
yoyofatigued Posts: 33 Member
I really believe in breaking up my larger goals into more manageable goals. I do this with eliminating debt, my career goals, and now weightloss. Ultimately, my target weight is the 127 pounds I was between baby number 2 and baby number 3. However the thought of 55 pounds and a 192,500 calorie deficit makes me feel like an ant peering up to the peak of Mt. Everest. Setting a goal to first slam the door on the 'Obese' range of the BMI scale (how the heck did THAT happen????) and then to reach the 'Normal' range on the BMI scale felt more attainable.
Current Goal: 150
My next set of goals involved identifying where I sabotaged my weight loss attempts in the past. I needed to learn from my mistakes and make a solid plan to support myself through those weak places in me. I realized in the business of my life, I regularly failed at planning and preparing my meals. I would end up starving by the time I headed home from work at 5 or 6 because I had not packed a lunch and so I skipped it. For me, skipping meals is really bad. I end up overly hungry and make food choices I shouldn't. Then I just throw out my day by topping that bad choice with a few more around bed time. Not good.
Current Goal: Plan/Prepare Meals and Use MFP for support
So what goals are you working on right now?


  • ThaithaiChocolate
    ThaithaiChocolate Posts: 46 Member
    Me too I love food though like to enjoy my self. People in my life use food to show love. I have quit smoking cold turkey so is no I have will power now I will try to transmute that as part of my weight loss. Where I trip myself up I found this really great posti want to share with you
    OMG I'M FREAKING OUT! I ATE SOO MUCH!! I AM GOING TO GAIN LIKE 5 POUNDS. I'VE RUINED EVERYTHING." Ok. Stop. Take a deep breath and put your thinking cap on. Take your weight loss calorie goal, and just toss that number out the window. We’re not going to talk about that right now. We’re going to talk about that minor (or major) freak out we sometimes have when we’re having a really good week, eating really well, then we lose our damn minds and stuff our faces with delicious delicious junk food. 2000 calories is about what your body needs to maintain your weight and keep all your organs doing all those lovely keeping you alive things that they do. Your body burns all those calories at rest. That means that while you’re sitting on your *kitten*, walking to the fridge and back, scrolling through tumblr, etc etc.. your body is making you breathe and make new cells and **** and burns those 2000 calories. To gain a single pound, you’d have to eat another 3500 calories on top of those 2000. Thats 5500 calories. 5500 calories is a ****ing lot of calories, okay? Lets take a look at what 5500 calories looks like. One slice of a large pepperoni pizza from pizza hut is 330 calories. You’d have to eat a little over 2 entire large pepperoni pizzas to hit 5500 calories. One crunchy taco from taco bell is 170 calories. To eat 5500 calories, you’d have to eat 32 tacos. One double cheeseburger from mcdonalds is 440 calories. 12 of those is 5500 calories. 21 cheetos are 160 calories. 714 cheetos are 5500 calories. Was whatever junk you ate probably a bad choice health-wise? Probably. Did you ruin all your progress? No. Did you even eat enough to gain an entire whole pound? Nooope. Are you going to survive, drink some water, go for a walk or run in the morning, and forgive yourself? Yep. You are. Know why? Cause **** happens. As long as it doesn't become an every day habit- then move on. FORGIVE.
  • dmarien
    dmarien Posts: 58
    My goal is to get more rest. I am do not sleeping well and I know this has a direct impact on my goal of weight lose.Since we have moved to China for the summer this is the first time my husband and 3 younger children have lived together for more than 2 weeks consecutively. So I am trying to absorb as much of them over the next 90 days as I can. I am staying up later but can't sleep in because I have to come to work and not work from home.

    I have found I do alot of prep work on the weekends and freeze food. My husband helps alot he is great at chopping everything I need for week up. I try to not go out for lunch and eat the cabbage soup. One it is cheap and two it has little calories and three I like it.
  • xgirliedevilx
    xgirliedevilx Posts: 12 Member
    I am really struggling to find the motivation I need. I will start off with all good intention in the morning with my planned breakfast and lunch with healthy snacks at work, but no sooner I am home I am too tired after the school run and club runs with the kids and a thrown together dinner of something quick to even think about getting changed to go running/zumba/ power walking. Just need the motivation and the right attidue to get on with it once I am home. Think this will be a great group to help us all.
  • dmarien
    dmarien Posts: 58
    I have been taking one of my children 3 nights a week to do my couch to 5 K run with me. Ofcourse I seem to be on the never ending first week because I fall off of the wagon. I feel guilty when I get home if I take time away from family or leave them again to go exercise. So i am trying to get them to do it with me as well getting some much needed one on one time with each child.

