What made you quit your game?

StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
So I'm one of the "older" gamers around here. I had mostly played PC games prior to 2003...but around that time, my brother introduced me to the then-new game of EVE online. I played that game pretty much daily for the next 6 years....I still have my accounts (and they were still training up until a few months ago....I have some of the oldest characters in the game, woot!)

Anyhoo, I digress. I LOVED EVE. Really. I had developed quite the little Empire. I had invested in multiple accounts (I was paying 3 subscriptions) so that I always had (honest) money flowing to my main PvP pilot. She's a badass. And over the course of the years, I managed to build / acquire some of the most expensive ships in game. Those of you who play (without cheating) know just how much dedication this takes.

In the course of a week, I lost a Titan to a bone-head move I participated in with a fleet, as well as some very nicely fitted faction ships during a siege of a POS (yeah, yeah, don't take your faction ships out....whatever, I had more money than God at the time....I didn't care about that). Losing the faction ships was one thing....s#it happens....losing my Titan AND my faction ships. ARGH. Then, the final straw....I lost my Golem. I LOVED my Golem. It was my pride and joy (everyone has their thing....that was mine). The real embarrassment was not that I lost it, but how. I lost it in high-sec.....to a ninja miner.

I was mining happily away, secure in my big-bad-assedness of a faction-fitted Golem. He came in a robbed my cans. Me, used to being in low-sec, engaged.......he came back in a non-faction Raven, kept me warp-scrambled, and just slowly whittled away my armor until I had nothing left. See, normally, I would have pwned him with my superior fire-power and drones.......but I was MINING. I had left them all at home. And being in high-sec, I had no corp-friend-backup. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.........

Seriously, I cried. Bawled. For days. IRL. I tried going back after about a week. Couldn't do it. Gave my accounts to a friend to play for a while (which is why they've continued training)

Now I've been playing WoW for 4+ years. Just not the same....but I don't lose anything of real value. Worst case scenario is that we run the same raid, over, and over, and OVER.

This is the first time I've spoke of this since 2009ish....


  • Dahllywood
    Dahllywood Posts: 642 Member
    I used to play WoW as well, and even more recently TOR and D3. All of them I stopped playing out of boredom. I don't know what it is, but something about gaming in general hasn't been appealing to me lately. It's kind of sad, cause I miss it, but at the same time I just don't find enjoyment out of them like I used to. The grind isn't appealing anymore, and neither is the time commitment
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    It's kind of sad, cause I miss it, but at the same time I just don't find enjoyment out of them like I used to. The grind isn't appealing anymore, and neither is the time commitment

    I actually haven't played WoW in a couple of months. MoP came out, I took a short break because, frankly, I had JUST gotten up to a very respectable raid level, and the patch just knocked me right back down again. I work too much (IRL) to be one of the people that can get back up to elite raid level quickly, so it was a definitive blow to my game. I came back long enough to grind to 90 and start getting some rep building, but then got busy with work and MFP/changing my life....that was 2-3 months ago now, and even though I will technically have time to play after next weekend, I just don't know if I feel like going back either. I dunno....maybe when the weather turns crappy again, but for now...meh.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I personally miss EQ... nothing was the same.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    I played Ultima Online back in the day. Based on how many nights I wasted playing it I have never done another MMORPG and probably won't, though the new Skyrim/Oblivion one will be tempting.
  • Adrasteis
    Adrasteis Posts: 110 Member
    I used to play WoW whenever I had free time, back in Wrath days Friday and Saturday nights were dedicated raid nights. Probably one reason I'm trying to lose weight now.I had a respectable gear score (miss that!) but once Cata came out, idk it was different. My husband used to play with me and one day out of the blue he said he was done. Since then I grinded reps, farmed, made 5 more toons, and ran Dragon Soul til I could text and tank it at the same time lol. I was really excited when MoP came out, and it has kept my interest but I think they are releasing content too quickly. I barely get gear and it's like "nope, gonna drop a patch and make everything outdated that you just got last week!". I know they are doing it to keep people interested but unless you are on there all day you don't have the desire to spend what time you do have grinding. Now I just do what I want when I want. The only reason I still play is because I haven't found another MMO that compares.
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    Have never played an MMO, but I was playing Mario Kart 7. I'm one of those people that plays just one game until I've completely demolished it, but MK7 remains unbeaten. I was in 150CC and completely unable to get 3 stars on every cup. I win every race in 1st place, with 10 coins at the finish, and still I only get 2 stars. I refused to move on to mirror mode until I get 3 stars in 150. I moved on to Super Mario Land and beat that, and I started Mario and Donkey Kong: Minis on the Move. It may be a while before I go back to Mario Kart 7.
  • kyricus
    kyricus Posts: 69 Member
    Hey Spinderalla, great EVE story. I still play, though not as frequently as I did. I currently reside in Immensea in a relatively tame alliance compared to the pvp heavy one I just left. I can certainly understand your reasons' for leaving after those losses! That would have hurt!

