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  • SFBJaye
    SFBJaye Posts: 18 Member
    Hi all... I'm a 41 year old married mother of a 19 year old son. I'm not new to MFP but I haven't been as active as I could have been. After turning 41 last month I decided it was time to do something about the extra lbs. I've accumulated over the years. I began the 30 day shred and sticking to between 1200 and 1500 calories per day. In addition to the shred I've done some form of cardio 2 to 3 days a week. I've lost 8lbs. so far and I couldn't be happier! I look forward to being the Fabulous 40 Something Lady that I know I am and look forward to getting to know you guys. Encouragement is always welcome!!!!
  • bk360mom
    bk360mom Posts: 6 Member
    HI, I am new here...I have used MFP off and on and I am back on again. I am turning 40 in August and I am feeling pretty depressed about it and being 50+lbs over my goal. I am taking little steps to reach my big goal and hoping to get some encouragement from this group and make some new online friends!
  • VanillaWishes
    VanillaWishes Posts: 9 Member

    I'm new here, I've been registered on MFP for a while but really just got started in the last couple of weeks.

    I'm in my forties (my son tells everyone I am forty and I'm fine with sticking there ;-) ), mum to 9 year old twin boys, studying and trying to reclaim my body as somewhere along the line it's been neglected and expanded (a lot) so here I am.

    I'm still finding my way around here but have found this group so that's a start :-)
  • workzceo
    workzceo Posts: 12
    Hello Ladies - my name is Richelle and I am 46. Been struggling with my weight for years. Have 100 pounds to lose. I am looking to encourage and be encouraged. I am a busy single mom of a 7 year old. I wanted to be at goal when she could understand what being fat is.. well she now knows and I am still overweight. This time will be different!
  • docstone71
    docstone71 Posts: 6 Member
    Kellyanne to this so I need all the encouragement I can get. My doctor recommended this to me.
  • docstone71
    docstone71 Posts: 6 Member
    I, too, have struggle with weight all my life. I have a 21 and 14 year old daughters and 2 grandsons. I'm new as well and maybe we can help each other out!

  • Hi everyone! I am new to the group (looking for some support) but not new to MFP. I am 46 and have fibromyalgia. I have decided a week ago that enough is enough-just because I am 46 doesn't mean I have to look it! I ideally want to lose about 93 pounds but I am trying to make slow goals. I would like to lose 30 lbs by November when i turn 47. I am a married mother of 3 kids, well they are more adults now 21, 18, 17.

    My husband and I are about to celebrate our 5th year anniversary next Saturday and I have gained so much weight since we met over six years ago. I want to feel sexy again...I need and will give all of you the encouragement I can!
  • mangan64
    mangan64 Posts: 1 Member
    hi i am new to the group i am 45 i have ibs and find it difficult to stick to a diet but enough is enough need to get my act together i live with my partner we have a son of 25 we have been together since i was 16 since my son was born i have been on one diet or another but i am determined this time its going to work
  • crownedangel
    crownedangel Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I am new to the group. I am 45 yrs old, 46 in Nov., and I thought I could continue counting calories on my own.....boy was I wrong!!! so here I am again....also will do the 5:2 diet starting tomorrow!!! will see how it goes. wanted to lose 47 lbs but I'm happy with 37!!
  • QueenWino
    QueenWino Posts: 106
    Hi! I'm new here after falling off the Live Strong train. I really liked that site for its community board, especially from a mobile phone, but am starting to navigate MFP. I have a loooong way to go but it is time. Here's to supporting one another!
  • tlog73
    tlog73 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi everyone! I've been on the site and started about 2-3 weeks ago. I'm 40 years old and getting married in October. We have a furry kid named Ki who is a very spoiled Shepard cross. I would like to lose40-50 lbs. I'm here in search of motivation, support and friendship. Please add me if you are looking for a food buddy:). I haven't figured out how to do that yet but I'm working on it!:smile:
  • lmw6796
    lmw6796 Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, my name is Lisa. I have been on MFP since March. I've lost 6 lbs and 3.75 inches. I'll be 44 this September. I am a BC Survivor of 7 years and I am working to loose the 40 lbs of weight I gained on chemo. (go figure). My dr wants me in the range of 150. It's a struggle. Recently, in March of this year I changed careers. I went from working 2 jobs to working 1 full time at the YMCA. I have been some real lifestyle changes in my eating and exercise habits. I'm hoping to maintain these habits.
  • krishamisha
    krishamisha Posts: 19 Member
    HI; I'm 45, busy wokring mum in Australia, a slow looser (I stick with it, I leave it for a bit) but despite that I will not give up!
    All these kilos crept on over 40 (well to be honest 5 of it was baby weight that hung round for a decade). Crazy hot flush stuff also stacks those kilos on, but i found with MFP at least I can maintain instead of gain during those hot hormonal times.

    I am getting down slowly, but with a recent lifestlye/committment/busy-ness/schedule review and overhaul of my life i hope to knock the last 10kilos off faster than the previous 5. Alot of it is about being organized.

