July sign-ups (introduce yourself here)

caradae Posts: 743 Member
Hi, everyone. Welcome to July's challenge.

Please introduce yourselves here.


  • whitneysmomma
    whitneysmomma Posts: 34 Member
    Hey group!! I'm Josie. I'm 31 from Indianapolis, Indiana. I have a 3 year old named Whitney who is AWESOME!! I am in my first week of Hip Hop Abs, and I LOVE it. I have a 4 year degree in Health & Wellness and I am a Health Coach for WebMD. I am also working towards my Masters in Public Health. Exciting stuff ;)
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    I'm caradae. I began hosting the Ultimate Accountability Challenge in June, to movtivate myself and others. I made it to June 25th before I had to call it quits--it's a very hard challenge to complete. But it's not impossible. June's challenge still has five people hanging in there (out of 34 original participants). My goal this month is to make it to July 31st.
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Hi, Josie. That is exciting stuff! Glad to have you in the group.
  • whitneysmomma
    whitneysmomma Posts: 34 Member
    Where do you want us to post questions we have? Here or in the FAQ's?
  • armywf07
    armywf07 Posts: 245 Member
    Hi my name is Rachel Adams. I'm a military wife and mom to an active 7 year old and to one little angel. I am trying to lose weight to better help my PCOS and so far from the last challenge I have lost 8 lbs. total and hope to keep losing!
  • JessicaLynnSmith1019
    Hi everyone! My name is Jessica. I am a 31 year old mommy to three beautiful children. My weight has never been a problem u ntil after my third baby. I usually would weight around 125 - 130, but I admit I let myself go for a little while there. But when I got on the scale and saw 186 I started to cry. I have tried everything from different diets, programs, nutritionist, etc. I have been able to get my weight down to 173, but still it is not go enough for me. A friend of mine told me she tried a program like this, not sure if this is the one or not, but had great success because of the structure and the routine and support she was from fellow members. I am willing to try anything right about now. I have been doing the program for a week and finally figured it all out and I am hoping that by sticking to the directions and logging in I will have some success. I will keep you ladies and gentleman posted on how I do. and good luck to all!
  • JessicaLynnSmith1019
    Hi everyone! My name is Jessica. I am a 31 year old mommy to three beautiful children. My weight has never been a problem until after my third baby. I usually would weight around 125 - 130, but I admit I let myself go for a little while there. But when I got on the scale and saw 186 I started to cry. I have tried everything from different diets, programs, nutritionist, etc. I have been able to get my weight down to 173, but still it is not go enough for me. A friend of mine told me she tried a program like this, not sure if this is the one or not, but had great success because of the structure and the routine and support she was from fellow members. I am willing to try anything right about now. I have been doing the program for a week and finally figured it all out and I am hoping that by sticking to the directions and logging in I will have some success. I will keep you ladies and gentleman posted on how I do. and good luck to all!
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member
    Hi. My name is Michelle. Started MFP 6/18/13. Lost 9 lbs. so far by logging my food and changing portion sizes. I'm about to be 46 years old. I'm not active but want to change that. My two boys are 14 and 16 years old. look forward to being more transparent and accountable. Currently I weigh 328 lbs. In about 2 years I want to be 130 lbs.:flowerforyou:
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    Howdy, I'm Gorman. I've been using mfp for almost two months. I want to lose weight so I can be more active. My diet is plant-based, and I've been doing hour walks every day, which is hard as I live on the gulf coast--hot, hot, hot! I'm a mommy to a beautiful, almost-three-year-old corn snake named Teosinte :)
  • SavingSarah41
    SavingSarah41 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, My name is Sarah. I have been seriously using MFP for 30 days now. I am down 15 lbs so far. I am loving all the movement that I have been getting just by being active!! My usual routine is to get up before my family and go for a walk that is a minimum of an hour. In the middle of the walk then I start up C25k and go through the 28.30 minute walk/jog. I just got back from vaca where I was unable to to get up and do my morning walks. We went camping and have 5 year old twin so waking them up that early would have made extremely long days!!! It has been really hard to get back in the swing of my regular exercising but I am fighting to get there. I hope that this challenge can really get me trained to exercise every day!! I love that it starts on July 1st, which is my birthday!! So this is going to be the ultimate birthday present to myself, getting on a regular exercise regiment!!! It is great to meet all of you and I look forward to checking with with you all every evening!!!
  • caradae
    caradae Posts: 743 Member
    Josie, post questions in the FAQs thread, please.
  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    Hello Everyone. I'm ready to start this challenge. The accountability and transparency is exactly what I am looking for. I follow a paleo lifestyle and will also be doing a Whole 30 during the month of July. Good luck, all!