    I've never really left an MMO out of "ragequit", more often than not, I just lose interest in one, and gain it in another. Then I slowly fade away. EQ was my first MMO and still holds a fond spot in my heart.

    I currently play Rift, EVE, some Planeside 2 on occasion and am shhh...beta testing the re-release of Final Fantasy 14.
  • kyricus
    kyricus Posts: 69 Member
    . The grind isn't appealing anymore, and neither is the time commitment

    The time commitment is the thing that's killing MMO's for me. I just don't have much of it anymore, so when I do play them, I play for the solo and PVE aspect more than anything else anymore.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    My husband used to play with me and one day out of the blue he said he was done. Since then I grinded reps, farmed, made 5 more toons, and ran Dragon Soul til I could text and tank it at the same time lol. I was really excited when MoP came out, and it has kept my interest but I think they are releasing content too quickly. I barely get gear and it's like "nope, gonna drop a patch and make everything outdated that you just got last week!".

    this was me as well! my bf and i raided hardcore for over a year in wrath/cata days, but i hated being thrown to the bottom of the heap every time new raids/dungeons came out. i got tired of having to put in 15+ hours a week to get geared, deal with bull****, and then have to start all over again. when my bf decided to quit due to his issues with the guild, i quit in solidarity but always missed it.

    i have five freaking 85s (druid, hunter, shaman, priest, and an alli druid) , an 80 (warrior), and various twinks! i just finished playing off a scroll of rez and had a blast. idk, when MoP goes on sale again...i'll probably get it. i live for the PvP now, raiding depends too much on other people and i like independently ripping heads off or healing the hell out of someone hiding in a bush or behind a tree (my poor priest/shaman have such targets on their heads when healing). i'm an adrenaline junkie =) and frost trapping or rooting rogues is what i LIVE FOR! f* those guys.

    in the meantime i played a lot of D3, assassins creed, replayed ff7 and smashed some mario kart records. it's nice to go back though, and preen about on my ironbound proto drake.
  • StarChanger
    StarChanger Posts: 605 Member
    it's nice to go back though, and preen about on my ironbound proto drake.

    Hahhahaha! I have been hoarding pets / mounts since I started playing. My guilds used to tease me about it because I would spend days/weeks grinding for a pet. Then Pet Battles came along......who's laughing now, *****es?!?!? :laugh: :tongue: :smokin:

    For reasons that I can't explain, my SeaTurtle is still my favorite mount. :blushing:
  • Aquarii
    Aquarii Posts: 71 Member
    Used to play WoW (played from BC through MoP). Quit due to boredom and an increase in real life stuff (work, school, gym, etc.). The grind used to be fun, back when I wasn't working, but nowadays... yea, I hate it. Grinding for better gear, leveling up alts, doing dailies, gaining rep... my god, I don't know how I did it for 2+ years of my life.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    FFXI was my game back in the day. I started during the NA release for the PC in Spring of 2003 and played until Fall of 2009. I loved the game. Unlike WoW it forced you to work with other players to accomplish quests, level up, get gear. I played on a server called Bahamut and reputation mattered. If you were an asshat, word would spread around the server and people would avoid partying with you. Getting into Linkshells aka guilds would be near impossible or if you did, it would be not a very good one. You couldn't just jump servers either. I made quite a few friendships and still talk to many of these folks via Facebook.

