Wedding Goals and Dresses?

Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
Is anyone else using their wedding as a goal for losing weight? It's not necessarily the ONLY reason we're losing weight but having a wedding coming up helped me make a concrete goal with a concrete time-frame. Before it was always "yeah, I need to lose a lot...really should get on that...but..." and there came the excuses.

Here is mine:
* To lose 51 more pounds by my wedding date (late Sept/ early Oct 2014). Started the journey with 70 lbs to lose.
* To lose at least 41 of those pounds by my birthday (July 29th)
* To not only lose weight but be toned. That's healthier than just "skinny" AND then I wouldn't need to worry about having a dress that hides parts of my body that might be smaller but still not look all that good.

I'm hoping for a white strapless A-Line or ball gown with corset back and possibly a dropped waist. :love:


  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
    I don't have all my goals planned out, but I know I'd like to be in the 130-140 range when I finally head out to go dress shopping!
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Nice! That's kinda the range I'm hoping for too by the time I start shopping. I'm afraid of starting shopping too early and falling in love with a dress right away because then I either would have to hold off and hope it doesn't go off the rack, or buy it and not lose TOO much weight so that I don't up end up paying a ridiculous amount for alternations (plus I've read that if they have to take it in more than one or two sizes, it's really difficult to get it to fit just right).

    My goals didn't start nearly that detailed at first, and I'm pretty flexible with goals...but I've been engaged for over 8 months so I've had a lot of time to dwell...and stress...and freak out...and!
  • tinad120
    tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
    I've let myself stay in engagement bliss because I refuse to start planning until after I graduate! :)
  • AllyDelair
    AllyDelair Posts: 91 Member
    I started at 230.6 and im currently at 201.4. I am trying to get down to the 160's and 150's and possibly lower depending on when i actually get there. I (kinda stupidly) already bought my wedding dress and i was only 15 lbs down and it was kind of big on me when i bought it because i bought it directly off the rack instead of ordering it. im going to have a heck of a time getting that sucker altered especially because it has A LOT of material. lol
  • I am hoping to be down to 140lbs by my wedding day. I feel that is an ideal goal (30ish lbs) from now. I am at 171 right now. I want to be 160 by my engagement pictures and 21st birthday the weekend of November 16th.
  • KatM2014
    KatM2014 Posts: 263 Member
    I'm hoping to be 125 on my wedding day. I've lost most of what I want to lose but I've gotten lazy with these last few pounds. I actually already bought my wedding dress - ex sample and my dream dress, it will need a few alterations but my motivation just now is wedding underwear!! I'm planning to buy my underwear and shoes in June/July so I really want to be at my goal by then!
  • lovedork
    lovedork Posts: 36 Member
    I tried on dresses for fun and felt disgusting. I couldn't believe how horrible the styles I liked actually looked on me. I don't want to look like this anymore and its time to get started.

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  • I totally agree with LoveDork!

    Trying on dresses at this size was the WORST! But, the pictures afterwards were definitely some motivation! I found a gorgeous dress which is my dream, ideal dress. But I look like a fat cow in it. And I found another dress that I look great in, but I hate the style. I want to be slim enough to feel great in my dream dress!
  • I found a dress that I liked but seeing the photos of me in it made my cry. I know I'm large but not THAT large I know if I loose the weight there will be other styles that will look great.
    I don't want my wedding photos having me looking larger than life marshmallow man next to my fiance who is very tall and slim
    My idea weight is 130 -140 & I'm gona make sure I get there
    I eat very health but suck at portion control

    So I'm stepping up the exercise, got some Jillian Michaels dvd's and wii fit & a goal to do more walking everyday & just maybe a run [eekk]

    LETS DO IT ---- Who's with me
  • geddyp
    geddyp Posts: 94 Member
    I would like to lose around 20 pounds before the wedding, I still have 18 months to go so I am confident. I already bought a dress that is too small (by mistake).
  • Yeah, my wedding is my motivation to lose weight. My goal is 140 for my wedding day, I want to be down at least 18-19 lbs. when I go dress shopping. I feel like to go any sooner would be a defeating experience. My first experience needs to be a good one, or I will give up on my goals. I don't want to feel like a huge blimp trying on dresses. I am down 7 lbs as of today, only 11-12 more lbs and I will start shopping. Of course I will not be buying until I am within 5 lbs of my goal.
  • geddyp
    geddyp Posts: 94 Member
    I would like to lose around 20 pounds before the wedding, I still have 18 months to go so I am confident. I already bought a dress that is too small (by mistake).

