Hello Everyone..I hope you've come to join. I know it might start small but I am hoping this grows to be a successful group that helps each other succeed their goals as well as our own. I know we all have busy lives and were all trying to find the time to work out and have a life. I am hoping that everyone who is doing Hiphop Abs is going to Join. I have done Hiphop Abs once in the past and I started again and I'm looking forward to starting a awesome group with awesome people who love Shaun T.




  • Mandy290
    Mandy290 Posts: 15 Member
    I bought Hip Hop abs about a month and a half ago. Tried it once and never picked it up again. I dont think my mind set was ready for the change of being healthier. But I am ready now! I am starting Hip Hop Abs today and new to this site as of yesterday. I want to do the 30 day challenge but it'll have to wait til after our family vacation which is in 13 days. Best of luck to everyone whose doing hip hop abs.
  • ashleybreanna13
    ashleybreanna13 Posts: 249 Member
    We should start a new thread with a contest.
    Something like by the end of August, to complete 30 days of Hip Hop Abs and post your results!
    Before and after pictures, pounds and inches lost... etc.
  • jenswan70
    jenswan70 Posts: 40 Member
    I just ordered it today. I've been stuck and bouncing. I've been loosing and regaining the same 8 lbs since January. The first hundred pounds were so easy to loose but this last 20 is kicking my *kitten*, so I've decided to change everything that I've been doing. Hopefully, this will do it for me.
  • cieramist37
    Well the hardest part is setting up and starting so Welcome!

    Dig Deep and Press Play!

  • cieramist37
    Ashley-I agree..That would be a great thing. If anyone wants to post go right ahead! I would love to show before and after pictures and seeing everyone else too!
  • cieramist37
    jenswan70-Congrats on all the weight lost so far! I hope that Hiphop abs is what you are looking for. I like to dance to music that I'm familiar with so I usually turn it down and turn on subtitles and dance with him with my own music..I feel like its so much better!

    Dig Deep and Press Play!
