I feel like it is taking alot longer than it should to loose pregnancy weight, I lost alot years ago and it felt much quicker but maybe the grass is greener...

    Good luck to you all and congratulations on your little ones :)
  • ArH2010
    ArH2010 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone....I have one boy and he is 2 years old. I had lost 50 pounds like 8 months before I got pregnant so when I did get pregnant it all came back on almost immediantly....I have now lost 43 pounds ( I do realize my fitness says 29 pounds, but i didnt start using it till mid way) and only have ten more pounds to lose before I am at my goal weight, and I am struggling like crazy with this last 10 pounds. I have been calorie counting and and exercising and just cant seem to drop it and tone up.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    My name is Cody and I am a mother of three: a 6 yr old, almost 3 yr old girls and a 9 month old son. I have had a hard time losing more that 15-20 pounds and gained more than 50 since having kids. Before having kids I was still about 40 more then I should be. I am a preschool teacher and have the summer off and would like to lose in total of 80-90 pounds. I have been working out in the gym with the elliptical and zumba for the last few week and know that I need to stay consistent if I am going to slowly but surely get this weight off. I started back in January with myfitnesspal but couldn't stay motivated while working, finishing my Master's and having a baby that didn't sleep through the night. Now while I have the summer off I want to start good workout habits and eat healthier so when I go back to work I don't have any excuses. Nice to meet you all and I look forward to this weight loss journey together.
  • Gunnerslove
    Gunnerslove Posts: 13 Member
    Hi I'm a mother of six kids. Ranging from 15 weeks to 15 years! They are fantastic and are such a blessing to me ;) but I don't seem to find any time to exercise anymore ;( and as I'm still breastfeeding so can't really diet. Does anyone know if there is any section on my fitness pal to account for 'breast feeding' either in exercise or profile ?
  • BlessedLah
    BlessedLah Posts: 18
    my name is Lah and i am a single mom of one sweet 7 yr old girl. well after having my daughter 7 years ago i never bothered about healthy eating and exercise and this was made worse after my husband of only 4 years passed away in 2009. after such a tragic event in my life i turned to food for comfort that is when my weight ballooned from about 210 lbs to 252 the moment i am a whooping 250 lbs and am desperately hoping for a 95 lbs weight loss. to be honest i need all the support i can get in the world and am committed to make this a possibility. however portion control is my biggest enemy and also the fact that i find myself thinking of food even more , since i decided to work on losing weight. i feel that i have to lose this weight for my daughter and even more so for myself.

    i am hoping that i can find a lot of friends in this group who i can support as they support me. TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE IT
  • littlelily76
    littlelily76 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Melanie and I have two girls--5 and 2 1/2. I am still struggling with about 20 pounds from my youngest and am looking for some support with weigh ins! Would anyone like to weigh in with me on Mondays?
  • lalacpa
    lalacpa Posts: 1 Member
    I'm Lori. 36 year old mother of a one year old and step mother to an 18 and 19 year old boys. I am ready to get fit and healthy for my son, and myself. And if I happen to feel a little sexy along the way, thats even better! I am starting at 224 with a goal of 154. It's not going to be easy but I plan to make it fun this summer.
  • viktha
    viktha Posts: 36 Member
    I'm Jenn, and I am a mother to a 28 month old son. I gained a combined 50 pounds getting pregnant (fertilty treatments) and during my pregnancy. I have been lucky enough to basically lose my pregnancy weight but am still up all the weight from trying to get pregnant. At this point I would love to lose 20 pounds and be back to my original weight.
  • viktha
    viktha Posts: 36 Member
    Does anyone know if there is any section on my fitness pal to account for 'breast feeding' either in exercise or profile ?

    To produce about 25 ounces of milk a day, it costs the nursing mother about 650 calories above her usual requirements. To meet this energy need, the Institute of Medicine recommends eating 500 calories extra calories a day. The remaining 150 calories are drawn from fat stores accumulated during pregnancy. Hope this helps you could probably add an exercise under your profile.
  • KasieKatastrophe91
    KasieKatastrophe91 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Kasie. I am 21 years old and I have a 2 and a half year old little boy named Anderson.
    I was always overweight, but with a big baby and preeclampsia, I gained a total of 66 lbs when I was pregnant, and now I just can't do all the things that I'd like to do.
    For the last month though, I've gotten serious about my weight-loss and my goal is to lose 74 lbs by next May when I am marrying my son's father.
  • Ladina1990
    Ladina1990 Posts: 137 Member
    Hey everyone I am a mom of 1 and she is 5 years old, before i got pregnant i weight 135 pounds and now im at 192, i want to get back down to my original weight where i was most happy,i work out anywhere from 4 times a week to 6 times a week from zumba to the eliptical, feel free to add me for motivation and support
  • ikes_mama
    ikes_mama Posts: 4
    I have a 5 month old son, I put on 50 lbs with my pregnancy and am still holding onto 30 of it. I know how to eat well, it just seems that I am always pressed for time!

    I am making my top priority cooking healthy meals, since my son is about to start solids and I know that I will be teaching him habits to last a lifetime.

    I also want his first memories of me to be as an energetic, fit, healthy and happy woman!

    I'm thinking of joining the Y and they have up to 2 hours of childcare while you work out, but I have never left my son with anyone except for grandma and never for more than long enough to go out to dinner with my hubs. So I'm kind of nervous about that, but feel that it would probably be good for us both. Anyone have any encouragement for me there?