Week 3 weigh in

kithalloyd Posts: 135 Member
Starting 255

week 1 254

week 2 258

week 3 253

Yes i lost those 4 lbs plus 1 ..knee is feeling better and Im staying focused. This is a very stressful week for me I pray I can keep the stress eating away!! Have a great Monday All!:happy:


  • Starterbeauty
    starting 193

    week 1 190lbs

    week 2 187lbs

    week 3 190lbs

    idk whats going on but i am not happy!! lol this past week i beefed up my workouts, ran everyday plus insanity, i wont stop tho, i wanna drop this weight!
  • ksmom4
    ksmom4 Posts: 46 Member

    Week 1 184.4
    Week 2 183.8
    Week 3 184.0

    I know I should not but, I blame my older daughter...it was her birthday yesterday and we celebrated and yes, I did go over some in all areas. I know I should probably have waited to weigh myself but....... I have no excuse to give.

    Next week I am predicting a weight loss.