Week One Discussion Question

kithalloyd Posts: 135 Member
So the question on the week is:

Whats your Number 1 Fear as a Diabetic?

My fear is passing it along to my children. I have two a 6yr old and a 2 yr old. Im constantly on the look out for signs and symptoms. At one point in my life I had to tell myself to stop looking and live. I was 12 when I found out and I had for sometime and did not know it. i spent two weeks in ccu it was horrible and something I will never forget. Being a diabetic is hard work! Its something we do not choose.


  • jbalistriere
    jbalistriere Posts: 300 Member
    My biggest fear is having my kids live through what I saw my Grandpa go through with his diabetes. I've had numerous issues, including being within 15 minutes of death while pregnant, and I don't want diabetes to take me from the important moments in my kids' lives and I sure don't want them to see the things I saw and feel the things I felt losing my Grandpa.
  • Starterbeauty
    I don't know if I can say I only have one fear. I was diagnosed with type 1 5months ago, I don't have children and I've only been married 6months..I fear I will never be the person I was before this diagnoses, I fear being pregnant with diabetes and also I'd just die if my kids have it to. I fear one day I'm just going to give up. But don't get me wrong I'm not a complete downer, but sometimes I wake up and I think I don't want to do this, don't want to check my blood sugar, don't wanna take my insulin, don't wanna watch what I eat, I just wanna be who I was 6months ago...I don't think I'd ever do that but I fear it.
  • rajathwalharris
    Hi all, I have been a T1 for 23 years....got diagnosed Dec 18 1989.....a was shopping for my high school prom and had lost 20 lbs...I was so sick....things changed when I found out and ever since I have been watching my diet, exercising and everything is a balancing act.. I wake up sometimes can get so fed up with all this. All the lows that I have during exercise just drive me nuts....the feeling after the low is just awful. My fear is that even though I am doing the best I can with this so called "silent" killer....what if that's not enough? What if I still am faced with complications in the future.... I am now 40 and things are changing yet again....my kidneys do have mild damage ..but even though its mild...I watch all my sodium intake now. I willl do what I can until I can.....the rest is up to God....we all have our fears whether we are diabetics or not!