Pre gastric sleeve



  • nickdemarco
    nickdemarco Posts: 61 Member
    Gypsy, stick to your guns on the temptation to cheat. Cheating will not be fatal to the surgery process, but your willpower will be something you'll look back on with pride after having success at the process.

    Soup broth is fine. Look at your calorie level, and it won't matter much what fat content there is in it, especially pre-surgery. As long as it's broth.

    Jell-o is excellent, and a fine staple. Between the jell-o, hot decaf tea and the broth, I did fine between protein shakes. Here's a suggestion to check your surgeon and dietitian about: Popcicle fudge and sugar free pops. My wife, Cathy, has been going to town on these. The fudge pops have a 60 calorie and 40 calorie variety, and she's quite happy with the 40 calorie.

    My surgeon used to prescribe a 2-week diet of strictly plain liquids... but then she tried doing it herself. As she shared with us, "I would have maimed someone for a cracker after a week." So she modified the pre-surgery liquid diet to include (only) fresh fruit and yogurt. That made a world of difference for me when I went through it.

    Remember that post-surgery, clear liquids without yogurt or fresh fruit is very important, but as I pointed out above, you'll be much better-equipped psychologically to deal with these limitations...

    Hey, Lioness, welcome aboard, and best wishes!
  • GYPSY85308
  • nickdemarco
    nickdemarco Posts: 61 Member
    Rock on, Gypsy! Enjoy the popcicles! See you on the other side!

  • Charmingirl
    I would like to thank everyone for joining this group, especially, Nickdemarco. Thank you so much for your insight. I'm still waiting on the call from my dr's office to schedule my surgery date. My surgeon's pre-diet is for 3 wks. It's 800 calories but it's food & protein shakes. It's still going to be very difficult but I tried the 2 wks liquid diet & I made it 7 days. An all liquid diet is TOUGH. Everything reminds you of food lol. Once again I wish everyone great results & thanks for your support.
  • GYPSY85308
    thanks for having us charm, i'm on day 7 of 14 of ALL LIQUID DIET....every other thing on t.v is about FOOD!...but I have made it this far . I know i can do it...june 17th at 11 a.m. is the date.excited . !....GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE!
  • Charmingirl
    Good luck to you as well. I understand completely about the tv commercials. Ughhhh that's the worst when every time you turn around there's something to remind you of food. Talk about will power!!!
  • nickdemarco
    nickdemarco Posts: 61 Member
    I've gone on the modified liquid diet a few times, and I've found that the first 3 - 4 days, and the last few, are the hardest. Once you're into it, it gets easier... until you see the end in sight. Those last days are tough, but survivable...
  • Katrina327
    Katrina327 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi - just joined the group! Happy to find the support I know I will need. I am almost finished with all the requirements prior to surgery - just waiting on my home sleep test. Has anyone had to do to home test instead of in the sleep lab? (my insurance would not pay for the lab test)
    I am going to Ireland for 12 days - leaving tomorrow. Any suggestions to keep me on track with food options & drink???
  • nickdemarco
    nickdemarco Posts: 61 Member
    Hi, Katrina, and all you pre-ops out there!

    Funny story about sleep studies. A few years back, my wife, Cathy, and I were prescribed to undertake a sleep study at a sleep center. It's a cross between a doctor's office open all night, and a hotel room. We set it up for a Friday night, so that if we couldn't sleep, we'd be able to grab some shuteye that Saturday if needed.

    We arrived around 10:00 pm together, and got "wired up" with all manner of probes and connections in prep for the study. Then we were each assigned to a room, and were told we wouldn't see the other until the next morning. (Some B&B this was!)

    I can fall asleep just about anywhere, so my study progressed. Sure enough, I had severe sleep apnea, which would require a CPAP machine to treat. But, I made it through the night, even with the CPAP on in the very early morning.

    They woke me around 6 am to announce that the study had concluded. In the "ready room", they took off my probes. No sign of Cathy. I said to the tech, "I guess my wife was already processed." The techs looked at each other, then told me that she was already out in the parking lot waiting for me. Wow! Usually, getting her up that early required a fair amount of nagging and avoiding thrown pillows.

