Need Help, 1st "Real" time

CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
So...the first time (and last time) I did a triathlon I was talked into it by my friend about a week and a half prior to the event...yes you read that correctly.a.week.and.a.half. I had been training for a half marathon so I felt fine with the running portion..but of course that was only a 1/3rd of it. I had piddled around in the swimming pool probably a total of 5 times that summer and maybe did laps, maybe? And my bike...yeah it had not seen the light of day in about a year. When I say my bike, I really mean a Trek navigator 400, not exactly an ideal bike for a triathlon. Oh and since I only had a few days to prep and since I was (and still am) quite large, I ended up wearing a speedo swimsuit with a pair of compression shorts. However, I did complete the course, wasn't the worst, certainly wasn't even near the middle of the pack but I finished and that was good for me:)
Since then I have had a baby, put on a few pounds but am on my way to losing those pounds and wanted a good challenge for myself for the end of the summer. I've returned to running and have made it back to 5k...and have started swimming again. I wanted to sign up for a sprint tri at the beginning of Sept and go through it to finish not really to compete. Its an open water swim (700m, I'm fairly ok swiming in the ocean since I grew up swimming in the gulf my whole life), 13mile bike and 5k run.
My questions now, garments and training, lol. I think I kind of know I've set myself up for a very shortened training schedule but realizing that I'm still ok with it. I am plus sized (size 20 and 5'8") and so far have not found anything that might fit me for the tri other than what I came up with last time (which actually worked out). And does anyone have any ideas on what I can do about my bike?? I'm not really up for purchasing a really super expensive bike right now cause I'm not sure if this triathlon thing is a keeper (it might just be, but I'm not sold yet) but I also don't want to look as dumb as I did last time:blushing:
Thanks for any help anyone can give. I'm super excited and who knows...this might just be the beginning of something big:happy: TIA:flowerforyou:


  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    There is a lot fo good information on that could be helpful.

    Also, craigslist is a great used bike location. I'd first go to a local bike store and figure out what size bike you need then hit the classifieds and get one.
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
  • mirthfuldragon
    mirthfuldragon Posts: 124 Member
    First of all, welcome to the sport! It's fun, I promise.

    (1) Equipment. For a sprint, a trisuit is a good purchase, and not too expensive. My wife found one on Amazon for a very reasonable price (like $40), and she's in your size range. Wetsuits are going to be problematic for you (and my wife), since a women's large is size for something like 5'10" 160lbs. She wears it with an underarmor sports bra for racing.

    My wife went to a local multisport shop and the found a Nineteen brand that fit her, but it was a men's size, and the sizing is going to be odd due to the difference in shape (shoulder and hip width). You can also rent a wetsuit for about $50, which is probably a good start - most of the rental websites have pretty good policies and experience fitting lots of people of different sizes. You can go without a wetsuit, depending on how cold the water will be.

    (2) Bikes. This part is the best and worst place to spend money. Unless you know a good deal about bikes, I would stay away from craigslist - it's easy to get burned or overpay, and once you factor in a $75 or $100 tune-up on a $300 craigslist bike, you're in the ballpark of a new (and likely technologically superior) entry level bike. There are deals to be had, but it takes some know-how.

    That being said, you can probably keep riding your Naviagtor. If it has knobby tires, swap them for some smooth road tires, and have fun with it.

    If you are looking for a heart rate monitor, I would suggest a Garmin 910xt. Yeah, it's expensive, but I made the mistake of buying a good HRM (Garmin FR70) and a bike GPS computer (Edge 500), and wound up spending pretty much the same thing, and my 910xt does everything they do and more.

    Beginner Triathlete is a great place to start, and they have free training plans you can use. Depending on your schedule, a good start would be riding, running, and swimming twice per week. More is usually better, but that's often quite enough for most people. If you have time and are feeling good, adding one or two runs per week is probably were you will see the most improvement.

    Good luck, and, like Chrissie Wellington says, smile, this is supposed to be fun!
  • swimbikerun2006
    swimbikerun2006 Posts: 29 Member
    Great wisdom already spoken ^^^.