    As far as dinner. Since we are in China and you mostly walk every where. We only buy fresh and we only buy enough for 3 days which makes us walk to the grocery and it forces us to eat good food.
  • ThaithaiChocolate
    ThaithaiChocolate Posts: 46 Member
    I sometimes write in what I am going to eat before hand that way I don't stray I also log in my excerise before I do it so I have to I haven't missed. Day yet.
  • xgirliedevilx
    xgirliedevilx Posts: 12 Member
    I have been logging before I eat/exercise but it is trying to be positive when I need to go running or Zumba and the kids/partner wants a night in watching a film and spending some family time as i can only exercise when he is home and he usually works nights and I am on days so we are like passing ships. Its hard sharing family time with exercise time. I am not putting on any more weight which is a relief as I gave up smoking 4 months ago so I was eating instead of smoking. But I am just not losing it.
  • shellebelle79
    shellebelle79 Posts: 52 Member
    It's so funny I came across your post and now your group, I was feeling pretty down becuse I've let myself slide for a couple of weeks now. (Yes, you read it right, weeks!) Only logging here and there and doing a 30 min walk every other day. And I was telling myself that I would like to find women with my struggles and weight loss goals to talk to and to take tips from. and your post was right there! lol To be honest I haven't made any goals other then my main goal. But I think it would be a good thing to set some. So I guess my first mini goal is going to be to lose 5 more pounds. Seeing it took forever to lose the 1st 10! lol
  • Julietassiedunn
    Julietassiedunn Posts: 8 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm Julie, I'm 35 from Essex in England and I have a 17 yr old daughter. My goal right now is to break the habit of constantly eating. Once I'm home of an evening, or in my day off I'll start eating and just keep going and going and going. I'm going to do 3 days of slimfast this week - because they come in packs of 6, hopefully that'll help. I'm thinking I might do 2 days every week but for now I'll see how this week goes. Also, I'd just like to point out that I'm not using sf as a diet, I'm using it as a tool to break a bad habit.
    Good luck to all of you on your journeys,
  • Hello, my name is Liz, I'm 34 years old. I have been struggling with my weight ever since I had my daughter 7 years ago. I need motivation, inspiration, ideas! I'm hoping to keep my weight loss consistant, I suck at consistant. I get sidetracked so easily! The first 10lbs came off pretty quick but now I'm at that frustrating point where if I don't actually start working for it I will be at a stalemate. I started everything off with a 3 day juice cleanse. It was the hardest thing I ever did (I literally just wanted to chew something so BAD by day 2!) but it made me feel and look amazing! Unfortunately that was 3 months ago and now my tastes for junk food have been returning with a vengeance so I am considering doing another one. I find that it resets my tastebuds and eliminates my cravings, probably because I'm just so happy to be chewing something that I don't care if it's only a salad! I also suffer from infertility issues that could resolve themselves if I lose weight. So, at this point, if I want to have another baby before 40 I gotta get this weight off! The clock is ticking...
  • alwilson1974
    alwilson1974 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everyone! I am April, and I am 39.......so I won't be 30 something for much longer:laugh: Anyway, I have a 19 yr old and a 6 year old. I just want to get healthy before my 40th birthday in 7 months. I started MFP about 3 weeks ago and have lost 7 lbs already. This has motivated me to keep going. I have rediscovered reading labels, logging my food, and working out. Both of my sons play sports one in college. I just don't want to be the FAT MOM you know. I want to be proud to represent myself and my family.
  • candicane32081
    candicane32081 Posts: 132 Member
    I was so happy when I happened across this group! I have atruggled with my weight about my whole life. Mfp has been a God send to me. I work 6 days a week, and have a very busy life like most of you. I have a very picky child and hubby, so even though I like fish and tons of veggies, I wouldn't cook them b/c I was the only one that eats it. Now I cook fo me and for them! This along with exercise andportion control, I am down 32 lbs. with about 50 more to go. My first mini goal with this group will be to lose 11 lbs. that will put me under 200 lbs. for the first time in 13 years!
  • I do that too.....sometimes for 3 days ahead. helps me to keep on track : )
  • sukiwabi
    sukiwabi Posts: 221 Member
    My goals right now are to make sure I eat well during the day, not just at dinner. I've never been a breakfast eater, but I'm trying. And I need to structure a lunch as well to avoid just grabbing little bits of (usually carb-y/snack-y) foods here and there. Also trying to keep my nighttime snacks healthy...going for a price of fruit or carrots or whatever instead of the chip bag.
    Also to stick with the running and revel in every baby step/goal met instead of being impatient or berating myself. Last week in run class I was able to run 1/4 mile intervals. Three weeks ago I could barely run for 45-60 seconds! (And that was pushing it!!!)
    Need to incorporate more strength work. But that involves getting over my hesitation of going to the gym. Might try a HIIT class that is starting there tonight...anyone do that?

