Dec 2013 Babies



  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    cdbarger--Glad all is good! I had a pretty severe bleed at 5 weeks and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

    bangmeup--I think you were asking about when you might start to show? I saw my specialist today (not for medical reasons, just popped by to donate extra fertility meds I had and visit with the staff) and she said 5-6 months is often "normal" for first time moms.

    In my visit with her, I mentioned I picked up a home Doppler and where I find the heartbeat (just over the pubic bone) and she confirmed I'm doing it right if that's where I'm hearing it at this point (15's been there since 9 weeks which is why I asked her). I still feel nothing. Honestly. I pulled a 21 hour day yesterday and wasn't even that tired. She told me to revel in it, that it is ideal to be able to say that, and number 2 might not be so kind! I have my 16 week appt next week Tuesday but it sounds boring--blood work (quad screen), weight, bp, urine, etc... I think I'm up about 3 lbs this month. No ultrasound until the anatomy scan at 20 weeks. Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great Father's Day weekend!
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    Cdbarger- YAY so happy that all went well- I love hearing great news :)

    Lisapr123- thanks for that info- so I will be 15 weeks Tommorrw, so on the pregnancy calender that would put me at a little over 4 months, So hopefully by this time next month I will have a bump or at the latest August- I too have a follow up tomorrow at 15 weeks that is just for them to check my logging of blood sugars and then decide if I need meds or not, my 16 week appointment is on June 24th, which is probably pretty boring as well, I won't get another ultrasound until July 15th at the atonomy scan- I can't wait that long to find out the gender , I am getting impatient lol, I am thinking about asking them tomorrow is there anyway I can't get a gender scan earlier and of course I will still get my atonomy scan on July 15th, it won't hurt to ask right?

    I too am finding some energy again I since I hit the 2nd Tri I was told to enjoy it while it last bc in the 3rd Trimester that extremely tired feeling comes back with a vengence.......
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Hey everyone, Congratulations! I am due 19th of Dec so 14wks tomorrow... Finally getting over my MS, YUKKY!
    I started off at my dream weight and have now crept up 6lbs, which isn't the end of the world but I am just a little sad to see my waist go and my body get bigger! I feel like a bad mum already for wanting to stop eating NOW :( I will try to manage with planning my whole day on MFP before hand (as of today, ha) so hopefully I will stay on track that way but hunger is a pretty powerful thing... I feel like eating gummy bears but will try a carrot instead (can't wait...). I could use a buddy for inspiration and support :)
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Oops-ignore this one
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    I gained 60 lbs with my daughter..pregnant now with my second (thankfully I got down to my pre pregnancy weight before getting pregnant again!) Due Dec 5th. My midwife told me to eat about 300 over maintenance and that I should gain about 15-20, so that is what I'm aiming for. I'm also focusing on my protein intake, I can't eat meat hardly (makes me sick) so I really need to keep an eye on that and get about 80g a day.

    Wow, great job getting back in shape after your first pregnancy! I don't eat meat either, am supplementing with eggs, cheese and take an iron supplement which helps me heaps, otherwise I'd feel exhausted. Maybe get your iron levels tested if you start feeling tired, might be from lack of iron since you're not eating meat now :smile:
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member

    Thank you! I try to eat eggs and cheese (melted only) otherwise it makes me sick..weird lol. I did have my iron tested at the docs last time and the levels were fine. I have been feeling extremely tired though..and wondering what the cause is. Everyone keeps bringing up the iron thing. Do you know even if your levels are supposedly normal if you can still take an iron supplement?

    Well, I take an iron tablet every other day to maintain my current levels. Even if they are on the low side you can feel very different and exhausted and for me the tablets do wonders. I take a tablet that also has vitamin C in it for easy absorption. Check with your doctor maybe to see if he thinks it is ok for you to take. Otherwise you can take them for a few weeks and then have your blood tested to see if it doesn't get too high, cause that's bad.. What a hassle :)
    Are you eating and resting enough?
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    I go to see my midwife on Monday so I'll ask to make sure they checked my iron and see if I should take a supplement. As far as eating and resting yes. I'm trying to eat 300 over maintenance but I BARELY make it to that..I'm lucky to hit maintenance everyday. Bye the time I get to maintenance I'm done and just can't eat anymore. Rest, yup I get tons of rest..maybe too much lol