  • FrancesPerkins
    Hello everybody, I just joined myfitnesspal and this challenge feels like a great way to get started. Looking forward to all of our progress!
  • LamJeanny
    LamJeanny Posts: 5
    Hi everyone, I just joined MyFitnessPal. My name is Jeanny and I'm 21. A few days ago, I decided to start exercising to get a better cardio because both my grandmother and my mother have heart conditions. ;) It won't be too sad to lose a few pounds while I'm at it.
  • katealbright
    katealbright Posts: 135 Member
    Hey everybody! I have been on MFP since September 2012, although I took a bit of a break during spring. I have been back at it for a month or so now and have seen amazing progress. I think taking some time to maintain was a great decision while I was working on my BFA thesis and then taking a long vacation in Vegas and California. Now that I've graduated, I'm moving to LA at the end of July, so I think this is the perfect challenge for me! I only have a few more pounds to lose, not sure where I will land.

    Other than that, I live in Florida right now and I just graduated from UF. I am a vegan of 2.5 years, artist/photographer, life-long writer, nutrition buff, foodie, and home cook. Former dancer and vocalist. Aspiring amateur bartender and restaurant/bar critic. Regular gamer and fantasy fiction addict. Runner, hiker, urban cyclist, yogi, and lover of free weights. Aaaand... whiskey. All things whiskey. lol

    Looking forward to the group!
  • meshaelfk
    meshaelfk Posts: 1
    June 29, 2013 5:36 am
    Hello everybody, I just joined myfitnesspal my name is Meshael, I am 31 yers old, this challenge feels like a great way to get started. Looking forward to all of our progress!
  • Hisgrace00
    Hisgrace00 Posts: 17
    Hi everyone! I am a newlywed and I have been putting on more weight and I didn't realize how much until I seen a group photo with me in it! So I need help with consistency and self control, to get fit and healthy. I am excited about this challenge, this is what I believe I need to help me. I started my weight loss journey on this pass Wednesday, with the accountability I believe this will help me stay motivated as I strive to make it to the end.

    Friend request are welcome for support. :-)
  • gg177
    gg177 Posts: 35
    Hello Everyone, my name Is Graham, and I love a challenge. I am looking to lose 40 pounds or so, and this seems like a great place to keep myself accountable.
  • aletheia_vox
    aletheia_vox Posts: 12 Member
    Hello! My name is Marni and I'm a 30 year old nurse and graduate student. I've been very very slowly losing weight and getting in shape over the past 5-6 years (with many ups and down) through subtle lifestyle changes and want to commit to slimming down another 15lbs in an official way.

    I'm watching both calories and carbs while exercise is primarily running/jogging and yoga. I eat as little processed/pre-packaged food as possible and am always looking for recipes that incorporate more veggies into my diet.
  • jenniferft1997
    jenniferft1997 Posts: 40 Member
    Hello, I am Jennifer. I am 41, single mother of an active 7yr old son who is helping me on my weight loss journey. I am also a full-time college student majoring in Elementary Education. I will be student teaching in the fall, and have a lot of clothes that are perfect for this, but I can not fit into them. This challenge sounds perfect for me. Tracking my food daily, and staying within the limits are not a real problem. Exercising every day is going to be my greatest challenge, but knowing I will get kicked out will really help motivate me! I am looking forward to meeting this challenge and seeing the weight loss results on July 31st as a result of this challenge. Good luck everybody! We are in this together, so please do not ever feel like you are alone. Friend request me if you want and we will encourage each other. I have found blogging and just moving around on this site is very helpful in reducing my eating. When I want to eat but am not hungry I get on here. Started on here Thursday, but it is real similiar to Weight Watchers, which I had success with. Look forward to sharing the victory with y'all July 31st! We CAN do this!