July goals

chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
Since it's the first of the month.

-Squat 185lbs
-Bench 100lbs
-Row 115lbs
-OHP 85lbs :laugh: :laugh:
-Deadlift 200lbs

-I'm thinking of doing the jump rope challenge that I saw on the main boards. 10 minutes a day 5x a week isn't bad. I wish I had a privacy fence so my neighbors don't stare. :indifferent:
-Stop eating like a piggy
-Log all the weekends


  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    For me:

    1} stop obsessing about it all when I having a bad health day. (Just rest, eat , get better)
    2} Squat 70#
    3} add yoga/body weights once or twice a week.

    And I have decided my weekly goal is to do SL twice a week. If I feel fine, then 3" but if it is a bad week, be OK with less without planning to over compensate. - that is kind of a goal, too.
  • Shtallionchick14
    Shtallionchick14 Posts: 61 Member
    This is my third week of doing SL. I am loving it!

    July goals:

    Squat: 140
    Bench: 95
    Overhead press: 70
    Barbell row: 95
    Deadlift: 150

    Other goals?
    Be able to run 8 miles
    Eat less awful processed food
    Log on the weekends
  • HIITMe
    HIITMe Posts: 921 Member
    Im scheduled for gall bladder surgery July 25...trying to reschedule to mid-August ( unless I have an attack).... so until surgery, this is my plan:

    Mon & Thur mornings= biking
    Mon & Thur evenings= swimming
    Tue & Fri = Weight lifting
    Wed& Sat = running
    Sunday= REST

    as far as weight lifting, Im going to modify SLs to 3x5 and continue with the accessory lifts & assisted pullups

    I MUST los 6 pounds in July as well... ABSOLUTE MUST or I will go CRAZY!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Fixed the stickies!

    My only goal this month is to get some useful test results back from the doctor and hopefully find a cure for my fatigue and recovery issues. And also I will lift weights
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Hmmm....July goals.

    Focus on lifting with a purpose. Start preparing for a powerlifting competition in November.

    Bench 3x5 @ 130
    Squat 1x5 @ 165
    Deadlift 1x5 @ 215

    OHP and Rows: Any form of progress is a goal.

    Continue to do accessory work and short cardio work.
  • kiykiy79
    kiykiy79 Posts: 177
    July Goals:

    Finish my 12 weeks of SL (10 sessions to go!)

    Squat: 135 (Ready for those 45lb plates! :tongue: )
    OHP: 70 (not so concerned - if I get to 65 I would be happy)
    Deadlift: 200
    Bench: 80
    Row: 90-95

    Also to continue 80/20, flex dieting (love, love, love)... My one year FIT Anniversary is July 9th... and I might do a success post... Might! :blushing:

    Good luck to everyone on your goals!! You are going to SMASH them!
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    Squat 175
    Bench 110
    Rows 110
    OHP 90
    DL - 210

    All goals are 3x5 with good form other than DL.

    Other - Order and read the 5/3/1 book; consider Nia Shanks workouts. This has been my goal for the past 2 months and I have to get my act together.
    Cardio - Get back to trail running in a couple weeks, or at least keep up with doing something active at least 3 days a week.
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    1} stop obsessing about it all when I having a bad health day. (Just rest, eat , get better)

    ...And I have decided my weekly goal is to do SL twice a week. If I feel fine, then 3" but if it is a bad week, be OK with less without planning to over compensate. - that is kind of a goal, too.

    Yes!!! I agree 100% and this is what I have learned for myself, too!
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    1. Workout according to schedule (3X per week), unless we take that trip, in which case I won't try to train while we're gone.

    2. Listen to my body and do not overtrain myself again, 'cause that sux.

    3. Lose 5 pounds.
  • cpiton
    cpiton Posts: 380 Member
    July goals:

    1. Not allow myself to get discouraged when my chiro tells me I should deload again.

    2. Film myself often to ensure good form on squats.

    3. Watch my eating. Make better choices when out.

    I'd like to hit that 200lb squat this month, but I can't make it a goal due to number 1. So, I'll make 185 with excellent form my goal, as that's my current working weight. And nail that 100lb bench. Finally. :bigsmile:

    Edit: typo
  • alisaglem
    alisaglem Posts: 36 Member
    Squat 90
    Bench 85
    Row 90
    OHP 50 (I've been stuck at 40 for 4 weeks so any gain is a victory)
    Deadlift 105

    Inteval training once a week
    Yoga twice a week
    Eat when hungry but allow a day or two a week to splurge
    Consistent sleeping schedule
    Research accessory lifts to add to workout

    Other: lose 3-5 pounds but I'd be happier if I lost 1 inch off waist and hips.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    Hm. we have a 10th wedding anniversary trip to Barcelona in the middle of the month (just me and the huz, woo!), so that will be a tricky time as the in-laws are coming to look after the kids so I suspect I might have an enforced rest week (boo!)..

