Day 3

This is the first time I've done insanity - day 3 was difficult for me, I collapsed after 29 minutes - even with breaks and lower power - but tomorrow is a new day. Are there any other beginners here? Would love to compare notes.


  • kayladawn31
    so glad to see your post. Today is my 3rd day. This is hard then I ever pictured in my head. I have to take so many breaks it is disappointing, but Im completing the whole video which is a plus. Has it gotten any better for you?
  • carakit
    carakit Posts: 126 Member
    I am on my second week with Insanity. I struggle with keeping up with the Level I drill thing they do b/c by the time I get down to do my push ups they are already on their way back up it seems like! But I just keep doing them at my own pace instead of trying to keep up, at least for now. I am thinking I may have to do the first month two times before I move on!!!! The Pure Cardio kills me!
  • lijsda1
    lijsda1 Posts: 169
    I am on my 2nd round of Insanity and I can tell you the best way to build your strength/stamina is to not push pause. If you need a break just let the DVD run until the next exercise and then jump back in. I promise the next time you do the workout you will go farther before you need a break.
  • latoyasmith1985
    latoyasmith1985 Posts: 71 Member
    I am on my first day.. So of course I am a beginner.. I did the fitness test and the plyometric cardio circuit. It was hard but we have to push through it to gain results.
  • Blessedbythebest1
    Blessedbythebest1 Posts: 971 Member
    On week 4, today my heart rate got up to 205 bpm - NEVER has that happened! This CD is sooo hard and I go at my own pace and takes breaks when I need it. Good luck...I'm just striving for this to work for me...
  • ceabelle
    ceabelle Posts: 13
    HI guys.....(pls feel free to friend)

    I'm on day 3 as well...I pushed myself too hard, got a migraine 30 min. after I finish. Took 4 Aleves and finished my 2nd workout 4 hours later with Zumba.
    I need motivation to push is so hard, but like the other post said "don't press pause". Just need motivation to lose this weight!
  • Gparedes90
    Hello everyone, I'm on my second week and starting next Monday i be starting week three. Since I've started the program I have only lost 5 pounds. I'm a little disappointed because I thought I would have lost more. I have noticed some differences in my body (my love handels is getting smaller lol). I haven't been following the meal plan but I do try my best in eating healthy. Do you guys have any tips? I loose from 400 to 550 calories on the workouts.
  • poe510
    poe510 Posts: 35 Member
    My spouse and I completed day 2 yesterday and it's tough! But push through.