Charting juice

I tried last week to do a partial juice fast/ cleanse and did pretty well. I had trouble with some of the tracking though - I have used some of the juices I found on here, but several times I just inputted the entire veggie or fruit. Now if I blend in the banana or mango, etc... of course I input the whole amount - but otherwise I extract the juice, and add it to my frozen components.

I am really liking your idea of freezing some ahead in icecube trays... I will try that next weekend if there's time. This would save time during the week when there isn't any time!

Favorite recipe of last week was:

1/4 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup orange juice
1 cup kale juice
1/4 cup romaine lettuce juice
the juice of 1 small tomato - about 2 1/2 inches in diameter
the juice of 1 stalk of celery
the juice of nearly 2 gala apples


  • dealienem
    dealienem Posts: 11
    That sounds really good!

    Thank you for sharing!

    I use the whole fruit or veggie in my vitamix now.

    I still have about a gal bag left of apple juice that I froze in ice cube trays, and a quart size of Kale and Chard.