    My encouragement to you is to not worry about how you look...but focus on how you FEEL! This is YOUR race. I am a larger kinda gal and found a one piece tri suit that I like to wear. I have had it for 7 years now and it is showing it's age. But well worth the investmen! Being self concious about the jiggle on the run- I throw on a singlet for the bike and have a Terry wrap skirt that I throw on for the run. It adds a litte time in transition; but then again, a minute isn't going to make a difference for me!!

    I agree with the idea of not worrying about the bike until you know for sure this is your passion...but I will say that cycling wasn't my passion until I got on a real road bike!!

    Training is the key to a good time!! is a GREAT website for ideas & guidance :) Good luck!
  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member

    1) This is MOST IMPORTANT: You NEVER LOOK DUMB, especially not on race day. There is no varying from this. Like, Ever. Racers, no matter their size, speed, or ability, understand that all other racers look like, well, racers. And racers look great. The only dumb looking people are people who decide to heckle said racers.

    I want you to understand this: You will not look dumb racing on race day. It's not humanly possible.

    2) The odds that this will be a 1-time thing are extremely slight. Triathlon is way too addictive. If you really feel like you need to get this race under your belt before you decide you're addicted then so be it. Your best bet is to wait till then to buy your new and exciting road rocket. I know you're underconfident with the bike you have, but it's worth training and racing on it if you're not convinced this is the life for you.

    Once you admit to yourself and the rest of the world that you're hooked? Then it's time to get yourself a badass road rocket. I used to have a road bike that I added clip on handlebars. Then I upgraded to a triathlon bike. And it's become the love of my life, behind my mother, wife, and daughters. I liked my road bike, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE my tri bike.

    3) Train the best you can, the best you know how. Make sure you keep your training fun, and don't forget that race days are supposed to always be fun. Personally, I have a motto - it's even on my home page - "If it's not fun, I'm not doing it." Triathlon is about the most fun I can have with my kids gone, and/or my clothes on. Yeah, it's that much fun to me. Remember this, as you train. Fun is key.

    I wish you great success, and I hope you post back here, after your race!

  • aeverton
    aeverton Posts: 359
    great replies so far...

    have you read swim, bike mom blog or her book? I highly recommend it.

  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi all,
    Thank you so much for the awesome advice!! I really appreciate it! I am having a lot of fun so far training (having to do indoor biking however cause my bike is in the shop right now getting some new tires and a new seat). Since my hubby just got a new job in May (after being unemployed for 4 months) we're taking some of the expenses a little slower so perhaps my new tri bike will be a Chirstmas present if I (and I'm thinking that I've already been bitten) get bit by the tri bug;) But fun is definitely being had by me...especially since I get to have some alone time to train and clear my head from all the toddler songs I have swimming around in there lately;)
    I have checked out's blog...its wonderful! I found her when I was searching for something to wear. She has great tips! I've also been on and am following the 13 week plan (trimmed down to 10 weeks). I'm actually finding that I am able to do a little more biking and running than it says but the swimming is a little more challenging for me. I'm probably going to start to add in an extra swim a week to boost that area since I seem to be struggling a bit to do a full 30 minutes of freestyle yet...
    But anyways, just wanted to post a quick thank you to everyone who has posted! :flowerforyou: I will definitely be back to post about my experience and I have a feeling it won't be a once-in-a-lifetime one either;)
  • SunshineGRL76
    SunshineGRL76 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi! I'm doing my first EVER triathlon on August 4th. I really started training for it about 2.5 weeks ago & struggle every day with is that enough training time.

    A little background - I just moved from the East Coast (NJ) to Colorado towards the end of May. Within two weeks of starting my new job, a co-worker asked if I would join her when she participates in a triathlon. I said "Sure. Why not. I love to swim. Can defin bike. My struggle will be with running"

    Well, with all that being said, and given the fact that I have about 25-45lbs to lose, I jumped back into a workout plan. I really struggled for the first couple of weeks of training!! The altitude has been a major factor. Biking has not been my friend. I'm not used to the 'hills' ((IMO - mountains!!)) when riding.

