Wednesday 3rd July 2013

llalpaca Posts: 38 Member
Welcome to the first weigh in! As it's the first one, I'm guessing this will be a mixture of start weights and updates from people who weigh in every Wednesday. I fall into the latter category and have indeed lost a pound since last Wednesday - hurrah!
Down to 172 pounds. I'm going to a hen weekend on Friday so will have to try and be careful to stay on track!

How's everyone else doing? Anything worked for you? Any possible social engagements that might be tricky?


  • Ashli_Renee
    Ashli_Renee Posts: 25 Member
    Today is a starting weight for me. I've hit a plateau but I'm just going to step it up with my workout and diet to reach my 1lb goal next week. I'm camping on the beach with friends this weekend. That will be very tricky for eating healthy. I'm going to take some luna bars back up, drink a lot of water and make the best decisions if we eat out.
  • Ashli_Renee
    Ashli_Renee Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome to the first weigh in! As it's the first one, I'm guessing this will be a mixture of start weights and updates from people who weigh in every Wednesday. I fall into the latter category and have indeed lost a pound since last Wednesday - hurrah!
    Down to 172 pounds. I'm going to a hen weekend on Friday so will have to try and be careful to stay on track!

    How's everyone else doing? Anything worked for you? Any possible social engagements that might be tricky?

    Way to go with the loss! :drinker:
  • slenderizeme
    slenderizeme Posts: 154 Member
    Hi, I just started watching my weight again because I noticed it was creeping up. I am hoping to get into a healthier lifestyle again. My current weight is 180.
  • rsaree
    rsaree Posts: 10 Member
    Today is a starting weight for me, and also the heaviest I have ever been. 152.4lbs.... My goal is to get back to 135. *gulp*
  • This is the first week that I've started losing weight (first week that I've really cracked down). My starting weight was 177lbs and today it's 174lbs. I'd like to be 115lbs-120lbs. *looks down long mental road*
  • Lizzy_coach
    Lizzy_coach Posts: 6 Member
    I started seriously counting and working out last week. This Wednesday's weigh-in 211.7
  • llalpaca
    llalpaca Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome everyone and well done for sharing. Keep 'em coming!
  • suej234
    suej234 Posts: 18 Member
    Today is my starting weight at 190.6 lbs. And day 3 of no sugar! :-) Seems my 4 lb. gain from stress eating may have been a result of salt intake because my number dropped. Yay me! lol

    This week I'm focusing on making good, clean food choices and getting my cardio in, in addition to the personal training 3x this week.

    Best of luck everyone!
  • cicibeanz
    cicibeanz Posts: 77 Member
    176.4 (About 2 weeks in. Starting weight was ~183)
  • Ok....week one starting weight for me (also my heaviest ever) is 165 lbs!! My goal weight is 135. Have a long way to go.......taking it slow and doing it right this time. Hoping for a 5 lb loss by this time next month!! Fingers crossed :)
  • My starting weight is 139lbs (63kg). I've lost 7 pounds prior to joining MFP but these last 5 are a push, need to ditch the few extra inches I piled on at uni! Taken up spinning class to help!
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    Today is my starting day. I am being very honest with myself. I weigh 425.4. My goal is to be 375 by the end of September. I am definitely aiming higher than 1 lb a week but I am also setting realistic goals for myself. This is new for me but I believe that I can do it. I wish everyone else much luck and success let's eat and be healthy!:bigsmile:
  • klainef
    klainef Posts: 29 Member
    haven't been going for a full week yet, but i'm starting at 189.8
  • 576erika
    576erika Posts: 6 Member
    I'm starting at 165.8 this morning, down from the 166-167 I've been bouncing around at for the last few weeks. The new low is the result of there being no dessert-type food in the house yesterday, and lots of walking to and from the Fourth of July parade. Hmmm... maybe I'm onto something here. Less sugar, more exercise.
  • PiscisBlue
    PiscisBlue Posts: 3 Member
    I think step by step and with caution this time, I have a mid-month commitment and want to look good, but I will not pressure me with that, because the more I get stressed, I hold my weight more, so no matter if it takes a little longer, because I want to, this time, lose weight and learn to control myself and keep my desired weight
  • MsMarlaJean
    MsMarlaJean Posts: 1,741 Member
    This past Wednesday I weighed in at 173.8. I've lost about 19 lbs since I found MFP March 6, 2013 and about 24 pounds since I started making my health my #1 priority in February.

    My main goal is to be Fabulous AND Fit--you know healthy in every way, but for measurable goals I have 5!

    First, I'm hoping to drop my BF% down to below 30%. Second, I'm hoping to drop my waist measurement below 30 inches. Third, I had a full physical in February and the main things that I need to improve are issues with Acid Reflux (heartburn) and Anemia (severely low IRON stores) otherwise I'd like to maintain all the other stuff that showed in my bloodwork which was good like cholesterol, blood pressure, and etc. Fourth, to improve or maintain my mental, spiritual and emotional health. (My Dad died this past October, I'm a TOTAL Daddy's girl and have been having a hard time adjusting.) And Fifth, to drop 50lbs by the end of February or until I reach that goal and then reassess my progress and decide where and/or what exactly "FIT" is for me.

    Good luck everybody!!!