
SillaWinchester Posts: 363 Member
Oh yeaaaah! Here's where you can share all your favorite workouts and even share reviews on workouts you've tried and show progress pictures!


  • lola0322
    lola0322 Posts: 3
    Currently I am doing Jillian Michaels Body Revolution.

    I am only on week 2 phase 1. After my first 30 days I will show results
  • ReadynWillin
    ReadynWillin Posts: 104
    My brother is going to be my personal trainer haha. He's been wanting someone to join him at the gym for the longest time XD

    Well, can't say how good I'll be at "pumping iron." But unless I give it a try, I won't know what does and does not work for me. I'm sure it'll be mostly weight machines rather than free weights.

    If we were going to take before/after pictures, how/of what should I take the picture? What's the best thing to wear? What angle do you reccommend. I've never done this before... ^^;
  • CarmenEmma88
    CarmenEmma88 Posts: 4 Member
    I would take a front angle, side angle and body angle. keep it light in a sports bra and shorts so you can see the most difference everywhere when you get going. Strength training is amazing for the body! It is great to pair it with a quick cardio workout in between machines to really get you sweating and your heart rate stays up the whole time. Don't be shy of free weights either. i used to just do machines and a friend introduced me to free weights, you can so much more with them! It also challenges your balance and your creativity! Have a great time with your bro in teh gym too, I am jealous of you for having a willing work out partner so close to home.

  • Hetailin
    Hetailin Posts: 27
    My favorite way to workout is to take a walk/jog and follow a pilates video. I love Blogilates videos! The instructor, Cassey Ho, is really really bubbly so her videos aren't for everyone, but she emphasizes positive motivation which I like a lot :) She makes the workouts look easy, but they're really hard! The only thing I can't say I like about her is her taste in music. Here's a video link to one of her videos:
  • ReadynWillin
    ReadynWillin Posts: 104
    LOL Heltailin, you when you said bubbly, you weren't kidding. Thanks for the link. But I may have to find someone who doesn't make me laugh so hard that I can't do the routine. XD

    Haha Carmen, no need to be jealous of me. He made fun of me the entire time. That meanie! Ah, but it's all in good fun I suppose. :) Thanks for the photo suggestions. I wasn't really sure how to take them without being...indecent lol. Definitely gonna do those angles though--mugshots here I come!