teething at 2 months???

laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
My baby boy will be two months tomorrow and I have just discovered that he has several teeth coming in.....at first I assumed he was just fussy because of gas and chewing on my shoulder/wanting to nurse just for comfort....then when he was crying I could see what looked like teeth in several spots below the gums....one is actually about to come through.....today he has been constantly fussy and has not wanted to sleep...thankfully he is still sleeping at night, though he is waking up more frequently.

I'm in need of some advice!!! He's too young to hold and chew teething rings effectively so I'm not sure what to do....what else helps aside from infant Tylenol/oragel


  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    That's pretty much all you can do, Tylenol and comfort :( If if makes you feel better, my little guy is 7 weeks old today, and yesterday I saw what look like his bottom teeth trying to pop through. I can feel them, too. My older son was on the late side of normal for first teeth, so this is surprising. However my sister's older boy was late on first teeth, and her younger boy got teeth at four months!

    As far as I know, Orajel is not recommended for babies and can actually be dangerous:



    The AAP recommends gum massage :/
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    It seems like there is a whole range of normal for babies for pretty much everything :-).....Wow, that is good to know about the oragel!! Crazy that the nurse line at the pediatrician's office recommended it (though they did say in very small amounts).
  • graycalico
    graycalico Posts: 30 Member
    Amber necklaces. Could he chew on a cold washcloth? My ds got hi first teeth just under three months. It was insane.
  • Putcake
    Putcake Posts: 93 Member
    I got my first tooth at 3 months. My little guy got his at 4.5 months - which is when we promptly stopped nursing and switched to exclusively pumping! He had no manners and didn't understand that he wasn't supposed to bite me.

    He just turned 2 last month and is working on his third of four 2 year molars - the end is near for us!

    We use tylenol and teething tablets. He looks forward to the tablets (we created a monster) - he gets them before bed. I've also heard moms having luck with the frozen washcloth.

    He might have some diaper rash too - my mom told me that my brother and I had it, and sure enough, my little guy gets it too when the tooth is coming in!
  • JessiAnn88
    JessiAnn88 Posts: 73 Member
    My son's first tooth was all the way out at 3 months so we had some very early teething, since he couldn't really hold much a wet wash cloth put in the freezer for a bit helped the most. He could easily hold it and the cold felt good on his gums
  • laurab1217
    laurab1217 Posts: 123 Member
    I will definitely try the cold washcloth! Thanks!! I am also planning on breastfeeding for a year and I wondered how that would be once he started teething...but I thought it'd happen around 6 months lol. I have been trying to de-latch him when I notice that he is done eating and is trying to chew....he gets pretty mad when I do that but hopefully soon he will learn to associate the breast solely with eating.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    You could also try homeopathic teething granules to soothe him. You just rub them gently into the gum with your little finger and they dissolve.
  • graycalico
    graycalico Posts: 30 Member
    If he bites ever just unlatch him. He'll figure out quickly that if he bites food stops. My ds would always bite when he was done. Such a stinker. But he's just under two and still nursing strong, nipples are still intact. Lol
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,115 Member
    My son started teething at 3 months and I used orajel. I use orajel on my 8 month old too. I just used small amounts and only put it on the gums and would not let them suck on my finger afterwards. When I say small amounts I mean like the size of a pin head. It worked for both my kids.

    My sister swore by these teething strips the only place I found them were at Walgreens and I thought they were expensive for how many you get. They are organic and look like a breath strip.
  • lizziseven
    lizziseven Posts: 2 Member
    My first child got his first tooth at 2 weeks. The second got hers at 4 weeks and the third got his at 3 months. lol. I spent the entire first three months waiting for him to start teething and one day there was a tooth, no teething signs at all. But, of course all of the other teeth sense then have been a huge production, lots of crying and chewing on things. When they are really little the only thing you can do is rub their gums with the infant tooth brush (the one that fits on your finger) that comes in so many of the baby medical kits. Good luck.
  • jones092508
    jones092508 Posts: 75 Member
    My son will be 2 months Thursday and we have been thinking he may be teething! Although I have a almost 4 year old and have went through it once, everyone assumed he's to young to start! Good to know it can happen!