First Trimester

Davina_JH Posts: 473 Member
Hi ladies, first off I am so glad I found this group. It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there! Since January, I have lost 33 lbs. Finally feeling GOOD about myself again, starting lifting 3/4 times a week, kayaking, running, and biking all the time.

Then, BAM! PREGNANT! This is #3.

Can hardly get off the couch or get any housework done. I feel crazy nauseous and ridiculously tired. Can't stomach much other than carbs and fruit (essentially more carbs?!) Lol. I have gained three lbs, and the end of my first trimester will be July 22nd, according to LMP. I can't wait til this is over!!!

I'm hoping to start lifting and doing everything else again as soon as I have my energy back. Also just trying to get through the first trimester, and control my weight better during the second. REALLY crossing my fingers for more energy there!!

Anyway, maybe this should've been a blog post.

I'm Davina, thanks for reading, looking for some first-trimester or lifting-during-pregnancy friends. (And please don't give me any flack about that. I know what I should and shouldn't do!) :flowerforyou:


  • Odiliawine
    Odiliawine Posts: 116 Member
    Hey! I'm in a similar boat. I lost 44 pounds and then BAM! I have a parasite. My first one in too! I'm also exhausted all the time and haven't made it to the gym in 10 weeks... I figure I'll go back once my body calms down and I can figure out from there.

    Feel free to add me
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I lost 40 lbs over the last year and then got pregnant with #4 in March. I was trying though, so it wasn't a total surprise. But, I had the worst time getting motivated and sticking to my exercising. I had a rough first trimester and had morning sickness and nausea so bad, but I still ate, despite the sickness. My eating was ok and I gained about 10 lbs. I'm into my second trimester and my hunger has totally gone out of control!! I'm trying to at least walk 30 min / day and stay under my calorie goal I set for myself, but frankly, if I'm hungry, I'm eating. I indulge in sweets every now and then because if I don't curb the craving, I'll eat everything else, which is much worse. So, I've gained about 15 lbs so far and I'm hoping to stay around 40 lbs or so. I gained 50 lbs with all 3 of my boys.
  • HeyImRin
    HeyImRin Posts: 13
    Hi there! I'm currently 7 weeks with number 2 :)

    I'm in the same boat. When I was pregnant the first time I gained 60 POUNDS! Now I feel myself being super lazy, unmotivated, and snacking constantly.

    I could really use some motivation. My husband doesn't help, he loves food :P
  • meglettx
    meglettx Posts: 6 Member
    Ugh I am 6w1d and the nausea has descended completely. I quit working out last week because activity seems to make it worse and I need all the energy/non-nauseous-moments I have for keeping up with the kiddos I nanny. These early mornings are a killer though and I do seem to have more nausea in the morning and less throughout the day. I don't know how all these people keep working out full swing. I don't think I'll be able to rustle up much of anything until the nausea dies down.
  • Jessibear86
    Jessibear86 Posts: 111 Member
    I lost about 40 pounds as well before I got pregnant with this little guy (#1) but atfer about 6 weeks in I really had to force myself. I didn't get much halfway-decent workouts in until I entered my second tri and now that i'm in my third i'm feeling the fatigue set in again. Just remember not to over-do it. If you get too hot, try to cool down. Drink lots of water and don't try to push through the pain. I really looked forward to the second tri after reading that I would get some energy back. After about week 15 I finally did and it's been smooth sailing up until now. I would say LOG LOG LOG! I stopped logging and gained a decent amount of weight ( ok well 25 lbs but it feels and looks like more ) but once i started logging again the weight stopped and i feel a lot better with more energy too.