    Well, I reckon that might be the issue (qualifified GP that I am(not)) your baby will take all the nutrition he or she needs and if you're only barely eating maintenance there might not be enough nutrients left for you! Maintenance, I guess is for when you're not pregnant... I know it can be hard to eat when you don't feel like it though, maybe see if you can make some nice smoothies that you can drink to get some extra calories in. I sometimes make one with

    3 handfuls of spinach
    1 banana,
    1/2 cup (frozen) blueberries,
    1tbsp unsweetened cacao
    Any kind of milk (cow, rice, soy)

    Possibly add peanut butter if you like that sort of thing, or dates or anything else to sweeten it, vanilla essence

    That will surely give you a healthy boost and easier to get down than a plate of sandwiches! Hope that helps :)
  • Flybeetle
    Flybeetle Posts: 387 Member
    Oh yes, and my iron levels are in the normal range, by the way, and I still benefit immensely from an iron tablet every other day. Even in the normal range I can be exhausted without them...
  • cdbarger
    cdbarger Posts: 41 Member
    I feel like I am having more issues with this pregnancy than ever before! I went to the doctor today and he told me I have a low-lying placenta, and I need to have another u/s in a few weeks to see if it has moved up. Most of the time it does, but I'm still going to have that little concern in the back of my head. And then he says I need to have more blood tests because they found Hep C! I have absolutely no idea how I could have gotten it, and now I have something else to be concerned about. I honestly feel that there was a mistake.

    Right now these aren't actual issues, just potential ones, but that doesn't stop me from worrying. I am hoping and praying that everything resolves and I can have a nice, boring pregnancy.

    I am going to really appreciate this little baby when I finally get to hold it in my arms!
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    CDbargers I will be thinking and praying for you hun, try not to worry everything will work it self out
  • cdbarger
    cdbarger Posts: 41 Member
    Yeah, now that I've had a few days to process things I'm feeling much better. I still think someone made a mistake on my blood test, and there's nothing I can do about the low placenta.

    We won't hear any results on my blood for 2-3 weeks, and we will be on vacation so I'm not going to let it ruin my fun!
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    Cdbarge- you should most def. have fun on your vacation, that is just the thing that you need, as far as the low lying placenta your right there is nothing that you can do besides prayer, and relaxing, and if you feel in your heart that they made a mistake on your blood work then I would ask for a repeat lab, and I was curious as to why it takes 2 to 3 weeks for your labs to come back, my office has my results within 1 to 3 days.....Be blessed and have a awesome vaykay!!!
  • cdbarger
    cdbarger Posts: 41 Member
    I don't know why it takes them so long for everything! I love my doctor, but am not impressed with the nurses at the office. They just don't seem to be very organized.

    Thanks for your support bangemup57!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    FYI...I just created a "fit, fab, & pregnant...due Dec 2013" group.

    *edited to fix name
  • sarah2002
    sarah2002 Posts: 77 Member
    FYI...I just created a "fit, fab, & pregnant...due Dec 2013" group.

    *edited to fix name

    It's not showing up when I search the groups...
  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    Hello Ladies! It has been a minute since I have checked in. So far I have put on around 9-10 lbs (which my Dr. refers to as, "right on track" for some reason..thought pregos were supposed to only put on max 6 lbs in first tri but I'll take it!) and I am feeling great! *aside from the gaining 10 lbs thing, lol. I have actually stalled at the 9-10 lbs for a few weeks now, so hoping that it was just a first trimester thing. I have decided to enjoy this pregnany and to not jump on the scale every week, only to freak out about every gain. Ever since I made that decision, I am enjoying life a lot more! I am staying active, with my five days a week workouts, bike rides with my "crew" (family) in between there and watching my calories. I am letting my Dr. be the judge on my weight.

    So does anyone have gender sono's planned yet? So exciting! We will be finding out on the 31st (feels like a decade away) but I am stoked, nonetheless. Feeling little baby swooshes and flutters as of recently, life is good!

    Wishing you all healthy babies, glowing skin and much deserved energy!
  • bamorford
    bamorford Posts: 14 Member
    congratulations mommies!!

