Going to Uni in September

katiepatati Posts: 48 Member
Hey all,

i'm worried that my weight loss will be affected when i go to university in September. i imagine uni wil be full of alcohol, takeaways and rubbish, cheap food... has anyone got any tips to help with this?

If anyone is interested i am going to University of Lincoln to study adult nursing :) Super excited!!

Thanks all

ps. feel free to add me - need the support!!


  • AverageUkDude
    AverageUkDude Posts: 371 Member
    I was probably at my best during uni physically, the on campus gym was the main reason, two hour break in between lectures and labs meant time to hit the gym.

    I did drink,smoke and do drugs like most uni students do, but mainly on the weekends and freshers week. I treat these as cheat meals and just tried to eat the best of what was available at all times, if we were going to McDonald's for whatever reason I'd stick to the chicken options etc. it's just about making the right choices at the time, think of long term goals rather than short.

    Your young and uni is awesome, make sure you enjoy yourself the time really does fly by.
  • ChristyJade
    ChristyJade Posts: 186 Member
    If your in self catering halls then its all down to you! But you will drink and eat takeaways a lot thats for sure! You can go for helathier options almost anywhere you go though, just try and make the best choices. But I wouldnt let it stop you from having fun...

    Most unis have great gyms too, so take full advantage! And you can always join a sports club, theres usually loads like netball, hockey, basketball, badminton and swimming - You could be in great shape!!

    Good luck with it! Youwill have a blast - best years of my life! haha x
  • plantboy2
    plantboy2 Posts: 224 Member
    Yes - join a sports club - you will meet loads of mates and keep yourself fit with an organised weekly routine. There is loads of boozing, but there is also lots of dancing with it. I worked as a waiter whilst I was at uni too, so was on my feet all night with that. There are thousands of young people all there to work hard and play hard. I had a total blast (I'm crying to think how long ago it was now), made tons of friends, shared great experiences and met my wife. Enjoy yourself, because working for a living is definitely not as much fun....
  • ep1989
    ep1989 Posts: 8
    Being at uni was the best three years of my life! I gained quite a bit of weight while I was there because I was so busy with academic clubs, working part time, and volunteering that I didn't find the time for working out. But I'd definitely suggest joining sports clubs and societies, and universities usually have good gyms too, so make the most of it! The three/four years will be over before you know it, so enjoy yourself :)
  • katiepatati
    katiepatati Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks everyone!

    i'll definately look into joining a sport club, although i dont really play any sport at the moment, unless you count body combat as a sport! ha!

    I'm hoping the gym in Lincoln is good, not checked it out yet! Looking forward to it :-)
  • LilMissDB
    LilMissDB Posts: 133
    I was also super good with the gym at uni - it was way cheap so I just paid upfront so then it felt free for a year and was really convenient on campus.

    Food-wise, I can't say I was rich enough for takeaways! I cooked in bulk and froze things - basically ate the same thing every day for a fortnight. It was what I needed to do at the time to eat healthily though.

    Socially, trying to eat healthily is difficult. I would recommend offering to cook for people. I quite often used to offer to cook a group dinner for our whole block (20 people). It was loads of fun and we could have a real feast (healthy stuff though) for about $5 each (Australian).

    I never tried to limit my drinking but I was never a big drinker anyway - a few crazy nights perhaps haha. I tried to drink low calorie drinks though - like vodka with diet soda. Hope that helps!
  • cattrill
    cattrill Posts: 74 Member
    Hey, I have just finished uni and thought I would give you some encouragement that not every gains weight at uni!

    Sept 2010 - 12.5-13 stone (too scared and just didn't care to weigh myself) - size 16

    June 2013 - around 9 stone size 8-10 and fit as I have ever been

    Tips - join the uni gym if you don't play sport, its normally cheaper and you have so much time in the day that its easy to fit it in
    - buy large amount of mince/chicken, make Bolognese or chilli and freeze off separate portions
    Alcohol will play a part but keeping active is key!

    Oh and have fun, especially first year before work piles up!

    Good luck :) x
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    And take advantage of all the student discounts and deals you can lay your hands on to join gyms, sports clubs, and sign up for activity weekends and holidays where you'll be able to keep active - but have a wonderful time! You'll never get these years back again, so live every moment to the full! xxx