Looking for weight loss buddy

I'd like to have a friend on here since I'm not losing weight with anyone IRL. I'm very encouraging and log on every day. I'm a 32 year old Christian mother of one very bright four year old girl. I lost 50 pounds with the help of weight watchers years ago and have since gained it back plus 7 more. I started MFP this week and so far I'm down 6. I'm doing this for health reasons. I believe in healthy all-natural eating with no fad or crash diets. I don't exercise regularly but would like to start. My goal is to be under 160 by summer of 2014 but I sincerely hope I'll get there by Christmas. I've been blogging and really enjoy it. I'd also like to share/swap natural recipes. I've proven I can lose weight but I'd hate to do it all by myself. Who's with me?


  • CastoChristina
    CastoChristina Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I would like to add you. I am looking for someone too. I am a 33yr old mother of 3 daughters. a 14yr old, 12yr old, and a little one who turns 5 on Sunday. I also lost about 70 lbs about 3 years ago but gained most of it back. I just started on here daily for the past 3 weeks. I am eating right and working out about 5 days a week.
  • ModelMomMD
    ModelMomMD Posts: 14 Member
    It would be my pleasure to add you too ;) We all need encouragement and new ideas to try. I too lost over 50 pounds using WW after the birth of my son, but with my diagnosis of Crohn's disease and the usage of prednison, I slowly accumulated weight back, and I'm 5'9 weighing 183...not a great look health wise. My goa in losing weight has always been to become more healthy and in tune with my body. So, I won;t have to take medications for cholesterol,BP, diabetic issues. I have always been extremely skinny since I was younger, so hitting the double digits in size has been a huge shocker for me, and I need to get back down to at least 150. My goal is 145 though. I also love to blog, and you can find my blog here http://reguardingwomen.blogspot.com/, if you would like to read more about me and what keeps me going ;) I look forward to talking and losing weight with you..Good luck and I'll talk to you later today after my workout and son's swimming lessons ;)

  • debamb95
    debamb95 Posts: 2
    Hello. I am new to actually using this APP. I logged in a long time ago but never took it to heart. I would love a weight loss buddy/group to help keep me on track. Still looking for some partners?