


  • Hello everyone! I've never been good at keeping up with Myfitnesspal, but I decided to make it a habit to log on. I tend to start strong and fall off just as fast. My name is Chrystina - I'm 25 and live in the great state of Texas! "Everything is bigger in Texas..." haha. Once I hit about 22 - I could no longer eat a bag of chips without it showing!

    Height: 5'5.5
    Starting weight: 183
    Goal weight: 140-145

    This might sound stupid, but only myself and the doctor's office know my real weight. It feels weird that I just told the whole world. I guess the first step is being more open about it.

    Good Luck everyone!! I support everyone in their journey!! :heart:
  • "I really have a problem with binging when I'm hungry" - Me too!
  • taraj1987
    taraj1987 Posts: 12 Member
    My name is Tara and I am 25 with two young kids. One of my fitness goals is to weigh 105-108 by the end of July. That means I want to lose 7-10 pounds in the next month and a half. I also want to tone all over, and have just started the 30-day shred to help. I feel like this group will also be really helpful to motivate and get tips/recipes! I am about to graduate with my bachelors in Elementary Ed. so it would be great to start this new part of my life fit and confident!
  • Hi Tara! I just started the 30 day shred too!
  • gullagr
    gullagr Posts: 82 Member
    Hey everyone,

    My name is Rachel and I'm just on the cusp of turning 19. That being said, I've probably had a weight problem for about half of my life ... so I've decided I'm going to change that. I'm a stress/boredom eater who has also been a chronic victim of fad/binge dieting and exercise regimes for about the last 4 years. I'm currently heading into my 3rd year of university and can unfortunately say that I am still packing my freshman 15+. After this past Christmas break, I got back to school and hopped on the scale at the gym and was shocked to see it read 202 lbs. With the help of some water running with a friend of mine for a few months, I dropped back down to ~190 but then everything went out the window once exams hit.

    That being said, I've now readjusted my goals and how I'm going to reach them as follows:

    Start weight: 202 lb
    Current weight: 186.4 lb
    Goal weight: 155 lb

    I've started eating a lot better, specifically by cutting down the number of meals I eat out and limiting my intake of sweet and the hidden university killer, alcohol.

    The biggest contributor to my recent drop in weight is that I've started running. I'm currently completing the 10K Trainer app (iPod) program that has me doing 30-40 min workouts twice a week. I've tried apps like this before but the difference behind my more recent success is that I have a long term goal in mind, I've signed up to run a 10K race near the end of September!!!! Being registered for the event and tied in monetarily has been a huge motivation and has really helped keep my on track.

    Hopefully with my current fitness and eating habits, along with throwing in some toning exercises, I can finally get down to a weight that I am happy with!
  • Hello everyone,

    My name is Ali, I am 21 and work full time as well as go to school full time. I am 5'9 and curvy with big boobs. I've decided to get healthy an in shape after stepping on a scale and reaching my highest weight last week of 223.5lbs. I've never had a problem with confidence of body issues. But I want to look better and feel better. My lowest weight has been about 175, but I still wasn't healthy. I'd like to be around 150 by the end of May or the start of summer, which is 10lbs a month. I know it's a difficult goal but I've always been a dreamer.

    After years of eating what I want when I want for once I am going to watch what I eat and try my best to change to a healthy lifestyle. Being active is hard for me when I have school and work for 10 hours a day but I'm going to do my best to exercise at least 3 times a week and hopefully find a routine where I can exercise everyday.

    In a nutshell:
    Female, 21, 5'9
    Started on 10/7/2013 Weight: 223.5lbs
    Current Weight: 222lbs
    Goal Weight:150lbs
  • Gventry
    Gventry Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone I'm G, I weighed 272 in January , lost 30 lbs by may, but put some back on, and looking for support I'm always here to answer questions and give advice and looking for the same ! Let's all live healthy and enjoy the day!