
FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
So a while back ago a friend of mine kept wanting me to "cover" for her while she was cheating on her husband.....

After months of this behavior I actually asked her to stop telling her husband she was hanging out with me because quite frankly I didn't want my name being used and I didn't want to be a part of all of that.

Our friendship has since suffered and now we are not speaking.

Just wondering if any of you have been put in such a position....

Or maybe if you have cheated, your perspective on this may help. I don't want to put anyone on the spot but I guess we all have had our share of crappy relationships.... and how it can lead to the behavior. I get it.

I'm just wondering how common this is if at all. I'm just really disappointed she was willing to throw away a 20-year friendship over her need to "venture out" and consistently use me as her wing-man when she wasn't even hanging out with me at all!!!



  • FitnessPalWorks
    FitnessPalWorks Posts: 1,128 Member
    Oops, posted in wrong forum... DietingMommy you can delete this thread! Thanks! :)
  • kf4vkp
    kf4vkp Posts: 164 Member
    A friend had me cover for her. I insisted that the lie have some truth to it, so I wasn't stuck in a complete lie if asked, we would have coffee or something and catch up before she met this other person. It was also a safety thing for me for my friend, if the guy knew I knew she was leaving with him, I thought he would at least know if anything bad happened to her, I'd know who she was with.

    During the coffees I would talk to her about why she felt the need to risk her relationship over this. She was just dating the guy she was stepping out on and ended up leaving him and I didn't have to cover anymore.

    But I was asked up front about it, and that was what my condition was.... mostly because I was worried about her.

    It's sad that she is willing to throw the friendship away. Reach out to her if you're worried and think it's worth keeping. Tell her you want to have coffee and talk. If the friendship isn't worth keeping, then walk away.