Day 1 :)

teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
Today is day 1 of what I hope to be a 60 day fast ... I'm really excited about what 60 days will bring but also REALLY nervous. I am trying to stay positive but worry about having to cook for my family as well as social events, work lunches, etc. I have done a 10 and 14 day fast in the past and it was a serious mental struggle.. I am hoping this time I can focus more on the positive outcomes instead of what I am missing (or NOT missing!!). My husband is beyond supportive so that should really help and it's been motivational to see others coming off and in the middle of long cleanses :):)

My goal for today - Really throw myself into work and just get the day done! I'm hoping to do enough today & tomorrow and take Friday off, it's going to be 90 out!!


  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    I've made it to Day 6 and for the most part feel great !! Days 1-3 were terrible, I was emotional and feeling bad for myself .. but got through and half way through Day 3 starting feeling pretty good. I have a lot of energy and I am really able to focus. Can't wait to see what the next few weeks bring, they say it only gets better!
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    Today is Day 13 - I am down a total of 12.6 lbs as of yesterday. Today I actually saw a small gain (.4) but am assuming this is due to not drinking enough juice the last two days. One day I planned poorly (and wasn't hungry!) and yesterday I was just not feeling the juice. A few days since Day 6 were rough but the detox phases pass quickly now. I do not seem to have as much energy as I did before but still more than normal. Feel very clear and calm. My anxiety levels are also way down. Cravings are getting easier to deal with and I find making my family dinner has been helpful mentally. I have also been trying to do things that normally would involve food (like going to the movies) whereas if I avoid it forever the temptation will be there when my fast is over; might as well deal with it now! I feel great and have no doubt that I will make it for the full 60 days :)
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    Day 20 - 1/3 of the way there & down 17lbs from juicing! Feeling good, missing food but in it for the next 40 days :drinker:
  • penguinattackstudios
    penguinattackstudios Posts: 79 Member
    Love the progress reports! You're doing great :)
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    You are amazing...i'm on day 2 and struggling :(
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    You are amazing...i'm on day 2 and struggling :(

    You Can Do It!!!!

    Do not give up because it is totally worth it .. rest and take it easy as much as possible. I was lazy for the first 3-4 days but half way through Day 3 I had a break through and suddenly felt way better. So feel bad for yourself if you must (bc I sure did!!) but do not give in !!

    I watched FS&ND again as well as Hungry for Change a few times over those first few days .. Hungry for Change really helped me understand why I was feeling the way I was and why I wanted to keep going.
  • byronguy74
    byronguy74 Posts: 45
    Keep at it. I am almost through with day 3 of my juice fast. The longest I have done in the past was 11 days - I was aiming for 10 it just kinda worked out to be 11. I am thinking about going for ~15 this time around. It has been about a year and a half since I finished up my last fast and I have noticed my diet getting progressively worse so I am using this to get me back on track. Good luck to anyone that tries it!
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    Keep at it. I am almost through with day 3 of my juice fast. The longest I have done in the past was 11 days - I was aiming for 10 it just kinda worked out to be 11. I am thinking about going for ~15 this time around. It has been about a year and a half since I finished up my last fast and I have noticed my diet getting progressively worse so I am using this to get me back on track. Good luck to anyone that tries it!

    Good luck you can do it :) The first three days are the worse! Do you find it easier/worse/no difference than your first fast?
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    Today is Day 21 and it has been a rough and emotional day. Was ready to throw in the towel but know I'd deeply regret it immediately after. No matter how much juice I made I just couldn't fight the hunger and I made my husband and daughter food in the slow cooker and when I got home it smelt soo good. But hung in there and hopefully the scale will thank me tomorrow!! ;)
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    Today is Day 23 - I have been grumpy and irritable the last two days. Where is all my energy and extreme focus? I can't afford to get behind at work yet I spend so much time focusing on food, and wishing this was over I get hardly any work done at work and end up having to work at home (when I get super motivated late at night!). I just feel really backwards and really focused on the time remaining rather than how great I feel and how much better I'm looking.

