
Sara13CH Posts: 85 Member
Yesterday I went out for some Ethiopian food and went way passed my "full" limit. I have noticed in the past that when I do that, it triggers me to binge. That loss of control, perfectionism, and shame creep it and then I get a case of the F-its. So last night, instead of making healthy choices, I went straight for the fudge bars and ate a bag of crackers. I know I can start over today, however, its so much easier the other way-to keep eating the way I was used to. Logging, meal prep, working out gets tiresome and sometimes I want a break. I am going to push my self to get out for a walk today despite my feelings, drink tons of water, and make healthy choices. I keep wanting to bring my trigger foods back in the house thinking "I got this" and I notice time and time again, I am not ready. Thanks for listening. I really needed to let this be known. I don't want to keep secrets.


  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    we all screw up, start over, I still don't have certain trigger foods around, nuts and big bags of chips, I do ok if I buy small bags or 100 count nut packages. Ice cream,chocolate cake I don't have around much or like I said small amounts,slice from grocer store or small ice cream. Pizza I do ok with because I freeze what I have left over.
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    I think we all wish at times, we could eat whatever we wanted and not gain weight. Darn it. It does take a lot of determination and discipline . I don't know how close you are to goal,but (the last time) I lost a bunch of weight and maintained it for years,I still was mindful of what I ate,but gave myself ONE day to cheat and eat what I wanted. I didn't go overboard,and still watched my amounts,but ate what I wanted. I screwed up when I thought I would never gain weight again,and got lazy about what I ate and cheated most days and gained quickly. Brenn gave you some great tips. Also,if you blew it on one day,make an extra effort the next day,eat less,and exercise. Just a balancing act. Thanks for sharing. None of us are perfect. ((Hugs))) :smile:
  • Sara13CH
    Sara13CH Posts: 85 Member
    Thanks ladies. :) I watched more what I ate yesterday and today I am back on track. It is so nice to have people around who understand the struggles.
  • susanjean62
    susanjean62 Posts: 200
    Proud of you,sweetie. Way to get back on track! :smile:
  • Aboele79
    Aboele79 Posts: 40
    Yesterday I went out for some Ethiopian food and went way passed my "full" limit. I have noticed in the past that when I do that, it triggers me to binge. That loss of control, perfectionism, and shame creep it and then I get a case of the F-its. So last night, instead of making healthy choices, I went straight for the fudge bars and ate a bag of crackers. I know I can start over today, however, its so much easier the other way-to keep eating the way I was used to. Logging, meal prep, working out gets tiresome and sometimes I want a break. I am going to push my self to get out for a walk today despite my feelings, drink tons of water, and make healthy choices. I keep wanting to bring my trigger foods back in the house thinking "I got this" and I notice time and time again, I am not ready. Thanks for listening. I really needed to let this be known. I don't want to keep secrets.

    I so know what you mean, the last few weeks have been like this for me, with not making the time and flat out i have had a huge attack of the "F it" today is my first day back on track and onwards and upwards from here :D good on you for posting it . not easy to do :D
  • dawnp1833
    dawnp1833 Posts: 264 Member
    I feel like this all the time.
    Congratulations on getting back on track so quickly. You're doing great!