How much is too much exercise

Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
I'm really struggling with my workouts and how much I should be doing. I've been going for walks every other evening. It's only for 15 mins but I find that between the arthritis in my knees and whatever else is on that I'm exhausted. I have to lose weight to lessen the impact on my knees but if I push too much then I can't walk. I have to I live my life between a rock and a hard place. I'm just so frustrated.


  • GeminiDelight
    GeminiDelight Posts: 45 Member
    i do what i can when i can. i try not to feel bad when i am not doing as much as i think i should. i also count everything i do as exercise. if i spent 40 min showering and doing my hair, i record it as light housework. if i do anything except sit on my rear, i count it as exercise. this afternoon i was visiting a sick friend. i had to hold my heavy toddler for hours and he squirmed the whole time. my arms are now killing me. it feels like i spent hours doing bicep curls and stuff. i will record tat as exercise too. :)
  • tkfuzzkid
    tkfuzzkid Posts: 2
    I share your frustration. You want to lose weight, but because of physical reasons, you're limited as to the exercise you can do. One thing I do that helps with tiredness is I drink a nutrition drink daily. It seems to help me have more energy.