    As of today I am down 18.8 lbs from juicing (26.2 total).. 26.6 more to go until my goal weight .. goal weight = planning a vacation! Just about my only motivation right now!
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    Day 30 ... half way there. Feels so close, yet so far away!

    Down 30 lbs total ... 22.6 from my fast. Haven't been exercising much, very irritable and moody but overall feeling really good. Ready for food but will chug on for another 30 days !!
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    Day 36 - 60% of my fast is now complete! I have lost a total of 25 lbs from juicing. I have a great system of one fruit juice in the am, three green juices the rest of the day and lots and lots of water. I also enjoy hot lemon water at night. I have my mental focus back at work and have been staying ahead of all my work allowing me to enjoy my time at home in the evenings and on weekends. The family is enjoying my new love for cooking (weird how comforting that is!) and we have been attempting to be more active as a family (hikes, evening walks, etc!) I am just now starting to feel like I can do some more serious regular exercise. The weight loss is slowing down and I have realized I definitely will not reach my goal weight from the fast alone but with exercise and a good meal plan in place after the fast is over I know I will get to goal soon! I feel great and feel like I have a new outlook on food. I will never ever let myself go again because the comfort food gives for that single moment is not at all work the discomfort of being overweight. Yay for mental toughness and attitude changes!!

    I have also noticed the days go by fast and I am not focusing on the end nearly as much. Don't get me wrong, I am ready for the end but it's a long weekend for me.. when I get back to work it will be Day 40 - 20 to go. We have out of state company coming for over a week and then another week and I'm DONE. Woohoo!
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    Day 41 .. I only have 19 days to go. Seems more exciting to count down the days now! I am getting really nervous about how hard or easy it will be to follow my meal plan. Right now it's easy, drink juice, no room for cheating. But when I am eating again will I be tempted to cheat ..? Only time will tell and I will have to keep reminding myself of how far I've come and how much I do not want to EVER go back to how I was feeling before!

    27.8 lbs down from the fast alone ... 35.2 total!
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    Day 57 ... 3 To Go!!!
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    Finished my 60 days nearly a month ago .. gained about 7 lbs over the first two weeks and have since successfully lost 2 .. so up 5 total .. I feel great and I'm confident I will lose the rest of the weight with some exercise and a little less eating ;) have been following the meal plan 100% but just a smidge too much at times. Also haven't touched a juice! I feel amazing though and the 60 days were totally work it :) yay!
  • Sarahwantshealth
    Sarahwantshealth Posts: 41 Member
    Great job! I enjoyed reading about your journey!
  • embersdream
    embersdream Posts: 401 Member
    this is so inspiring.. just wondering .. where do i start .. what do i do , what blender do i need and what quantities , types of juices do i need? no idea here, not a massive amount to lose but i think its about 20-27 pounds would be good. i know i need a radical detox.. im really exhausted for no good there a how to breakdown somewhere
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    this is so inspiring.. just wondering .. where do i start .. what do i do , what blender do i need and what quantities , types of juices do i need? no idea here, not a massive amount to lose but i think its about 20-27 pounds would be good. i know i need a radical detox.. im really exhausted for no good there a how to breakdown somewhere

    Watch Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead. That' How I Got Started And Went From There (Sry My PhoNe Is Auto Capitalizing Eveything Lol!)
  • teenytinii
    teenytinii Posts: 90 Member
    Great job! I enjoyed reading about your journey!

    Thanks :):) happy To Share!
  • nicolegal11
    I am starting my day 1 today! I'm only doing a 10 day fast... I tried to start a few weeks ago but I got so depressed on day two. To avoid that I'm taking a mini vacation and packing my juicer! Also, I'm making my boyfriend do it with me. That should make things easier. Thanks for sharing your inspiring journey! :)