Are Aloe and the Protein powder needed?

Kryssy8140 Posts: 22 Member
Hey Everyone,

After doing a cleanse,I recently decided to start Herbalife shakes to transition to a healthier lifestyle. A distributor I know was telling me that in order to lose weight I HAVE to also order the Aloe and Protein Powder as well. Is that info correct? Can I lose weiht on just the shakes and the tablet supplements (mutli-vitamin, total control, Cell-U-Loss) or do I need the Aloe and protein as well. Just looking to hear you guy's feedback :)

Thanks so much


  • p00ki3nb00
    p00ki3nb00 Posts: 64 Member
    You don't need the Protein powder, the protein powder is to add more protein of course to your shake. If you are not staying full on the shakes you will need to add more protein. I was on 3 additional scoops of the protein when i started and now I don't use any extra protein, I am staying full on just the shake mix it self. As well as the Aloe, its mainly for your digestive system. They both help, but its not really needed. Taking the tablets and your shake is enough.
  • Kryssy8140
    Kryssy8140 Posts: 22 Member
    Perfect! Thanks so much! You've told me exactly what I needed to know! I stay full on the shakes for about an hour or so, but I think that's also because I do 4oz almond milk and 4oz water. I'd probably stay full longer if I did a complete 1 cup of almond milk!

    Thanks tho! A distributor nearby is going to let me try the protein for free, so we'll see how it goes!
  • BillRicks1
    BillRicks1 Posts: 473 Member
    Aloe, not so much. However the protein I can't say. It really depends on your protein requirement and what you might get from other sources during the day. With my protein requirement (147grams) I use an additional tablespoon of Herbalife Personal Protein Powder in each of my two shakes. It's only a 20 calorie hit for 5 grams of protein. If your prorein requirement is relatively low, you might not need it.