July Chat

iamfitcat Posts: 10 Member
Happy July!

I just did all of my shopping, and planning for the next two days! I am so excited to get started! I weighed myself, I made the meal plan. I have my hubby on board, and going to try to get the kiddos on board for some healthy eating (cutting out a lot of the yuck stuff we have been having!)

Wishing all of you a happy July! I am going to be starting the Turbo cycle of lc//lc//hc//lc//lc//hc//reward!

Tomorrow we are getting up early and getting our first 9 minute mission done, and then I will do walking for the exercise portion!


  • Lilylee757
    Lilylee757 Posts: 192 Member
    Good luck to you. I think that you will really like the plan.
  • iamfitcat
    iamfitcat Posts: 10 Member
    Good luck to you. I think that you will really like the plan.

    Thank you! So far, it is going really well!
  • LosingMyMarbles
    LosingMyMarbles Posts: 168 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm currently "off plan", but will be getting the new book soon and hope to jump back in. I've been doing Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and love it, but my diet hasn't been very good. I'll try to jump in here more often and see how everyone is doing.