Miss Piggy - needs friends

MsMelissaG Posts: 48 Member
I'm fat like really fat. I weigh 260lbs or so and I'm 5'2". I would like to lose 100lbs. I have considered bariatric surgery even signing up for a seminar next Saturday. But I'm trying to talk myself out of it. I want to do this the natural way. Today I went to buy a new bathing suit for my trip to FL and I just wanted to cry in the dressing room. I keep thinking what on earth am I going to tell my family when they see me. Now that's I'm officially overboard. I reached rock bottom in that dressing room. I saw all the smaller suits and bikinis and they were so much cheaper. I just can't live like this anymore. I've tried telling myself I can get on here sporadically and it will work and it hasn't. I need to be consistent daily but I need friends. I need people to help me and support me. Because when I see my body I just feel so sad. I know the PCOS has contributed to this but I let myself get this far. I keep my diary private and will stay that way. I'm just in need of motivators... people who log on daily and cheer others on... because for once I really need someone to throw me a lifeline. I'm so scared I will have a heart attack in my apartment alone one of these days and I'll die.... alone!!! Fat and alone... I sound so pathetic I know. But I need to vent. I need to exercise, I need to stop eating sugar, I need to stick to my 1540 calories per day, I need to log on everyday. But most importantly I need new friends. Any new friends out there? All shapes and sizes welcome as long as you're not cruel to me because this internet place can be insensitive at times... I swear I'm just emotional right now... I'm usually very funny and witty... :) Add me if you'd like to help me with this journey.


  • Bubbaluh
    Bubbaluh Posts: 39 Member
    I'm fat like really fat. I weigh 260lbs or so and I'm 5'2".

    I started at around 300lbs and im 5'2! currently 220lbs i think, MFP was the best and most helpful thing to me, just keep logging, try to start off with a little bit of exercises theres no rush, i hope youre feeling better today and PCOS sucks but theres alot of support on the forums here
  • MsMelissaG
    MsMelissaG Posts: 48 Member
    Thank you for the kind words of encouragement... and congratulations on your success! :)
  • 1ofthesnowlady
    Hello =)

    Ok so this is my first time on here so forgive me if I'm lost in space....=)
    I also have over 100 lbs to loose and I'm sitting at about 254 5'7''... It is a long and tedious battle that alot of us are going through. It's good to know that there are so many of us out there in the same boat that can give support to each other. I was Dx with PCOS not quite a year ago with all the annoying door prizes that come along with it. Put on Metformin 1000 ER and my body went into full rebellion mode and I just wasnt even absorbing the pills anymore, I never really reaped any of the benifits of the Metformin because I was only on it for 3-4 months and I lost my job and insurance. I have been battling at it alone since then and yessssssssssss O man it is frustrating..... I kinda let it "take over me" and lost focus and in the process gained about 25 lbs to get me to where I'm at now. The good news is....we're both here and many others going through just what we are.... Support is the only way we are going to be able to successfully do this....Don't stress it, we will get there...by hook or crook =)... Keep positive and reach out....

    Hmmmm now I have to figure out how to add =O
  • mrswaite08
    mrswaite08 Posts: 93 Member
    I am 5'2 and started out at 283. I'm now 227 & my goal weight is 136... 91 lbs to go! When I started I was winded walking for 15 minutes. Now I have days where I walk 3 or 4 miles & my goal is to start running. Also when I started could mow like 1/4 of my lawn & would feel like I was going to hyperventilate. Now I mow the whole thing twice a week. Counting calories and getting regular physical activity really does work. If I can do this, you can as well!

    I saw you said that your body rejected the metformin, but did you know that it is normal to pass some of the pill on the ER version?

    Feel free to add me :-)
  • MsMelissaG
    MsMelissaG Posts: 48 Member
    Hello =)

    Ok so this is my first time on here so forgive me if I'm lost in space....=)
    I also have over 100 lbs to loose and I'm sitting at about 254 5'7''... It is a long and tedious battle that alot of us are going through. It's good to know that there are so many of us out there in the same boat that can give support to each other. I was Dx with PCOS not quite a year ago with all the annoying door prizes that come along with it. Put on Metformin 1000 ER and my body went into full rebellion mode and I just wasnt even absorbing the pills anymore, I never really reaped any of the benifits of the Metformin because I was only on it for 3-4 months and I lost my job and insurance. I have been battling at it alone since then and yessssssssssss O man it is frustrating..... I kinda let it "take over me" and lost focus and in the process gained about 25 lbs to get me to where I'm at now. The good news is....we're both here and many others going through just what we are.... Support is the only way we are going to be able to successfully do this....Don't stress it, we will get there...by hook or crook =)... Keep positive and reach out....

    Hmmmm now I have to figure out how to add =O

    I was on here before and I was losing weight and I lost my focus and my motivation. I have been doing this sporadically since then and that isn't consistent enough for real weight loss. I tried going at it alone and I realize I need some form of a support system. I don't feel comfortable with this with some friends and family... they try to sabotage so I need strong positive people to help me. I added you!
  • MsMelissaG
    MsMelissaG Posts: 48 Member
    I am 5'2 and started out at 283. I'm now 227 & my goal weight is 136... 91 lbs to go! When I started I was winded walking for 15 minutes. Now I have days where I walk 3 or 4 miles & my goal is to start running. Also when I started could mow like 1/4 of my lawn & would feel like I was going to hyperventilate. Now I mow the whole thing twice a week. Counting calories and getting regular physical activity really does work. If I can do this, you can as well!

    I saw you said that your body rejected the metformin, but did you know that it is normal to pass some of the pill on the ER version?

    Feel free to add me :-)

    You have done amazingly on your weightloss. I am keeping my fingers and toes crossed that I will get there also. I added you! :)