


  • NewMama221
    NewMama221 Posts: 22
    Hi, I'm Julie. I'm 27, and have a sweet son that will be 4 months the end of this week. I'm back to work, so I'm working full time and until we move next month I have a 1.5 hour communte in the morning and afternoon. So I'm gone about 12 hours a day, we get home around 6, he's in bed around 8/830 and my husband & I are usually in bed by 9/930. I gained approx 30 lbs during my pregnancy. I have 10 lbs to go to get to "pre pregnancy" however, a few years ago I was down to about 166. I'd like to get back to there (at least) so that's actually another 30 lbs for me to go! I had lost the weight and then went through a bunch in life and gained it back. So my goal now is to lose these 10 lbs of baby weight & keep going. Until we move I just don't know how to fit in gym time. I surely hope once we move it will be easier!
  • missxlisa
    missxlisa Posts: 70 Member
    Hi! I'm Lisa. I have a 3 yr old boy and a 9 month old girl. I am breastfeeding and have been using that as an excuse not to get back in shape. This week I have started counting my calories and I recently ordered ChaLean Extreme, so I'll be starting that when it comes in the mail. I was 135 lbs when I got pregnant the 1st time, but I wasn't exactly "fit." Right now I'm at 148. I want to lose all of the weight and then some (landing around 125-130 lbs) but mostly I want to lose fat and gain muscle so I can be super toned and fit :)
  • I have a 5 month old son, I put on 50 lbs with my pregnancy and am still holding onto 30 of it. I know how to eat well, it just seems that I am always pressed for time!

    I am making my top priority cooking healthy meals, since my son is about to start solids and I know that I will be teaching him habits to last a lifetime.

    I also want his first memories of me to be as an energetic, fit, healthy and happy woman!

    I'm thinking of joining the Y and they have up to 2 hours of childcare while you work out, but I have never left my son with anyone except for grandma and never for more than long enough to go out to dinner with my hubs. So I'm kind of nervous about that, but feel that it would probably be good for us both. Anyone have any encouragement for me there?

    It's always hard to leave them with strangers, but it is good for you both! Just have plenty of healthy, easy foods in the house (fruits, veg, yogurt, etc) so you both can avoid snacking on unhealthy foods. Keeper salads such as broccoli or cabbage are good to have on hand since they last in the fridge for a few days and you can just grab a bowlful for a quick lunch. It's great to involve him in extra workouts for you as well, such as dancing around the living room with some good music cranked! Enjoy your little one!
  • Slivnfree
    Slivnfree Posts: 152 Member
    Hello all! I am a SAHM of a 5 year old boy. I put on about 55lb since he was born and I am tired of feeling drained with everything I try to do with him. I am ashamed of the way I look and I am determined to get it off once and for all! I am open to anyone of you that would like to be a friend on here...I am also on the 30 in 90 Day Challenge!
  • runboettcherrun
    runboettcherrun Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I have2 kids ages 11 and 8, I have let this go on too long! I started exercising when I went back to work and lost 30 lbs and 22 inches. That was back in 2011. Since then I hit a plateau. Don't got me wrong I exercised and lifted weights and developed muscle and definition, but then I would lose motivation and start eating again. Gain 10 lbs, start working out again.....etc, etc, etc!

    This year I decided I was going to do something fun with weight lose and fitness.

    So I signed myself up for some races.

    I ran my first race in may, a 10km. Finished in 1:35 while injured, I tore my calf muscle during the race.

    So physio it was, but while cheating I was busy eAting.

    But I did complete CITY CHASE a 6 hr scavenger hunt/amazing race type challenge which during I climbed 802 stairs to the top of the calgary tower, carried a canoe over my head with my partner while climbing over obstacles, etc.

    Now I amtrainingdor MUD HERO in 55 days!

    Then zombie run in October.

    Needless to say I am committed. I would love to have some active friends too, so come over and friend me too!,
  • kmcooksey
    kmcooksey Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! I am a working mom. My little girl just turned a year. I need support not to stray. I'm trying to drop that last 15lbs!
  • sammanthahulkoff
    sammanthahulkoff Posts: 38 Member
    hello my name is sammantha i have a 15 month old daughter and recently i've become a stay at home im trying to lose those 40 pounds ive gained since giving birth to my daughter plus another 20 after that. we garden/walk/hike daily now and ive started changing my eating habits. feel free to add me
  • jennifereilber
    jennifereilber Posts: 2 Member
    I am also exclusively breastfeeding. You can add it to your diary in the food section. Search breastfeeding in the food search area and it will give you a few to pick from. I use the 6x a day which gives me -500 that's added to my calories
  • jennifereilber
    jennifereilber Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there, my name is Jennifer and I'm a 31 yr old stay at home mommy. I have my very energetic 3.8 yr old son and my sweet little lady who's 4 months old. With my first I gained 28 pounds and lost it all plus an addition 10 pounds in over a 2 year span. 2nd pregnancy gained 35 pounds and lost 20 pounds within the first 3 weeks. but now nothing since then. I'm exclusively breastfeeding, no pumping, just all me. So I can't really diet and well running doesn't feel to good. I go for walks, just purchased an elliptical, and do some hand weights here and there. Trying to get back my body to feel good about myself and to be able to keep up with my kids
  • Was wondering what everyone is doing to keep motivated? here are some tips..

    > Do before body image pictures
    > Keep the picture posted or motivational messages on your fridge or some where you can see it
    > Keep positive, remember everything worth it takes time!
    > Even a walk a day can make a difference

    Most of all love yourself and those positive people around you and rememeber all this is worth it!! Good luck ladies! what do you do to keep motivated?? Add to the list to help us all
  • Butterfly2022MD
    Butterfly2022MD Posts: 246 Member
    I have had two c-sections. I still look pregnant because my stomach is so big, and my son is 4. Help!
  • Mjnslce
    Mjnslce Posts: 84 Member
    Hi I am also breastfeeding I just enter it in under cardio. I have not been able to find a place for it. you burn 20 calories per ounce of milk made. My son eats about 25 ounces a day so I just put in 500 calories. If you find a different way let me know!