Official Week 14 end weigh-in! (Up to Mon July 1st)

sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
Still working on moving, sorry for the delay.

Week 1: 182.2
Week 2: 179.0
Week 3: 177.6
Week 4: 176.6
Week 5: 174.0
Week 6: 174.0
Week 7: 173.6
Week 8: 173.6 (vacation)
Week 9: 171.0
Week 10: 170.6
Week 11: 170.2
Week 12: 167.8
Week 13: 165.4
Week 14: 164.2
Week 15:

Week 1: 27.46%
Week 5: 26.77%
Week 10: 26.08%
Week 15:

Progress: -18.0 lbs, - 0.92%



  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    SW: 180
    WK1: 179 (-1)
    WK2: 175 (-4)
    WK3: 175 (0)
    WK4: 174 (-1)
    WK5: 172 (-2)
    WK6: 173.5 (started 30DS) (+1.5)
    WK7: 175.5 (+2)
    WK8: 173.5 (-2)
    WK9: 173 (-0.5)
    WK10: 171 (started RI30) (-2)
    WK11: 170 (-1)
    WK12: 169 (-1)
    WK13: 168 (-1)
    WK14: 167 (-1)

    Total lost so far: 13lbs

    I know it may not be possible, but I'd really like to aim to lose 2lbs this last week. It's the home stretch, time to kick it up a notch!
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    I miss my computer so much when it comes to not having my stats on this phone. My current weight is 185. I'm still losing!!
  • berrygirl2013
    berrygirl2013 Posts: 264 Member
    SW MFP 165.3
    SW Challenge 164

    Week 1-163.5
    Week 2-163.5
    Week 3-160.9
    Week 4- 160.1
    Week 5- 158.1
    Week 6- 156.3
    Week 7- 157.8
    Week 8- 153.4
    Week 9- 152.5
    Week 10- 153.0
    Week 11- 151.8
    Week 12- 149.2
    Week 13- 148.1
    Week 14 -147.4


    Awesome, because I went over my calorie limit (incl. exercise ones) almost everyday! So bad and never again >_<!

    GW Challenge 140 (changed it by and extra 5 pounds)
    UGW 120
  • McAmber84
    McAmber84 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm up this week, but I expected it with a planned weekend in New Orleans. I'm ok with it and I will, I'm sure, be back to normal next weigh in! Keep up the good work, everyone!
  • NyteMirage
    NyteMirage Posts: 315 Member
    I had a busy busy weekend so I'm just now posting this. Just one week left of the challenge and then we'll be posting our "after" pictures. WoOt! I'll probably be weighing in Friday morning before I leave for Cub Scout Resident Camp that morning. Fun fun! Here's hoping for a loss this week!

    Starting - 181.8 (starting)
    Week 1 - 180.0 (1.8 loss)
    Week 2 - 179.0 (1.0 loss)
    Week 3 - 177.6 (1.4 loss)
    Week 4 - 176.4 (1.2 loss)
    Week 5 - 175.2 (1.2 loss)
    Week 6 - 173.6 (1.6 loss)
    Week 7 - 173.0 (0.6 loss)
    Week 8 - 173.0 (0.0 loss)
    Week 9 - 173.8 (0.8 gain)
    Week 10 - 171.4 (2.4 loss)
    Week 11 - 169.6 (1.8 loss)
    Week 12 - 168.6 (1.0 loss)
    Week 13 - 167.8 (0.8 loss)
    Week 14 - 166.0 (1.8 loss)

    Total so far is 15.8 lbs. YAY!
  • sharnut751
    sharnut751 Posts: 103 Member
    Hi all,

    Sorry I've been MIA. Been doing a great deal of traveling for work and haven't had a chance to keep in touch.

    Here's my info so far:

    SW: 203

    Week 1: 199
    Week 2: 198
    Week 3: 196.4
    Week 4: 193.5
    Week 5: 192.4
    Week 6: 191.6
    Week 7: 190.4
    Week 8: 189.2
    Week 9: 188.8
    Week 10: 188.0
    Week 11: 187.2
    Week 12: 184.2
    Week 13: 184.2
    Week 14: 184.2

    Challenge GW: 185
    Overal GW: 145
    Total challenge weight loss: 18.8

    No loss in the last two weeks but I'm hoping to get back to better eating and more exercise. Have a great week all!
  • callmeLuna
    callmeLuna Posts: 42 Member
    ONE MORE WEEK! Keep up the great work :)

    SW (1/31/13) - 225
    Challenge SW (3/25/13) 208.4
    4/1 - 206.6 (-1.8)
    4/8 - 205.8 (-0.8)
    4/15 - 202.8 (-3)
    4/22 - 201.4 (-1.4)
    4/29 - 199.6 (-1.8)
    5/6 - 197.8 (-1.8)
    5/13 - 197.6 (-0.2)
    5/20 - 196 (-1.6)
    5/27 - 193.4 (-2.6)
    6/3 - 193.0 (-0.4)
    6/10 - 191.6 (-1.4)
    6/17 - 193 (+1.4) ...oye
    6/24 - 190.6 (-2.4)
    7/1 - 188.8 (-1.8)

    Total challenge loss so far: 19.6 lbs
    Total weight loss since joining 1/2013 = 36 lbs
  • canadiandee
    canadiandee Posts: 196 Member
    Real Name: Dee

    Start of Challenge Weight: 213
    Challenge Goal Weight: 198
    Working to Lose (lbs): 15 pounds

    04/01: 213.2
    04/08: 207.6
    04/15: 212.0
    04/22: 209.6
    04/29: <<<mini goal weight: 208>>> 211.8
    05/06: 207.2
    05/13: 207.2
    05/20: 207.2
    05/27: <<<mini goal weight: 203>>> 209.3
    06/03: 211.4
    06/10: 213.3
    06/17: 210.5
    06/24: 211.9
    07/01: <<<challenge goal weight: 198>>> 212
  • Barrettmomof3
    Barrettmomof3 Posts: 140 Member
    Sorry I have gone, been doing well just crazy busy at work here is my update

    SW: 233

    Week 1: 233
    Week 2: 229
    Week 3: 229
    Week 4: 229
    Week 5: 229
    Week 6: 229
    Week 7: 225
    Week 8: 225
    Week 9: 225
    Week 10: 225
    Week 11: 224
    Week 12: 223
    Week 13: 222
    Week 14: 221

    Overal GW: 130
    Total challenge weight loss: 12

    Really getting back in to gear!!!
  • samanthab19
    samanthab19 Posts: 118 Member
    Now entering my 6th week in a plateau :/
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
    I've been going back and forth between 181-184 since April. :frown:
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member
  • yorkieII
    yorkieII Posts: 93 Member
    SW MFP 217
    SW Challenge 155.8
    Week 1 153.8
    Week 2, 153
    Week 3, 151.2
    Week 4, 151.2
    Week 5, 149.6
    Week 6 149.6
    Week 7 148.8
    Week 11 145.8
    Week 13 145.4
    Week 14 142.8
    GW Challenge 145
    UGW 127 - 125

    Good Luck everyone on challenge and weight loss journey
  • Chejan
    Chejan Posts: 183 Member
    Challenge Start Weight: 224.4

    Week 1: 225
    Week 2: 224.8
    Week 3: 224.8
    Week 4: 224.6
    Week 5: 223.4
    Week 6: 221.6
    Week 7: 223.4
    Week 8: 221.4
    Week 9 :219.4
    Week 10: 220.2
    Week 11: 220
    Week 12: 217.8
    Week 13: 217
    Week 14: 215.6