Electric fun run team!

MaybeImNot Posts: 122 Member
Whether we meet up in person, or you just use the team sign up to save $5, I wanted to extend the invite to join in the fun for the electric run!
September 13!

I've created a team called Heart Glows for Teams Teams of 4 or More in Electric Run - Raleigh (Durham), and registration is open now.

If you haven't registered yet, you can register and join the team here:
https://endurancecui.active.com/event-reg/select-race?e=4724002&pse=4724402&tid=13161302&tname=Heart Glows

If you've already registered, you can join the team here:

You can also find more information at the event website:

Looking forward to having you join us!

Heart Glows


  • panthur
    panthur Posts: 25 Member
    I"m doing this (or attempting!) I've got my own team of co-workers. Of course I signed up before I realized how much I dislike running. But hoping it's still a motivator.