    I played too much. 6-8 hrs a day, even more on weekends. My life consisted of working, sleeping and playing the game. It took a toll on my health and weight. I stopped in Fall of 2009 because I had type II diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure, plaque in my arteries and was almost 500 lbs. I could barely function at work during the day because of all the obese related health issues I had, my sleep was completely off track. I quit cold turkey and didn't touch any MMO for the longest time. I did dabble with SWoToR but I lost interest in it after a few months. The biggest reason I played for as long as I did was the team work and friendship I developed over the years. I get bored fast playing solo. Being in guild, doing quests with other peeps, etc etc, this all takes time and it's just something I don't have with going to the gym. I still play games but mostly single player and I play 3-6 hrs a week at most.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    it's nice to go back though, and preen about on my ironbound proto drake.

    Hahhahaha! I have been hoarding pets / mounts since I started playing. My guilds used to tease me about it because I would spend days/weeks grinding for a pet. Then Pet Battles came along......who's laughing now, *****es?!?!? :laugh: :tongue: :smokin:

    For reasons that I can't explain, my SeaTurtle is still my favorite mount. :blushing:

    HAHAH! i love this, so true! i'm thrilled all mounts and pets are accessible by all my characters now.

    damn, i wish i had the seaturtle! i would be /cheer-ing you right now :)
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I quit WoW after an epic raid where I was actually useful for a change. I thought I'd go out on a high note after all the drama that damn game put me through. Top DPS on the raid meter and I was a feral druid? Yeah, I'll take it.

    Another game I remember quitting was Golden Sun. I'd missed a damn Djinni and no matter how much I played after that, I couldn't help but feel like the game wasn't 'complete'. So I never finished it. ._.
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I played WOW for a short time..reason I quit is because the person I was playing with wasn't reliable and I didn't know anyone else in game. Yeah, I coulda "broadened my horizons* and found some new friends but I just didn't have the time to really do all that. I also played a game called Conquer online (a free game) and got pretty high in it but boredom and "personal stuff" got in the way. My ex and I played ALOT of games on Playstation when it came out...Diablo, Baldurs Gate and of course my obsession of FINAL FANTASY! YES! Final Fantasy is my game..love it. I haven't really played a lot of games in the last few years with kid keeping me busy and my hubby NOT being a gamer. *sighs* I do miss them though.
  • bullsfan22
    bullsfan22 Posts: 104
    FFXI was my game back in the day. I started during the NA release for the PC in Spring of 2003 and played until Fall of 2009. I loved the game. Unlike WoW it forced you to work with other players to accomplish quests, level up, get gear. I played on a server called Bahamut and reputation mattered. If you were an asshat, word would spread around the server and people would avoid partying with you. Getting into Linkshells aka guilds would be near impossible or if you did, it would be not a very good one. You couldn't just jump servers either. I made quite a few friendships and still talk to many of these folks via Facebook.

    I played too much. 6-8 hrs a day, even more on weekends. My life consisted of working, sleeping and playing the game. It took a toll on my health and weight. I stopped in Fall of 2009 because I had type II diabetes, high cholesterol, blood pressure, plaque in my arteries and was almost 500 lbs. I could barely function at work during the day because of all the obese related health issues I had, my sleep was completely off track. I quit cold turkey and didn't touch any MMO for the longest time. I did dabble with SWoToR but I lost interest in it after a few months. The biggest reason I played for as long as I did was the team work and friendship I developed over the years. I get bored fast playing solo. Being in guild, doing quests with other peeps, etc etc, this all takes time and it's just something I don't have with going to the gym. I still play games but mostly single player and I play 3-6 hrs a week at most.

    This game is like crack in the finest compliment yet will destroy everything about you if you don't take notice. I played for years while attending school and missed out on some many things because I had to log on. It was always a weekly event to attend, I literally had a schedule (Mon - Dynamis, Tues - Einjgar (sp?), Wed (Limbus/Sky), Thur (Dynamis again), Friday (Einjgar), Sat (All day exping, meriting, random stuff, and Nyzul Isle in the morning), Sunday (Limbus/Sky). This doesn't even include random HNM (Hyper Notorious Monsters) that would spawn randomly around the world sometimes having pop windows (time it could spawn up to 8 hours) and just sitting there waiting. I remember a month straight while I was hunting for a black belt (rare but not so rare belt you had to obtain 3 items for and pops were sometimes hard to come by) I used to set alarms and wake up at like 2AM just to camp a stupid HNM.