    I totally agree with you Jem411: let the doc be the judge of the weight gain! as long as you're living healthy, then you're doing everything right :)

    this is the first time i've commented on this board and i'm SO EXCITED! I love being surrounded by other mamas, especially when we're all due in Decemeber! my due date is Dec. 20th with our first chile :) today i started week 16 and am so anxious to start to feel the fluttering of the little one! I just want August to get here so we can find out what it is so I can start talking to it my name! my mom and sister want to have a sex reveal party and have me the only one that doesn't know what the baby is until the big reveal, but i'm a little unsure of being the only one NOT "in the know." does anyone have an opinion or have any experience with sex reveal parties?

    *knock on wood* i've been really lucky with this pregnancy. i've never been sick, had headaches, or anything that's involved with the first trimester. I work out 5 days a week and eat quite well, so i'm feeling that has really helped my body transition into pregnancy. but I'm wondering what the rest of these 5 months will be like. anything i should be looking out for?

    also i would love any recommendations on anything baby! cribs, diapers, rocking chairs, etc. phew, there is a lot of stuff for babies! Thanks all!
  • CrystalWalks
    CrystalWalks Posts: 84 Member
    @ Jem411 I have a sono coming up this Thursday on the 11th...its feels like it took forever to get here, so I know the feeling, I am 18 weeks and as of last week I have gained a total of 4 pounds, which I hoping not to gain to much as I am considered obese, I have recently felt baby move this is my 1st as well, week 16 I started feeling what felt like muscle twitches in my abdomen, and recently esp. if I get too full, I feel small lil thuds in my stomach, the baby feels like a ball in my stomach and for whatever reason these last couple days the baby has been hanging out on my right side lol

    @ Bamorford- The gender revealing party sounds fun, but I am with you, I do not think I could handle every know the gender but me, shouldn't it work the other way around? ..........You are lucky to not have any morning sickness or anything- your so lucky....

    there is tons of stuff to get for babies, - I have been lucky so far to have one of my hubby friends donate a crib, diaper pail, baby bath tub, those lil things that the babies hang from when your walking(can't think of name) a recliner, a car seat, among 1 or 2 other things....I am in a freezy abt getting the nursery started tho, that room is kind of like our storage room and we got so much to do! and time is ticking down, I only have 4 months and 3 weeks before the baby is here and hubby and I need to get started on getting that room together very soon...........wishing you all a healthy 9 months and a healthy beautiful baby
  • Jem411
    Jem411 Posts: 46 Member
    Bamoford, Congrats and welcome! I am actually thinking I want to do the gender reveal. With my first, we were so excited we called everyone before we left the Dr.'s office but with this being our last, I think I may want to make it a big deal. I asked my husband what he thought, totally expecting him to say "no", but he was surprisingly down for it! I think we are going to have our sono tech put the gender in two envelopes (one to give to the baker or party store and one for us to have, to put in the baby book).

    So far I have the two, very over done but adorable ideas: Giving the baker the envelope and having them put the deignated color in the middle of the cake. Then hubby and I will cut the cake at the same time. The other idea is to have our local party store fill a box with pink or blue baloons, so we can open the box in front of our family. We aren't going to have a large party (both of our parents are divorced and it gets a bit sticky), so we may just do it at a friends home and put it on video. I don't think I could handle everyone knowing but me, but it could be fun! I just love the idea of finding out, surrounded by the people I love. Gosh I am tearing up, just thinking about it...ha!

    As far as crib, diapers and rocking chairs. We bought a convertible crib (crib that opens up to a toddler bed) for my son. We got it from Babies R Us and I love it! For diapers, I always opted for Pampers...they just seemed to be the softest. For the rocking chair, my MIL ended up getting us a glider (online somewhere) that we loved having for my son. Those nightly feedings sitting in the chair with him, were just the best! Talk about tired, but what a beautiful bonding just wait, you're going to love it!!

    Bangemup57, Congrats on the upcoming sono!!!! Whoop Whoop! Can't wait to hear what you will be having!
  • cnlargent
    cnlargent Posts: 199 Member
    We have our sono on the 23rd, our wedding anniversary, so thats a nice gift. I'll be 20w1d. I'm pretty sure its a boy also. At 14w5d, we had spotting, and an ultrasound, where the baby was moving alot. The tech asked if we knew what we were having, and I said no. Then later when the doctor came to tell us everything was great, she said "Everything with the baby looks good, he looks great" and then caught her self and said quickly, or she, or she. So, I think they may have seen a weiner. I've thought boy the entire pregnancy, and had four baby dreams, all that it was a boy.