Just got a Jawbone.. Please add me!

cornmffn Posts: 4 Member
Kellymedeiros.87@gmail.com - looking for anyone to complete with, offer encouragement to, get advice from etc. Please add me!

A little back ground on me: I'm 26, bank teller, gained a winter 15 (to keep warm is what I tell myself); from Southern mass addiction to vodka, iced coffee, and pizza. Could use all the encouragement I can get!

Just got my Jawbone this week. Boyfriend has had it for a week but he's kicking my butt. My job is very sedentary and his is not. Started walking n my lunches to at least make my 10000 step daily goal... Looking for people to follow n the Jawbone app essentially but also here on my fitness pal


  • redhotbeads
    redhotbeads Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Kelly - as soon as I can figure out how to add you to my Up, I will -- in the meantime, add me too! Kelly (at) redhotbeads (dot) com.

  • decdav
    decdav Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Kelly, I just sent you a request! I was trying to figure out how to add people.
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    Just got my UP. Feel free to add! megshirley86@gmail.com
  • lilbrowngirlsj
    lilbrowngirlsj Posts: 45 Member
    Cool! Me too! Feel free to add me: nique.eagen@gmail.com

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • georgia313
    georgia313 Posts: 29 Member
    Nique, Meg and Kelly - I just added you. If anyone is looking for more teammates - feel free to add me. Email is georgia<at>seoward.com
  • ralison
    ralison Posts: 109 Member
    Got mine a few days ago. This office job is hurting my step count. I've got it set to buzz me after 30 minutes of sitting from 7 AM to 9 PM. I like that feature. I'm looking for some motivation to keep my steps up. Add me alisonsilliphant@yahoo.com
  • DanaLow
    DanaLow Posts: 14 Member
    I am amazed at how well the Jawbone UP fit tracker works. This is the real deal folks. I put it on my wrist a week ago and My activity level has gone Up Up Up.

    ADD ME! :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • djshay12
    djshay12 Posts: 2
    How do I add people in Jawbone? My email address is shannon.shoffner@gmail.com
  • heyshaker
    heyshaker Posts: 13
    on your UP program hit the top LEFTt hand button that looks like three horizontal dashes. Then look down that list until you see TEAM. when that screen opens up, hit the button in the top right of the screen, looks like a person's head with a plus sign on it. The next screen opens that says add teamates. You have to know their real name or email to pull people up. If you find who you want on the list just select them. It will send them a request.When they accept you, they will be on your team.
  • Brown_Eyed_Beauty
    Brown_Eyed_Beauty Posts: 109 Member
    Hello everyone. I just got mine. I was wanting a fitbit flex but they're on backorder so here I am. Feel free to add me:

  • I just got mine yesterday please add me my email address is Kimberlee.k.koning@wmich.edu
  • lemonhead66
    lemonhead66 Posts: 109 Member
    I have had mine for a few months and love it. I have noticed I increased my step count, now I just need to keep it up. Always looking for new friends. Jennifer Garcia
  • Team invitation sent.
  • Team invitation sent.
  • marislet
    marislet Posts: 3 Member
    Hi add me please.... dawn.chiafari@gmail.com
  • stacyann1001
    stacyann1001 Posts: 41 Member
    Just got mine a week ago, love it! Still no teammates though :-( I could use some support! Add me! Stacyann1001@aol.com :-)
  • furryfeathers
    furryfeathers Posts: 6 Member
    Got mine yesterday. Looking for teammates to keep me motivated.


    Also you can add me to your MFP :)
  • jagerwick
    jagerwick Posts: 1
    Feel free to add me:

    wickster (at) gmail dot com
  • RTDice
    RTDice Posts: 193 Member
    Got my UP this week and loving it.

    graham<at>grahamharrison (dot) me (dot) uk - feel free to add me on MFP and/or UP
  • triviamom2
    triviamom2 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in the process of adding all of you.

    Michelle L.