Introduce Yourself!



  • Hello Everyone,

    My name is Elaine and I've had Rheumatoid Arthritis for 29 years, I was diagnosed a month away from my 17th birthday. I've had my ups and downs, but I have been able to maintain a semi-normal life. I've been on Enbrel for 10 years and I see a Homeopathic doctor, who has helped me through diet and supplements. I am married to a very supportive husband who supports me 100%. I have always been able to maintain my weight, but the older I get it gets more difficult. I hope to encourage and get encouraged in this group. We all have bad days and know how difficult some days are to exercise, I hope we can encourage each other not to feel guilty on those days, we do the best that we can :)
  • Hello everyone! I'm Maggie and i am 25 years old. I was diagnosed with RA a few months ago (finally) and I have been symptomatic for 5 years. It's been difficult making adjustments and coping, not to mention trying to lose weight. So glad there is a support group on here!
  • cece62002
    cece62002 Posts: 28
    Hello my name is Ciara and I was diagnosed with RA in February 2013. It took 1 year and several hospitalizations before being diagnosed. I am now on the right track, but unfortunately the medications have contributed to my weight gain. I am looking to gain support from this group while on this journey. I have tried to workout and often it results in a flare up. I am choosing now to eat better and try to do some form of activity for at least 30 minutes per day. Hopefully this will help. I wish you all well on your journey! Please feel free to add me as a friend if you would like support. By the way I lost 30 pounds in about 3 months my last time on MFP and before medications...Hopefully I can get the same results this time too :-). Good luck guys!
  • Hello,

    My name is Gina and I was diagnosed with RA almost 3 years ago. I've done well so far with losing weight, with most of what I have lost was gained during the time I was on 65mg of steroids a day and completely unable to engage in meaningful activity to aid in weight loss. But I am doing it now. I was overdoing it, swimming way too many laps and pushing myself too hard. I'm now backing down to more reasonable levels and not pushing myself so hard. It does get very frustrating to have the desire and motivation to get the weight off but your activities are limited or you pay the price with pain.

    Life could be so much worse though :) I'd rather have RA than many many other things that life could have thrown at me. I'm so glad I found this group. Please feel free to add me as a friend and I hope to offer as much support to all of you as you do for me :)
  • Keep at it! Those meds can be such little boogers! That is a great weight loss for your first month!
  • Hello all, I am 27 years old from VA. I was diagnosed with RA in January of this year and have been having some problems. I was on this site for a little bit and then got discouraged because of the pain I was experiencing after exercising and have gained just about all my weight back :( I want to stop now and continue to try to lose weight before I exceed my weight before. Please I would love some people to encourage and back to me! Thanks.!
  • maemalcy
    maemalcy Posts: 31 Member
    Hi All, I am 33 yrs old and I was never diagnosed with RA. My blood tests were never pointing to the exact diagnosis but I think RA is the closest. This is the second time it flares right after I was ill due to ectopic pregnancy in April this year. The first one was when I was 20 yrs old and lasted for a year or so. Now I'm on 5mg once daily prednisolone and i dread the thought of the possibility of retaining water... I'm trying to lose as much as I can before the side effect from the med starts to appear. Good to know that such group exists in MFP.. Hope you all can guide and support me through this journey. Thanks.
  • megsetser
    megsetser Posts: 3
    Hello everyone! I am 28 years old I was diagnosed with JRA at the age of 2. I have RA in all my joints but my hips and knees are by far the worst! I am trying to lose the weight I gained from having children (and just plain eating unhealthy) but struggling because exercising caused a major flare up in my hip. Started on prednisone and simponi hoping to get back to exercising soon but until then just trying to watch what I eat. Feel free to add me :)
  • Trying to lose 35 lbs with new RA diagnosis and over 50.... Here I go! Seems hard to burn enough calories when having pain in nearly every joint. I'm hoping for the best but will take any exercise ideas anyone has.
  • jen076
    jen076 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey everyone! My name is Jennifer and I have had the symptoms of RA since I was 19 and was finally diagnosed when I was 22. Exercising has always been rough since I have had RA but I have pulled through. I started walking on a regular basis last year and that helped alot. I recently joined a gym. I joined MFP about a year or so ago but didn't do anything with it. I have been logging in more recently and the support here is great. I still have 62 pounds to lose but I believe I can do it. Glad there is a group on here that understands the challenges we sometimes face.
  • jrmcmanus
    jrmcmanus Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm starting a new goal of clean eating and regular exercise. I have had RA for about 7 years now. I have a 2.5 yo toddler and work full time. I'm using Fit Girls Guide as my inspiration to start with losing 10 lbs, but more importantly than the number on the scale is that I want to FEEL BETTER! Hope to connect with a good support network here. Feel free to add me!