8 21 Pixifish7, Carsoncool10, Jennifer1997
Posts: 1,205 Member
Please pray for the following members.
Pixifish7 [url] http://www.myfitnesspal.com/pixifish7[/url]
Carsoncool10 http://www.myfitnesspal.com/carsoncool10
Jennifer1997 http://www.myfitnesspal.com/jenniferft1997
Please post anything we can pray for or well wishes to our online-family.
Pixifish7 [url] http://www.myfitnesspal.com/pixifish7[/url]
Carsoncool10 http://www.myfitnesspal.com/carsoncool10
Jennifer1997 http://www.myfitnesspal.com/jenniferft1997
Please post anything we can pray for or well wishes to our online-family.
First, that was one of the greatest blessings to come on here and the first message I read is that y'all will be praying for me today. Thank you! I have a church family that prays for me, but no actual family,except my 7 yr old son when he thinks about it or I ask him to. However, when he prays God listens and answers so he is my little prayer warrior
Prayer requests: I will be tutoring a student who has English as a second language Monday and Tuesday of this week and next week. Please pray that I am truly able to help this student in all ways possible and witness too.
I will be student teaching in August, please pray for me that I am able to start preparing for that--find activities that will be helpful and I need to learn the Commom Core state standards.
Pray I am able to reach my weight loss goals this week: eat slower, eat less, exercise like I need to every day, and that I will not eat when I am not hungry.
Last, please pray for me to be a better mother and Christian.
Again thank you so much for praying for me today. BLESSING!
Jennifer0 -
Gracious Lord Jesus,
Bless Pixifish7, Carsoncool10 and Jennifer1997 today, August 7th, especially.
You know their every need and desire. Help them to hunger for you and your Word that it may equip them to do everything they must do, and achieve all their goals.
We're thankful that we can be their family here on line.
Especially give Jennifer the vision as she teaches in August. You can speak through her to inspire her students.
In Jesus name,
Amen0 -
Almighty God,
Bless Pixifish7, Carsoncool10 and Jennifer1997. We prayed last month for Jennifer teaching this month. Continue to inspire her and challenge her students.
Watch over them all and grant them peace and comfort as they face their challenges. Empower them to accomplish all things to your glory.
In Jesus name,
Amen0 -
Savior God,
Pour out your blessings on Pixifish7, Carsoncool10 and Jennifer1997. You know their heart's desires and we pray you grant them your wisdom and grace in fulfilling their hearts' desires.
In Jesus name,
Amen0 -
Lord, we are praying and agreeing for the needs of Pixiefish7, Carsoncool10 and Jennifer1997. Lord, may you bless and keep them and supply them with what they are praying and needful of. We touch and agree in Jesus' name, Amen!0
Dear God,
Please pour your blessing on Pixifish7, Carsoncool10, and Jennifer1997. Guide them with their decisions. Empower them with their choices. And bring them to success with their dreams, wishes and goals.
Bless the rest of us, Lord, too. Especially bless the recovery of Christi (happyhappyjoyjoy) that her surgery was successful and she heals swiftly and completely.
In Jesus Name. Amen0 -
Lord be with Pixifish7,Carsoncool10,and Jennifer1997 today.May they hear your voice guiding them today.May they feel your presence with them wherever they go.Lord meet their needs and give them strength to keep chasing their goals. And may they focus on glorifying you in every decision they make.Renew their hearts and minds this day. And I agree in prayer for Christie that she would have a quick recovery.In Jesus name,Amen0
Gracious Lord,
We give you thanks for each other. Pour out your blessing on Pixifish7, Carsoncool10, and Jennifer1997 that their desires may be one with yours and fulfilled according to your plan. Empower them and us in all we say and do that we might be honoring to your name.
In Jesus name,
Amen0 -
Gracious Lord Jesus,
Bless Pixifish7, Carsoncool10 and Jennifer1997 today, oh Lord. Meet them where there needs are whether it's family, heart, health or finances. Lord bless them with the richness of Your bounty. We thank you and touch and agree, in Jesus name, Amen!0 -
Almighty God,
You guide us with your eye, so that we will not be obstinate like a mule. We lift up Pixifish7, Carsoncool10, and Jennifer1997 and ask for your protection and wisdom in their lives that they may do your good works and we can glorify you. Help them to accomplish their goals, even as we ask for all of us.
In Jesus name,
Amen.0 -
Precious Lord,
We lift Pixifish7, Carsoncool10, and Jennifer1997 to you, knowing that you have planned every part of their life and are fulling the promises of working everything together for their good, to those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Bless us all likewise, that we might honor you. In Jesus name, Amen0 -
Almighty Creator of the stars that are numbered so great, we cannot count them, pour out your favor and blessing on Pixifish7, Carsoncool10, and Jennifer1997. You know what your plan is for them. Help them to hear your voice clearly and to follow in the way you would have them go. Bless their goals and equip them and the rest of us to accomplish what we need to do. In Jesus name. Amen0
On this sixth day of Christmas, we have focused on the incredible actions of the Creator. You humble us in that you, who are infinitely great, loved us enough to come to earth in human form and save us from our sins.
We give you thanks and praise.
Bless Pixifish7, Carsoncool10, and Jennifer1997 for you know their every need. After all you created them by setting in motion all that transpired to bring them into being. Thank you dear Lord, for loving them and caring for every aspect of their lives, as well as the rest of our lives.
We love you,
Bless us all. In Jesus name,
Amen0 -
Almighty God,
We are in awe that you sacrificed your Son, Jesus, who became the Lamb of God for us that we might be saved. The greatness of that gift is hard to fathom. Empower us, Lord, to appreciate the magnitude of your gift. Bless Pixifish7, Carsoncool10, and Jennifer1997 with your love and grace that their needs and desires may be fulfilled. Watch over all in our MFP family that we might serve your name, this Lord's Day and every day, bringing honor to you. We love you, Lord. In Jesus name, Amen0 -
Gracious Lord,
I give thanks and glory to your name for the abundant ways you fulfill your promises to us.
Bless Pixifish7, Carsoncool10, and Jennifer1997 with your loving kindness that they may point many to your salvation, and give you the glory. Help them in their finances, their work, their relationships and above all their fitness--mental, emotional, and spiritual.
We praise your name, in Jesus name,
Amen0 -
Lord bless Pixifish7,Carsoncool10,and Jennifer1997 today.Meet each need they have and may they feel you with them every step of the way today.Father may they always exercise their muscles through prayer especially when they are at their weakest points.Help them do what needs to be done today to get closer to their fitness goals.May your light shine brightly through them this day.In Jesus name,Amen0
Lord bless Pixifish7,Carsoncool10,and Jennifer1997 today. Lord, pour them out a blessing that they will not have room enough to receive. Strengthen them in their faith and love for You, Lord. Meet their needs, solve their problems and make their burdens light! Thank you, Jesus. Amen!0