    Sure enough, as I exited the facility and got into the car, there was Cathy behind the wheel - in a new set of clothes. "How was it?" I asked? She explained that, after a half-hour of being wired out the wazoo, she grew impatient and told them she was leaving. She went home, slept in our bed, and came back in the morning to pick me up!

  • nickdemarco
    nickdemarco Posts: 61 Member
    Postscript to the Sleep Study Story:

    By the way, after wearing a CPAP mask to bed every night for about a year and half, I had sleeve surgery in November, 2011. I have not put on, or needed, a CPAP mask since the hospital stay.

    Something for many of you to look forward to.
  • GYPSY85308
    had surgery on monday came home tuesday so far so good really sore but feeling good!....walking helps alot the more i sit the more it hurts..can't walk to go back to the gym can only walk so much in the house (as I live in ARIZONA!)....
  • nickdemarco
    nickdemarco Posts: 61 Member
    Congrats, Gypsy, welcome to the Other Side. Have patience the next few weeks - you'll be a bit sore, so don't overdo it - but keep walking.
  • GYPSY85308
    Options i can do that it is the getting up and down that hurts oh so much.! and my water intake is not what i thought it would be haven trouble maken sure i drink at least 64 oz. and eating every 3 or 4 hours...i had to put an alarm on my cell to tell me when to eat & drink!.... taken it slow...i can start taken my vits and others tomorrow..! far so good ..I have tried soups and pudding and kept it all down....yeah!...but broth just kills my tummy!.....taken things step by step day to day!.....
  • nickdemarco
    nickdemarco Posts: 61 Member
    Gypsy, those symptoms are to be expected. Everyone reacts to food differently. Getting the water and food in with the small amount limits (and lack of desire) you're experiencing is a challenge.

    Just remember that thousands of patients have been where you are, and the time to "suffer" through limited food choices and challenging goals is temporary. Temporary. It will be past you in a flash. Kind of like a prom, wedding or first date. You think it might last much longer than it actually does. Your food choices will expand. Your pain will diminish. Your waistline will shrink. Possibly, your diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, high cholesterol and aching joints will recede or evaporate completely.

    And then, one day almost two years from today, you'll be sitting at the computer, or at a support group meeting, telling someone else who just had the surgery this very thought...

    Congrats, and enjoy your new life!

  • nickdemarco
    nickdemarco Posts: 61 Member
    I'm still waiting on the call from my dr's office to schedule my surgery date.

    Hey, Charmin' - any news on your date? Are any of you waiting an abnormally long time to get a surgery date?
  • HRHCaragh
    HRHCaragh Posts: 39
    I am the same way about walking. I have to walk or it hurts. Also, this sounds weird, but I have the hardest time burping. So I end up going on a walk so the bubbles in my chest /stomach come out. I know how a baby feels when it wants to be burped now lol.
  • Charmingirl
    Hi All, I'm glad to read that you all are doing well. Gypsie, I'm glad that you're having a speedy recovery. I FINALLY heard from my surgeons office with a surgery date. It is set for July 22. I'm soooo excited to see a significant wt loss but I also have some anxiety about the surgery & the aftermath of it. I apologize for not visiting this blog for a while but I was getting upset w/ the dr's office for not calling. I was cleared for surgery 4 wks ago & I'm just getting a call to schedule the date. I'll start my pre diet on Monday.
  • nickdemarco
    nickdemarco Posts: 61 Member
    Okay, Charmin', rock 'n roll! Let not your heart be troubled. All will be well. Have patience and confidence in your surgical team, and yourself. Commit to the process, including the pre-surgery diet, and the post-surgery rules. And you shall be rewarded! Congrats on getting the date - I'll be prayin' for ya!

  • nickdemarco
    nickdemarco Posts: 61 Member
    Does anyone attend a Bariatric Surgery support group? Here's a "shameless" plug for another group that I started on MFP: Bariatric Surgery Support Group Central. Search for it under Groups, and feel free to join the group. I've posted a bunch of things there, but nothing would please me more than to see that Group take off, like this one has. I'm trying to make that group a central resource for all things related to our support groups, so anything you have to add is welcome! See you over there...

  • Charmingirl
    Awwww Thank You sooo much for the advice!!!