Hello! Newly Diagnosed

Hi everyone!

I was recently diagnosed with PCOS (June 18th, 2013). I went in for a yearly exam and talked to the NP-OBGYN about my concerns of having PCOS due to multiple symptoms I've had. She ran a battery of hormone/glucose/insulin tests and ordered a trans-v ultrasound. The ultrasound confirmed multiple cysts/old follicles in my ovaries and the blood work confirmed elevated testosterone and potentially insulin resistance (but no diabetes thank God!). I'm currently on Metformin (building up to 1500 mg) and Provera (for a few more days) to start my period. I've lost 39.2 lbs since I started eating better and exercising on March 19th, 2013. I hope to lose some more weight before my DH and I really start trying for a baby. I feel like It's going to take me forever to get where I really want to be, but I don't want to continue to put off my hopes and dreams of a family. My "small goal" by my best friend's wedding in October is 70 lbs. I am over half way there and once I reach that I think DH and I will start really trying. My ultimate goal is bigger than that though. OK, now I'm just rambling. :) Good luck ladies!


  • lphadley
    lphadley Posts: 1 Member
    Hello hope2bemommy2, I was also just diagnosed with PCOS, even thought my doctor had mentioned it was a possibility 2-3 years ago. I was also given metformin and Provera. How is the metformin treating you? I ended up not taking it any more after 2 weeks. It was making me dizzy and light headed.

    Good luck with your goals!!
  • Hello! Sorry I checked out of this for the month. I've been continuing to lose weight, but I need to get into the gym more than I have been lately.

    lphadley ~ I have been doing OK on the metformin. I had many trips to the bathroom as I was gradually building up to 1500mg a day. Now that I've been on 1500mg for a while I haven't had too many issues (hope that isnt TMI). My endocrinologist confirmed insulin resistance yesterday, but I kinda already figured that with the elevated levels. How is your PCOS? Did Provera work to induce a period for you?

    Sooooo, updates for me since June 25th. I'm on my full dosage of met and I've been working out. Trying to reach that goal of 70 lbs by my BFF's wedding! I have 80 days to lose 17.2 more lbs. I'm hoping maybe I can get above that goal now! We'll see though. Good luck everyone!
  • lyssAb2007
    lyssAb2007 Posts: 12
    PCOS sucks! I was diagnosed after a Miscarrriage back in 2011..I have over 100lbs. to lose before we want to start trying. I know the feeling, I've come to the conclusion that its better to get it off now before you try to have kids that way you can kick PCOS to the curb! You can do this! I'll send you a friend request, hopefully we can help one another along this journey to motherhood. I wish you the very best of luck! Keep up with the metformin! I'm terrible at taking medicaiton but I've had to step up my game and remember to take it everyday. If you do take it on a constant basis, it should help you lose the weight a little bit quicker along with diet and exercise! Wishing you the best of luck, YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • You said it perfectly... PCOS sucks!! I'm sorry about your MC. I also have over 100 lbs to lose, it's just helpful for me to break up my large number so it doesn't seem impossible. My original goal was to get down 45, now it's 70. Next I will have the 100lb goal and so on.... I feel like I've lost weight slower recently because I haven't been as active. I've revved up the activity this week though and hope I can maintain it for a while. You are so right about getting healthier before ttc. It will make things so much easier. Thank you for being so motivational!!!! It's great to see and hear. Good luck with your goals! :) And try to keep up with those meds! :) I set a reminder on my phone.... lol! Is that cheating? Without it I probably wouldn't remember either.
  • Hi, I'm newly diagnosed as well. I came off the NuvaRing at the end of May with hopes of getting pregnant this summer. As it turns out, the ring was disguising my symptoms and after not having AF for 83 days, I went to see my doctor. After blood tests and an ultrasound, she diagnosed me with PCOS. I'm a healthy weight already and was put on Metformin for jump start my period. I'm planning to clean up my eating after a summer of indulging while on several vacations and hoping to conceive soon!

    HopetoBeMommy2, I love the idea of setting an alarm on your phone to remember to take it.

    Good luck to everyone with their goals, I'm looking forward to motivating each other and sharing information!
  • missa3428
    missa3428 Posts: 114
    Hope2bemomm, I am sorry that you got the diagnoses that you have PCOS!! But as long as you work hard, and remember to never give up you will KICK PCOS' BUTT!!!!

    I found out October 2009 when I went in for my yearly and to talk about what I needed to do to get pregnant. I am happy I found an OB that new what she was talking about, because my previous doctor told me oh it’s normal for your age to not get your period every month...oh its nothing. I have been on Metformin since and have been moved up to 2000mlg a day! I am also trying to lose weight before I try again. I have a gym membership and I have a personal trainer!!

    If you need to talk to someone about PCOS or dieting, let me know. I will be happy to help!

    You can beat PCOS!!!

    PS I sent a friend request