    I have a Specialized Ariel, which is a hybrid. It was purchased about a year ago. I brought it to the local bike shop and told them I was doing a sprint distance triathlon. They suggested that I swap out the tires for road tires. It cost me about $96 with install & I will say that it is the best investment I've made. The tires TRULY do make the difference.

    I can totally relate with feeling like you will look dumb on race day. I wear between a 12-14 and the majority of my weight is below my waist. I hate how I look in tri shorts. I hate how I look in any shorts for that matter. With all that being said, I did some research and found the following resources:

    I'm going for the knicker/capri (PADDED) approach for the bike/run portion. Will just slide them on over my swim suit after the swim. And then have a 'wicking' style shirt that I put over the top. It's easy & I can customize the shirt based on my preferences. Since my tri is in a reservoir, I am not really concerned with the hassle of a wet suit/tri suit. I thought about it, although, until I am comfortable in my own skin & know that I am going to do another tri, I don't want to make the $300 investment in a tri suit. Plus, with the weight that I have to lose, I know that the size I purchase now, may not fit me next year. My co-worker is renting her wetsuit for like $40.

    Take it as it comes & remember to have fun!!!

    My goal is to finish the race. Plain & simple. I have a number in mind for my time, although, with 7 weeks training and not being in shape, I am not sure how realistic that will be. I just hope and pray that I don't come in dead last.

    Good luck!!!
  • redheaded_dem
    redheaded_dem Posts: 26 Member
    I am a big fan of the 2 piece tri suit. I also wear a quik dri sports bra to keep the girls in check :)

    SunshineGRL, which tri are you doing on the 4th? I will be doing the Syracuse IG. Loads of fun.

    Sadly, my training has been piss poor, but I am excited nevertheless.
  • Cgirlish
    Cgirlish Posts: 263 Member
    good luck ... I am doing a women's only race Aug 11 a little less intimidating without the boys
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    OK so I joined a website sale thing called its one of those websites that puts things on sale for a limited time in limited quantities. And lo and behold they had tri gear on sale last week!! I saw SLS gear and thought...huh...I I emailed the company and asked if they thought the XL would fit me and they said yes I went for it. I got my gear last night, two tops (different cuts, just in case) and one pair of tri shorts (like 8 or 9 inches, nice and long!). They fit great!! I am so excited!! I could probably lose about 15 lbs and still wear this size in the top before I would say I'd want the smaller size and about 20-25 lbs before I would definitely need the smaller size in the I'm good to go if I wanted to do a late season tri (which I'm thinking about depending on how this one goes).
    Thanks for the encouragement everyone...I'm getting super excited and I wish everyone much luck on their impending tri's too!!!
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    Another good site is which has a lot of cycling gear. Great place to get quality items on the cheap but usually more bike gear than tri gear!
  • penelepurr
    penelepurr Posts: 204 Member
    Glad you got some clothing that you're excited about. I see you've got some great advice so far- just wanted to reiterate to HAVE FUN!!! And for the gear or bike- do what makes you comfortable! I hope you enjoy your race :D welcome to the sport!!
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    Ok so I did it!! I finished!! And not only did I finish but I beat out another Athena!! My official time was 1:55:38 for the 700m open water ocean swim, 13 mile bike, 5k run. If the timing that they had is correct (which they stated to us they had issues with some of the chips but mine did not seem to be one of them) then I ran my fastest 5k I did all summer (38:11)! (I know, I'm slow, haha!). But I finished and I'm happy and I came in 2nd in Athena!!
    I was thinking about doing another before the end of the season but they all require wetsuits and I'm just not up for the expense of renting or purchasing a wetsuit at this point...
    I do think over the winter I will invest in some aero bars for my bike cause I ended up going down on my straight bars (had to have looked ridiculous doing that) to give my legs a rest and allow me to go a little faster. What a difference it makes!!
    I signed up for a 1/2 marathon in February so that will keep me moving on the running side and my training has built-in cross-training days so I'll use that for biking and swimming:)
    Thanks to everyone for your advice! I'm very happy to say that I think I have found a happy home in the tri community:)