Low Blood Sugars

rajathwalharris Posts: 101
edited January 27 in Social Groups
Hi Everyone, I have been noticing lately that even with very little insulin, I tend to suffer from lows during the day??? I am quite active but I eat my meals and snacks on time...what am I missing here? Is it possible my night time lantus is to blame?...is it clashing with the a.m. insulin possibly? Something needs to be adjusting and I honestly am running out of possibilities as I have cut back on insulin so much already! Any feedback or tips would be appreciated. Thanks. Raj :)


  • kithalloyd
    kithalloyd Posts: 135 Member
    :happy: Yes you can lower your lantus if you like if your bs is running good during the day. Also try drinking a glass of milk before bed. The protein in the milk will help regulate bs and limit the lows. I had this problem when I was pregnant with my son. I hate lows with a passion but try the milk it helps. On the lantus try lowere it by 5 units each night to see where you may need to be. Yet if you bs during the day is running a lil high over 120 I wouldnt change it . Call your md They will be happy to assist you as well.
  • Thank you so much! I will give milk a try as well as lowering the lantus! :)
  • Starterbeauty
    Starterbeauty Posts: 16 Member
    I actually was having the same exact problem.. When I started working out last month I couldn't keep my blood sugar above 70 throughout the day so I began lowering my novolog (fast acting) but even after cutting my dosage in half I continued to have the same problem. I decided that it was going to have to be the exercise or the insulin lol but clearly they weren't working together.. So I stopped taking my novolog and only took my lantus before bed and finally I stopped going low. 2 weeks later I met with my endo and he saw my numbers were really good, he asked what had I been doing and I told him I only take my langurs now and stopped the novolog and he said well its working so continue doing this for the next 2 months and we will reevaluate then . I go see him in 2 weeks and I'm excited to say that I've been great on only lantus and it was awesome to go from 4 needles a day to one..
  • ksmom4
    ksmom4 Posts: 46 Member
    That is awesome that you have been able to cut down to just 1 a day!!

    Keep us posted in letting us know how it continues
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