    I have now lost 15.5 pounds since the original post (Feb) and I fit in my dress :) I even may have to have it taken in...YAY!
  • Predsfan2013
    Predsfan2013 Posts: 64 Member
    I am getting married on May 31, 2014. I have bought my dress. It has a corset back and I have to add a panel to it for it too look proper. Well I have set a goal of 60 lbs lost so I can save myself that extra money on alterations. I am using this as a starter motivation but this is a new lifestyle for me.
  • Shell30Harrison
    Shell30Harrison Posts: 65 Member
    Well done 'geddyp' !!!
    You reached that goal super-early as well by the looks of it !
    Congrats on fitting into your dress.... with room to spare! :)

    And a hello to 'Predsfan' - I haven't been as brave as you and have steered clear from dress shopping so far. As my 2014 spring wedding is starting to loom though, I've had to bite the bullet and agree to go looking at dresses with my bridesmaid. I have a weekend in mind - which is 9 weeks away. I'm very much hoping I can lose 10-15 pounds by then.... with a little luck and huge amount of effort ! Fingers crossed, eh?!
  • sem9787
    sem9787 Posts: 6 Member
    Getting married May 31, 2014. I also already have my dress (also a corset back). Hoping to lose a total of 60 by then, currently down about 15. It's a life change I've been wanting to make, but just using my wedding (and looking down right fabulous) as motivation. There is another wedding I am going to this August 24th, and would like to be down a bit more by then. Good luck to us all.
  • Shell30Harrison
    Shell30Harrison Posts: 65 Member
    Hi sem9787,
    Both you and 'Predsfan' mentioned corset-back dresses....
    After I eventually order my dress, I'd be hoping to still lose another 15 lb before the wedding. Would you guys both advise that I find a corset-back dress in my current size at time of trying it on, and if so, would I just be able to pull it tighter if I did happen to lose 15 lb ?
    I was considering ordering a dress in a size smaller (a very risky move that I wasn't convinced was a good idea), but this idea of a corset-back one sounds far more sensible maybe???

    Thanks for any advice you can give,
  • TinaMGib
    TinaMGib Posts: 3 Member
    I am currently 244lbs and very much a pear shape. I was so nervous about going to try on dresses that I booked myself an appt. at a local bridal salon and was planning to go alone. I was afraid they wouldn`t have any dresses in my size or that would look decent on me and then I would have to show my friends how awful I look, but my fiance convinced me to take at least one close friend with me and I did. It wasn`t as awful as I expected. They had 4 dresses that were a bit small but with help I was still able to get them on and I managed to find one in a style I hadn`t originally considered that looked good on me. Having one friend with me was a good idea. She was able to take pictures of me in the dresses and give me opinions without overwhelming me any more than I already was (which can happen with larger groups of people). It scared me though to see that out of the entire salon of dresses only one of them was remotely a possibility. I hated that. I also hated watching the slender 22 year across from me try on any dress she wanted and look fabulous in all of them. I am hoping that I can get down to at least a size 16 for the next round of dress-up to open up more dress options. Feeling limited by my size yet again...
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I'm hoping to be 135-140 by my wedding day- mostly I want the more toned looking physique before my honeymoon. My fiance is in great shape which he did through dedication and hard work- I want to make him proud to be laying on the beach next to me :drinker:
  • sem9787
    sem9787 Posts: 6 Member

    Sorry that I didn't check this again sooner. Most of the time, dresses need to be tailored, anyway. So you should choose whichever back you'd be most comfortable wearing and it can always be taken in if you need it. Also, the store you purchase your dress from could also advise you on this decision. Personally, I went with the corset back so that I could bring it in at the waist and show off that hourglass shape.
  • Shell30Harrison
    Shell30Harrison Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks sem9787,
    I guess alterations would be possible with 15lb weight loss (aim) then, as that's probably not even a whole dress size, right? Thanks - I'll definitely ask the staff when I'm looking at different dress types. Same as you though - I like the idea of a cinched-in middle, as it really is the only bit of me that is small (proportionately I mean) !!!

    I've bitten the bullet and have booked an appointment at a bridal shop for September now. Very much hoping that pesky ticker below says something more like "20lb to go" by then!

    Shell x