Week 2 Weigh in

kithalloyd Posts: 135 Member
Oh Im so frustrated this week I went to a reunion and I hurt my leg last week and was out of the gym a week. I was dreading gaining cause I am a numbers girl even though I am working on that. Well.......................Guess what I gained 4lbs!!

Im so disappointed

Starting 255

week 1 254

week 2 258

Well least I lost some inches I am hoping mother flow is the reason


  • ksmom4
    ksmom4 Posts: 46 Member
    Start 184.4

    This week... 183.8 (I think).... I do nit remember so I am taking a guess..small loss as i am thinking so of it has to do with the visit
    from Aunt Flo as well...

    Fingers crossed for big numbers next week.
  • Starterbeauty
    Week 1 190lbs as of 6/9/13

    Week 2 187lbs as of 6/16/13

    Im started month 2 of insanity this week....its way harder than the first month, pray for me!! lol

    btw Idk how i lost 3lbs in a week, thats the biggest lost i've seen in a weeks time, but i'm grateful
  • ksmom4
    ksmom4 Posts: 46 Member

    Congrats on the huge weekly loss!! That is an awesome number.

    Good Luck with month 2 of insanity.
  • rajathwalharris
    WEEK 2 - weigh in : 155 (lost 6 lbs!!!!). Off to a great start , but still have 10 lbs to go!!! We can do!!!! Go Team Diabetic :)