    Can't believe I've been lifting for almost 4 months and I am -still- loving it, still loathing the idea of steady state cardio!


    1. LOG - I'm getting better at this but it's very easy to slide if something is unloggable rather than giving it my best shot, and once I start sliding that fecking fat girl in my head gets very loud..

    2. Continue with the HIIT on the bike after each lifting session, and start adding in some finishers (time at gym permitting, this is the big thing holding it back, it's creeping up even with 3x5 to about an hour lifting..).

    3. I'd LOVE to hit 60kg on my squat. I'm working up in baby steps doing 3x6. I did 52.5kg 3x6 last time, my app says I should be doing 55kg but although I've been there before I think I'm going to break out the fractionals.. which is so hard..

    I haven't had weight goals for a couple of months on here, so this is all with the usual get-out clauses!

    4. Hit 90kg 1x5 deadlift. I'm at 75, and this might be a step to far but I've done a single rep there, I know it is possible!

    5. I'd love to hit 40kg bench press but suspect that might be a goal for August..

    6. OHP. Hm. OHP. Keep going with the fractionals until I turn into a BAMF! No weight goals except for 'more'!

    7. Pendlays.. something seems to have clicked here, last time felt good at 40kg so I'll shoot for 45kg 3x5 with good form by the end of the month.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    1) Keep consistent with diet. Current calorie goals seem to be working, so planning on sticking to it pretty religiously (with the exception of July 15th, which is my birthday, and I WILL eat fish and chips!).

    2) Keep up the running and lifting. Morning workouts are definitely the key to sticking to it for me. All told, I should have 14 days in the weight room this month.

    3) Break 100lbs on my squat. I'm at 95 now, so this should be more than doable.

    4) Lift my bodyweight on deadlifts. Just 11lbs more to reach this!
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    Because the latter part of June was kind of a total wash for me (re-injured my back), so I am hoping to hit my June goals in July:

    Squats - 125
    Bench - 85
    Rows - 95
    OHP - remains 60.
    DL's - 160. By month end that should be more than my body weight, unless it takes me 10 more weeks to lose one pound, lol.
  • inkysmurf
    inkysmurf Posts: 168
    Keep doing stronglifts 3x a week
    Hit 62.5kg on squats (137lbs)
    Keep adding body weight exercises throughout the days I do strong lifts (just ordered a cheap suspension door kit to allow me to do inverted rows!)
    Build up to 10 chin ups at a time - currently at 6
    Hit 50 air squats while waiting for coffee on a lifting day (record so far is 41!)
  • beautifulswan1
    beautifulswan1 Posts: 58 Member
    Continue with the SL program. Be consistent in my eating. Do more accessory work and short cardio sessions. Trust the process. :smile:
  • jogirlruns
    jogirlruns Posts: 45 Member
    July Goals:

    Continue to progress at a comfortable pace with my lifts. I am 10 lbs from squatting my body weight - so it would be nice if I could manage that - but I want my form to improve first.

    Back to the pool if my shoulder allows it. Plus continue to fit in a couple of runs a week.

    8 hours of sleep a night - this will be a miracle, but I know it's something I really need to prioritise!

  • scottimichelle
    Just joining the group so hopefully I do this right! My July goals

    1. start SL and stick with it all month
    2. get below 150# (7# loss needed)
    3. be sure to hit my calorie range daily
    4. 80-100oz of water daily
    5. minimum of 7 hours sleep a night
  • zanyzana
    zanyzana Posts: 248 Member
    My July goals...
    1) Enjoy my 2 week holiday in the sun (shouldn't be hard to achieve!)
    2) Return to my routine of SL on Tues and Thurs mornings, PT on Friday, cycling one day of the weekend and walking the dog on other mornings when I go back to work in the 3rd week of July.
    3) On holidays, decide whether to focus on losing the extra 4 kilos I'm carrying around or on building muscle mass... I keep flip-flopping and it's not helping me move forward!

    No lifting weight goals as yet. I need to get habits in place and find out what I'm capable of before getting all serious like that! :)
  • Flagirlof3
    Flagirlof3 Posts: 86
    Hi, I'm new to the group. My name is Maria, I'm 45 with 4 kids 28,13,9 and 4. since having my last baby at 40 and having hypothyroidism the weight is coming off like it used to. I've been doing a 3 day split and feel I'm not getting where I want to be so I'm starting the 5x5 Monday. :)

    My goals for july -
    1.) keep working out 3 days a week and do cardio everyday!!!
    2.) get the kids to the park every day for a 2 mile fun run.
    3.) I hope to get into a pair of Miss Me Bermuda size 30, (they only come up to my hips now :((( )