Weight Loss Goddess

I weighed in this morning, only because I haven't done so in awhile) and I was up 3.3 pounds. According to my Wii, I'm still in the overweight category (not obese), but only by a hair. What is wrong with me!

I know that I have to eat food that is good for me. I know that I have to drink lots and lots of water each day. I know that I have to exercise in order for all that to work. And I know that this is going to be my lifestyle for the rest of my life. So, if I know all that, why can't I implement it?

Where is that Weight Loss Goddess? You know, the one we're supposed to honor and bring fruit and veges to on our altars so she can magickally melt our fat away as we sleep. I'll always remember the words of my first high priestess: "a spell is only going to get you so far. YOU have to help it along". Okay, so I've got to do this. With help from the gods and goddesses, of course, but I've got to make some changes.

I felt lousy all weekend. Our state is covered by smoke from all the fires, and my house is covered in a layer of yellow green pollen from the pine trees. My lungs are struggling to keep in air. My nose is stuffy. My ears are ringing and my eyes are itchy. But, do you know what I did this morning? I took a walk! Not outside...I've been a prisoner in my home since the fire/pollen season started. I took out a Leslie Sansome DVD and walked 1 mile. I completed my 10 minutes of yoga and set about making this a better day than yesterday. That's all we can do, right?

I packed my lunch. Just because I can't exercise like I want to, doesn't give me the free-for-all attitude I've been using. I packed a salad and a couple of lunch meat slices for lunch. I don't have to eat 500 calories at every meal. It's not going to kill me to be a little hungry for dinner. I packed healthy snacks, too.

Today is day one. I don't ever want to be this weight again. I WON'T BE this weight ever again. Today, the goddess is taking my hand and leading me to a better life. I don't expect her kindness every day. I know 1st hand how she will kick my butt if I start whining. But, for today, I will feel her love and power. I will do it for her and for me.

Today's Mantra: I have the willpower to get through today because the lord and lady walk beside me.



  • SilverLotusGirl
    SilverLotusGirl Posts: 537 Member
    I wouldn't suggest letting yourself stay hungry. I've found that staying hungry in a dieting scheme can just lead to over eating and eating bad thing just because they tend to require no more work than unwrapping or opening a package.

    As to why this is so hard, well, knowing the path is not walking the path. We know to drink water but juice is sweet and yummy, we know to eat veggies but chips are crunchy and salty, we know we need to exercise but couches tend to be comfy. And it takes a lot to change your lifestyle. You have to eat differently, exercise differently, spend free time differently, and maybe even find new friends. All you can do is try to do better each time you eat and each day in general.

    I wish there was a Goddess that would make healthy yummy food appear and the jiggly pounds fall away but it seems all you can do is put in the work and I personally offer up my energy from work outs, dance ones especially, to my personal Goddess and while she doesn't make food magically pop up, I do see me reaching and maintaining a healthy body as part of how I honor Her.
  • SkinnyMountainWitch
    You are exactly right about not going hungry. That completely defeats the purpose of trying to get healthy. I have been eating smaller meals and more healthy snacks. That works for me, but it may not work for everyone.

    I do think many of us have been programed to have full stomachs all day long. There is nothing wrong with having a little bit of hunger before lunch or before dinner. Not starving, eating everything in sight hunger, but the kind where you are grateful for a large salad. I recently returned from a weeklong conference. We went from breakfast to lunch to dinner without feeling hunger. In fact, I didn't even want to eat lunch the second day, but I did...on that day and every day thereafter.

    Thanks for your thoughts, SilverLotus. Blessings to you and good luck on your journey!

  • guidothecat
    guidothecat Posts: 141 Member
    Blessings, and I am in late to the topic. But what works for me is smaller meals, snacks, etc. (but I am also here to maintain and eat healthier, not necessarily lose) I was a major meal skipper, or just not eating at all? That packed on the pounds too. I normally pack my lunch during the week, it keeps me on track and I eat healthier that way.

    I normally have a smaller dinner than most, but I am not used to eating an evening meal either?

    Log everything, swap out chips or whatnot for an apple, more veggies of course, get in some stress relieving exercise and the goddess will appear! :flowerforyou:

    You have the willpower...and I was always told that to attain your goals you have to be patient and mindfull.
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    What comes to mind is ...Harm none. This includes ourselves. You can do this.
  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 291 Member
    yes i agree i want to get out of this lousy feeling i actually do physical stuff for a living so when i get home i dont really wanna function but i need to and im inspired by you and your mantra and excited to here more form you all now that im back