    Feel free to add me as a friend. (and see how much chocolate I eat)

  • Hi everyone. I'm an old goth/punk/industrialist girl. You'd never know it by looking at me. That was the first thing to go, was all of the cool clothing. I've aged. I've mellowed and I don't have the angst of my youth either. LOL But I've settled into a really lovely family and still retain all of my eclectic interests. The one facet of my life that leaves me unhappy is the fight with my weight.

    I've rebounded and gained 50 pounds over the last 6 years by being complacent. 8 years ago I was diagnosed Diabetic(type 2) and just the past few months I have been getting dizzy sitting or standing. My doctor told me I was borderline high blood pressure and definitely had high cholesterol. AND I am turing 40 this November. What is it about 40? LOL

    I weigh 215. My goal is to weigh 130 and retain a BMI of about 22%. I take no meds. I have always been a diet controlled diabetic. Recently my doctor said, if I cannot get down to at least 170 and bring back better test results, then my future will involve meds. I don't want that.

    So for the past 2 weeks I have been dragging myself back to the gym. I know how to eat. I know everything that I should be doing because I did it before and dropped 50 lbs in a year. I also went through exhaustive classes with nutritionists. What I lacked before, was the motivation. Because of all of the odd little aches, pains, dizzy spells and general dissatisfaction not being able to buy clothing off the rack that looks wonderful on me from any store I walk into....I am finally motivated. I can sum up my motivation as "wanting to be alive at 80 with a good quality of life." Turning 40 made me realize that I am middle aged, whether I feel it or not. It's half way to 80. I'm playing russian roulette with my life. How much longer am I going to beat the odds?

    I am a work at home mother of 1, a 14 year old teenaged son(oh fun)...and happily married to a wonderful husband that supports me no matter what I do, and also loves me no matter my size, so in that respect I am wealthy.

    I have become such a workaholic that I have let ALL of my social circle die outside of the home. I think I was going through a type of depression on looking back. Being overweight comes with a lot of issues such as depression I've learned, and with the lower self esteem some withdrawal from social situations, at least for ME.

    40 is a good mirror. I want to change all of this, and if I don't have face to face friends, then I need to find a way to support myself with virtual friends. I think that's a good step!

    So hello everyone! I hope to be inspired by all of you. Even if I lurk, I read a lot of posts and do take inspiration from all of your collective progress! Don't be afraid to say hello!
  • Taffyok
    Taffyok Posts: 1
    Hello I am 39 years old. I have three sons two teenagers and a eight year d son. I am turning 40 this year. I am in a size. 16/18. My goal size is a 10/12.
  • melyndavaz
    melyndavaz Posts: 67 Member
    Hey Y'all! I'm Melynda and I'm happy to be a part of this group. I'll turn 40 in October, yikes! I have 54 lbs to lose to be at a healthy bmi. I am a mother to 3 fabulous girls and want to lead the life I want them to mimic. I have been eating healthier and trying to stay more active. I wear a fitbit flex so I can see the steps and keep myself accountable. I look forward to gaining some friends with similar goals and interests.
  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    Hi beautiful ladies! I turn 40 on Tuesday and have never been happier. My body however.... yikes!
  • braves1girl
    braves1girl Posts: 189 Member
    Hey ya'll!!! I'm Alice, 46 yr old married mother of two sons (18 & 14). I have been struggling with my weight my entire life. I have lost the same 50 pounds more times than I care to mention! :noway: All the times I dieted/lost weight, I did it with diet pills. This time I'm determined to do it the right way...for GOOD!!! I have been stuck in the same number on the scale for the last 6 mos! :angry: I have been playing with the number of calories I need to consume and am still trying to find the right one. I did a very low calorie diet for about 1.5 yrs and it really did a number on my body/metabolism. I was grumpy, cold, my hair started thinning and I was so tired all the time. It took me 1.5 yrs to lose 20 lbs. So after doing some research, I decided to up my calories and promptly gained 23 lbs back in 5 mos! :explode: So I'm back to netting 1200/day. (I was netting between 700-900/day in that 1.5 yrs) like MFP suggests and see what happens. On a NSV note...I just completed my first 10k (never done a "k" before) in Charleston, WV. It was the Biggest Loser Run/Walk and I finished 2nd in my age group!!! I was so proud of myself! :bigsmile: :drinker: Looking forward to the support from my fellow 40+ ladies!!! We can do this!!
  • Hi everyone! I'm Michele, married, mother of 2 girls (13 & 17). Been on the weight yo yo for as long as I remember. Looking forward to being a part of this group. There are days I think I'm curvy and sassy, but I'm at the point where I want to be a smaller version of me! Want to be happier, and healthier. I really want to love how I look in the mirror, not trying to convince myself I look ok. Working with a weight management doctor(who I happen to be her office manager...LOL!) Finally deciding to put me and my health first. Also starting Qysmia (once it arrives) and I'm hopeful that I'm on my way to being fab-u-lous!!
  • GoGretel
    GoGretel Posts: 2 Member
    Hello...I've used mfp on and off for a while, but never even looked at the "community" section until today. I'm 39. Recently lost about 15 lbs (ultimate goal was/is to lose about 45) ...and then life got erratic and busy and the creep began. Hoping some support and accountability will help me be more consistent.