Non Scale Tracking

SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
So I do a fair bit of muscle work and body weight training. I've lost inches because my shirts fit better but my weight has gone up. I know rationally that I shouldn't care about that number if I'm losing inches and gaining strength and gaining cardio stamina but I do. I'm in this to lose weight and my goal is to weigh less than I do now. What are some other reliable ways to keep track of progress? I'm thinking maybe measuring my lower and upper stomach and progress pics. What do you guys do and does that make you feel better than relying on a scale alone?


  • guidothecat
    guidothecat Posts: 141 Member
    Take your measurements. I don't weight except at the doctors now. Go off of how your clothes fit and the way your body looks (which can also be difficult for some?) but I say take the measurements and then you will see the results without obsessing over the scale.

    hips, thighs, gut, bra line, calves, wrists, biceps, etc.

  • Kristineevans1
    Kristineevans1 Posts: 64 Member
    It's so hard but I would say just be careful and do how you feel the most relaxed, personally I get number obsessed so even measuring can really upset me so I would choose progress pictures I find it easier to look at 2 pictures and tell a difference but the body dismorphia won't let me see a difference in the mirror. X