Where you all stand/Weigh-ins.

This is going to be our weigh-in post and if you need to talk about anything that goes along with the program..

CW: 198.8 lbs NOW so I lost 2.2 lbs and I have not started the program yet, just been watching my calorie intake. :wink:
GW: 150-160 lbs :happy:


  • Excellent! Good Job You!

    I had a quick question about how to calcualte the calories in the work outs? I am totally new to this website and I have only been able to add running to my excercise log.

    How do we know how many calories one session of the BR system counts for??

  • dbatts14
    dbatts14 Posts: 12
    Well I weigh everyday and of course I fluctuate all over the place in the course of a week so officially after 1 week of dieting (Tuesday is my official weekly weigh-in day) I lost 2.2 pounds but as of this morning I was down 3.2 total (9 days in). I haven't been exercising at all either.

    My ticker is counting my goal weight as 135 but realistically I'm really hoping to shed 20 pounds in these 3 months and be down around 150. I have a feeling that 145 will be my comfortable weight at age 38. Something tells me that even if I get back down to 135 or below - it will be hard to maintain that. I want to enjoy myself too!

    As far as what to count for a calorie burn from the BR. I have an app called "CalorieBurned" where you can calculate it based on your weight.

    For me at 171, doing BR for 30 minutes it says I would burn 417.39 calories. It doesn't specify by workout, so I don't know how accurate it is, but I suppose it's a good estimate. I think I am going to keep a 1400 calorie diet, which is what I'm doing now, (I hear the BR diet is 1200...not sure if I can sustain that low) and just exercise further into my deficit...so I won't worry much about exactly how much I'm burning.

    Let me know if you want me to plug your weight in to let you know what it states for you.
  • kcb315
    kcb315 Posts: 160 Member
    my weight last saturday was 254.4, so i will weigh myself tomorrow and let you know what it is :) i havent really exercised or eaten completely healthy but starting on that tomorrow as well!
  • dmaxma
    dmaxma Posts: 11 Member
    Weigh-in after doing the kickstart week (not super religiously -- I have kids and needed to eat a little more than she indicates in order to stay sane).

    Down to 132.6!! Not HUGE, but still, I am noticing changes for sure.
  • pandabear7486
    pandabear7486 Posts: 92 Member
    Started today! Changing my weigh-ins to Saturdays now (did Sundays but starting a challenge at work and it's Saturday for that). Here's my starting point:

    CW: 194
    Chest: 37
    Waist: 41.25
    Hips: 45.75
    Thighs: 27
    Forearm: 10.5
    Upperarm: 12.75
    %BF: 43 (I have a scale that tells me this because the file I use is waaay off)
    BMI: 34.36

    My goal in the long run is 140. That is the top of my weight range for BMI.

    I am not going to follow the food guide. I have a calorie goal of 1250 currently anyways and am more focused on adding fitness and finding something that keeps me engaged).
  • dntmommy
    dntmommy Posts: 19
    Keep up the good work girls, I hope everyone can keep eachother motivated to get to there goal weight. I can not wait to see where you all stand at the end of the 3 months :bigsmile:
  • kcb315
    kcb315 Posts: 160 Member
    my official weigh in for starting today is 250!!! :) i have goals that i will post when i get home:)
  • nancr2000
    nancr2000 Posts: 20 Member
    Howdy, yall! I was so excited that I started early. I just completed day four today. Diet plan starts today. I'm trying to keep my calories around the 1200 + half my exercise calories.

    Starting weight 165
  • pandabear7486
    pandabear7486 Posts: 92 Member
    1 week down, 2% loss in BF. YAY! and 2.5 lbs down!
  • Two weeks down - lost 4 pounds and 6 inches alltogether!:smile: Bring on week 3!!
  • LAmedic
    LAmedic Posts: 6
    I'm starting late so...
    270 lbs, pants TIGHT, ugh!
    Here we go!!
  • nancr2000
    nancr2000 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm down to 2.5 lbs in 2 weeks to 162.4 two weeks into the program. I know I was at 167 shortly before starting the program, so I feel like I'm down nearly 5 lbs altogether. Ready to start the third exercise video today. Can't wait to try the new exercises. I bet I'll be sore all over again.

    I've downloaded the Jillian Michaels podcast and listen to it to and from work. she has a lot of good insights and it's pretty fun to listen to.

    GW: 155
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    Hello, I just got mine in today which is a Tuesday so I'll be going straight through with the workouts until next Sunday...I'm kinda bummed you guys are already ahead of me but I'll still like the company by joining your group!! :) CW 185 arm 12 neck 14 1/2 chest 37 1/2 belly button 38 1/2 hips 42 1/2 thigh 25 hopefully I'll lose 25 pounds!! I'm going to stay around 1200 to 1400 calories...and not eat back exercise calories...
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    on week 3... no weight loss yet... :o(... hoping for a loss this week...
  • nancr2000
    nancr2000 Posts: 20 Member
    Welcome to the nightmare, RedRita! Just kidding! I'm loving the program. This is the end of week 3 for me and I've down to 161 from 167! My goal of 155 is well in sight by my birthday in August! My measurements didn't save in the system, so I only have record since last week. But 2 inches off my waist in one week (33 to 31)! I think I started at over 35 inches, but can't really remember.

    As far as the eating plan, I'm doing MFP with a goal of 1360 per day (I'm 5'11"). I find during the week I am usually under my net calories, but make up for it on the weekend where I'm over each day. My theory is that as long as over the course of a week I meet my net calorie goal, then I should be fine. It seems to be working for me.
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    Welcome to the nightmare, RedRita! Just kidding! I'm loving the program. This is the end of week 3 for me and I've down to 161 from 167! My goal of 155 is well in sight by my birthday in August! My measurements didn't save in the system, so I only have record since last week. But 2 inches off my waist in one week (33 to 31)! I think I started at over 35 inches, but can't really remember.

    As far as the eating plan, I'm doing MFP with a goal of 1360 per day (I'm 5'11"). I find during the week I am usually under my net calories, but make up for it on the weekend where I'm over each day. My theory is that as long as over the course of a week I meet my net calorie goal, then I should be fine. It seems to be working for me.

    Wow that's an awesome loss!! WTG!!! I am on the 3rd week no loss yet. Really hoping for something this weekend!!!
  • RedRita32
    RedRita32 Posts: 321 Member
    Congrats on your loss! Are we suppose to eat back our calories with this program???