Challenge ideas, anyone?

SillaWinchester Posts: 363 Member
Hey everyone!

So I have a ton of ideas for challenges but I want to know what YOU guys are interested in. What do YOU want to work on?

Anything and everything!

Comment your ideas please! :)

On a side note: if you're really into this group, you can feel free to add me so you make sure you don't miss any updates!

- Prescilla :)


  • ReadynWillin
    ReadynWillin Posts: 104
    Who can make a spoon stick to their nose the longest while doing jumping-jacks.
    Who can hold their breath the longest while doing planks.
    Who can do the most lunges with their pants around their ankles (pictures or it didn't happen).

    Sorry, I don't have any ideas. XD

    What do challenges normally entail? Is it more stuff like who can most improve their body-fat percentage? Or who can do the most cardio exercise? I really don't know haha
  • SillaWinchester
    SillaWinchester Posts: 363 Member
    Who can make a spoon stick to their the longest while doing jumping-jacks.
    Who can hold their breath the longest while planking.
    Who can do the most lunges with their pants around their ankles (pictures or it didn't happen).

    Sorry, I don't have any ideas. XD

    What do challenges normally entail? Is it more stuff like who can most improve their body-fat percentage? Or who can do the most cardio exercise? I really don't know haha

    HAHA, I'm liking the pictures or it didn't happen challenge. :p

    Maybe a month long challenge can be something along the lines of who most improved their body-fat percentage.

    But for weekly challenges I was thinking more along the lines of "Try and burn 500 calories a day" and have us all keep track daily in the thread.

    Or something like "Drink 8 ounces of water before every meal, especially if you don't like drinking water" and also keep track of that daily in the thread.

    Little fun inspiring things like that! :)
  • ReadynWillin
    ReadynWillin Posts: 104
    I am disturbed by the distinct lack of kitten-snuggling in these challenges.

    Just kidding :P I do like these. Particularly the "calorie-burn" challenge. And it does make great sense that body-fat percentage challenge be monthly. (I wouldn't see much of a change *unless* it was monthly and even then, who knows lol).
  • getsuyoubi
    getsuyoubi Posts: 55 Member

    I like the challenge ideas. Tracking miles and controlling the ingredients of food (a la everything with 5 ingredients or less gives 1 point) has helped me a lot. Also, no junk food challenge or taking stairs instead of elevators...

    burning 500kcal a day... quite a challenge, but I would face it.

    We could also start a program like Jillian Michaels together?

    P.S.: But, please, I know it was just a joke, but holding the breath or doing weird stuff with your clothes while exercising is risking damage and injury, so please not.
  • ReadynWillin
    ReadynWillin Posts: 104
    LOL okay, no "Paynts-on-the-Grouwnd" challenges :P
  • dpzito
    dpzito Posts: 4 Member
    What if we chose a workout video on YouTube every Monday (via Davey Wavey, Lean Machines, FitnessBlender, BodyRock etc.) and we all tried to follow that workout each week and logged our success in this group? That way no one has to go out and buy a DVD or anything (plus if we are on MFP we all have access to the internet), and those of us who do the workout 5-6 times successfully in that week completes the challenge (I say 5-6 times a week becasue some of us have verrry hectic schedules).

    Let me know what you guys think!
  • ReadynWillin
    ReadynWillin Posts: 104
    Very nice idea! As they say, variety is the spice of life. And this "different workout vid every week" challenge definitely lends itself to routine variety.

    Any suggestion vids for week 1? Anybody?
  • TinaBina90
    TinaBina90 Posts: 19 Member
    I really like the video idea, but some of us may already have a workout schedule that they like. What if we chose one of the 10 minute videos on youtube and did that on top of what we already do for exercise. This way we don't interrupt what is already working for someone, but are still giving an extra push for everyone to move more.
  • jm60492
    jm60492 Posts: 2
    I think thw challenge of burning a certain number of calories a day is goos because often I go to the gym and think 'yeah 300 is enough for today' whereas part of this group/challengea like that I'd make sure I stuck to the mknimum numver of calories for the challenge :D
  • jm60492
    jm60492 Posts: 2
    and the youtube video idea is great!
  • AmeliaJ92
    AmeliaJ92 Posts: 586 Member
    How about a challenge to actually track everything we eat? I know I have days when I eat something bad and I either ignore that I ate it or I just stop tracking any more of my food for the day. That is bad because it doesn't keep me accountable, and I tend to just give up on the whole rest of the day after that and just go crazy with the food. So instead of just eating 200 calories that I don't need, I end up eating 500 calories that I don't need. I think a tracking challenge will help stop those situations from happening as much. It could be a weekly challenge or a monthly challenge. I think a monthly challenge would be better because it would help establish it more as a habit than a week would. I also like the idea of a water challenge.
  • elispeli
    elispeli Posts: 96 Member
    Or a challenge to cut out your main guilt food for a whole week?

    If you have a munchy problem with ice cream, cheezeits, popcorn, candy....stone cold for a whole week?
  • sterphy
    sterphy Posts: 68 Member
    Anyone interested in doing a mini challenges? Like a Fit by Fall or Fit by Christmas/New Years type thing? Weekly weigh ins and winners each week?
  • getsuyoubi
    getsuyoubi Posts: 55 Member
    Anyone interested in doing a mini challenges? Like a Fit by Fall or Fit by Christmas/New Years type thing? Weekly weigh ins and winners each week?

    yes, me, but I thought this group is gonna have weekly sunday weigh-ins? I read it several times...

    Mini-challenge should be 8, max 12 weeks I think, until Christmas is 6 months...

    Anyway, sure, as MFP is my first and furmost accountability support, anything that involves regular reporting, I am up for it.
  • ReadynWillin
    ReadynWillin Posts: 104
    Or a challenge to cut out your main guilt food for a whole week?

    If you have a munchy problem with ice cream, cheezeits, popcorn, candy....stone cold for a whole week?

    ^^^^^ So much this. That would be the ultimate challenge for me XD Let's do it!

    The saddest thing is when I read "....stone cold" my brain automatically supplied "creamery." *facepalm*
  • Kyllosis
    Kyllosis Posts: 66 Member
    Could we get like, a group challenge going? Something everyone could partake in.
    Something like, as a group, we need to do 1,000 push ups in a week.
    Posts in the board would look like "+20 push ups" for example, and we'd be working together to meet a goal.
    It could be miles one week, and a certain body parts the next (i.e. crunches for abs, squats for glutes/thighs etc)

    The main point really would be to get to know everyone, as this place is quite dead during the week, lol.
    Might be a good way to meet some people. :)
  • ReadynWillin
    ReadynWillin Posts: 104
    How would a group challenge work? Would each participating member post the number of crunches, miles, pushups, etc. daily? I kinda like that idea :)
  • Kyllosis
    Kyllosis Posts: 66 Member
    Yep! We'd basically set a goal every monday. Something like, "7 days to complete 10,000 crunches" or something, and every member would post the number they did that day/session in the form of "+50" or something like that. Then the scorekeeper would tally them up as the week progresses and give a few updates every few days to see where we're at!

    It's pretty motivating to feel you're a part of something. The encouragement alone is pretty helpful! It's nice to know you're not alone, too. :)