    It literally took over my life and then quit one day cold turkey also. I never joined another MMO until I played FFXIV (because of nostalgia I'm sure) and realized that it was way more laid back. Play/exp when you want to, finding people to do events was much easier, I'm sure if you were in a linkshell they have those events timed like I did for FFXI but this time around I just joined a low man shell where the leader is a good friend now and tell him RL always comes first and that I'll only play when I wanted to and never because I "need" to or else quit.

    Life is too much fun to spend behind a computer clicking a character (so I learned) and now most of my gaming comes from single player games and/or sports/fps games with friends/family.
  • LunaMischief
    LunaMischief Posts: 166 Member
    Played WoW, verrrrrry casually. Started in Cata. I've never done a raid, only started doing instances close to lvl70. Was an achievement *kitten* and worked damn hard for the meta-chevement for the world events (What a Long Strange Trip It's Been) And then I quit, because I was super bored.

    Played Diablo 3. Started 3 characters, but only really played my Witch Doctor. I beat Diablo and was done. I'm not the type to just replay the game over and over on a higher difficulty. I saw the content, I'm done. Didn't even finish my 2 other characters.

    I can't beat Slender (the original). Just starting up the game gives me the creeps. Also about half way through Amnesia: The Dark Decsent, but same story - load game, get super nervous and immediately quit :laugh: I'm a wuss

    Started Final Fantasy 9, got to a boss in a cave (about 5 hours played) where you need special armor/items to beat him. Oh, they're back in town, I'll just go get those then. Oh wait - the town's closed/blocked off. :grumble: I didn't wanna restart and redo those 5 hours

    I'm really bad at starting and not finishing games.... I could name a lot more lol
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 897 Member
    Oh former wow player as well.. Played almost since launch, had a mage I loved to RP, but sucked in raids - wow mage dps just wasnt my thing but the RP around her was too fun to let go for a long time, was in a nice RP guild that, as it does, had become a group of friends to me. With Northrend I changed to a fury warrior because I wanted to raid with my husband and was tired of sucking at dps and getting the feeling I was being "allowed" to go with the community only cause my hubby was one of the main tanks (not the case I was told by the raid leaders, but still couldnt shake the feeling).. LOVED my little gnome fury warrior, she had pink hair and loud noise and completely boinkers.. also a bonus, I topped the DPS charts along with 3 others in 25m raiding.. every night was a close race between me, a warlock, and a couple of rogues. Much fun was had, my warrior was rewarded with Shadowmourne and cookies.. but it was also silly easy. since I didnt have much time to play, only logged in for raids, it didnt bother me too much while I was still high on being top dps (at last.. its silly how some peoples attitute towards me changed btw.. those DPS charts really mean allot to some people in terms of how valuable they think you are as a person) it started to become too boring to smash the same buttons again and again... I even connected my Wii board to the computer for a while and could just tab with my feet to do the DPS needed.. not good :P So when Cata was coming to an end and my life was changing in other areas as well I left the game.. still miss my guild and community, but dont miss the game.

    Currently I log into Lotro, tsw, nwn, and ddo randomly and rarely.. just dont have time for the same amount of playing since I am too focused on work and exercise
  • robdel302
    robdel302 Posts: 292 Member
    I personally miss EQ... nothing was the same.

    You said it; that game was never the same post Kunark. The old days of "SG to docks!", Loading....please wait.
  • justagirlgeek
    justagirlgeek Posts: 49 Member
    I personally miss EQ... nothing was the same.

    You said it; that game was never the same post Kunark. The old days of "SG to docks!", Loading....please wait.

    I miss EQ so much. I quit after PoP came out. It just wasn't the same game anymore.
    Remember 5 hour corpse runs after a raid wipe?
    Good times. ;)