    Oh, and my wlt says 20pound goal to lose, but ideally I'd like to get off 30 pounds total...20# is my initial goal. I need to "chunk" things to stay motivated.
  • shellebelle79
    shellebelle79 Posts: 52 Member
    I was so happy when I happened across this group! I have atruggled with my weight about my whole life. Mfp has been a God send to me. I work 6 days a week, and have a very busy life like most of you. I have a very picky child and hubby, so even though I like fish and tons of veggies, I wouldn't cook them b/c I was the only one that eats it. Now I cook fo me and for them! This along with exercise andportion control, I am down 32 lbs. with about 50 more to go. My first mini goal with this group will be to lose 11 lbs. that will put me under 200 lbs. for the first time in 13 years!

    That is amazing to be down 32 lbs, I keep going back and forth between 10 and 14 but nothing over that yet. And yes it's my own fault but this is the longest I stuck to anyting with trying to get my weight under control since my son was born "8 years" ago! that is awlful! lol here is to all of losing some weight!
  • hhardwick75
    hhardwick75 Posts: 2 Member
    Glad to find the group. I am 38, 5'8" at 182 lbs. I've set a goal of 160 lbs as an intermediate goal but ultimately would like to be at 140-145. I need to plan better, exercise more, sleep more and hold myself accountable for what I eat! Glad to have found this group :-)
  • yoyofatigued
    yoyofatigued Posts: 33 Member
    I have LOVED the transparency shared here and such great goals! We can do this!
  • yoyofatigued
    yoyofatigued Posts: 33 Member
    I was so happy when I happened across this group! I have atruggled with my weight about my whole life. Mfp has been a God send to me. I work 6 days a week, and have a very busy life like most of you. I have a very picky child and hubby, so even though I like fish and tons of veggies, I wouldn't cook them b/c I was the only one that eats it. Now I cook fo me and for them! This along with exercise andportion control, I am down 32 lbs. with about 50 more to go. My first mini goal with this group will be to lose 11 lbs. that will put me under 200 lbs. for the first time in 13 years!
    Welcome to the group! That is INCREDIBLE that you are down 32 pounds! I hope you celebrated with a mani/pedi or a new lipgloss or something!
    I am really excited to have you with us and can not wait to see you reach that first goal of 11 pounds. You can do it!
  • yoyofatigued
    yoyofatigued Posts: 33 Member
    Glad to find the group. I am 38, 5'8" at 182 lbs. I've set a goal of 160 lbs as an intermediate goal but ultimately would like to be at 140-145. I need to plan better, exercise more, sleep more and hold myself accountable for what I eat! Glad to have found this group :-)

    We are glad you found us too! I think you've done a great job setting your first goal of 160. Your info/stats are pretty similar to mine. I am 36 (turning 37 this summer), 5'5 to 5'6 and currently 182. The last time I was under 160 was when I got pregnant with my youngest, who is nearly 5.... so it's been a while. My sleeping habbits I will address after I work through adding the disciplines of better planning and adding exercise.
    Here's to putting it out there and being real!
  • yoyofatigued
    yoyofatigued Posts: 33 Member
    Hello, my name is Liz, I'm 34 years old. I have been struggling with my weight ever since I had my daughter 7 years ago. I need motivation, inspiration, ideas! I'm hoping to keep my weight loss consistant, I suck at consistant. I get sidetracked so easily! The first 10lbs came off pretty quick but now I'm at that frustrating point where if I don't actually start working for it I will be at a stalemate. I started everything off with a 3 day juice cleanse. It was the hardest thing I ever did (I literally just wanted to chew something so BAD by day 2!) but it made me feel and look amazing! Unfortunately that was 3 months ago and now my tastes for junk food have been returning with a vengeance so I am considering doing another one. I find that it resets my tastebuds and eliminates my cravings, probably because I'm just so happy to be chewing something that I don't care if it's only a salad! I also suffer from infertility issues that could resolve themselves if I lose weight. So, at this point, if I want to have another baby before 40 I gotta get this weight off! The clock is ticking...

    Wow, a juice cleanse is a great idea. If you decide to do it, keep us posted. I ran out and bought a juicer after watching the documentary FAT SICK AND NEARLY DEAD. I never did it as a cleanse or juice fast, but I do use it to pack a nutritional punch to my diet every so often. I appreciate you sharing it helped remove your cravings. That will be a beneficial tip for many.
    You have some great goals and some really meaningful motivators! We wish you the best and are excited to have you on the journey!
  • jca1216
    jca1216 Posts: 40 Member
    Hello, My name is Courtney. I am 31 and have 2 kiddos under 3 years old! I hope to lose weight, be healthier, and feel better! I am finding it hard to stay motivated and I am so happy to have found this group!! Some times you just need a little push! :)