New here, just a question about this here condition!!!! lol

Hello everyone!!!! :) Glad to find this group!!!! :) Ok so I have had a long journey to get here but basically, tried to get preggers for a year ( FAIL!!! lol)> got upset!> went to doc, found I had PCOS> got upset again!!! lol> finally after reading and really listening to the Lord speak to me ( I believe) and tell me this is going to happen naturally, I have gotten serious and really started my lifestyle change on June 28th. I am trying to change what it is that I am putting in my body :-) So my question is: I am watching what I am eating. Trying to stick with the low carbs, watching GI diet, and LOW sugar but sometimes I go over on my sugar by like 15-20. Is this going to keep me from losing weight? I am trying to do better but this is hard !!! lol. At this point, I am just focused on getting in the right BMI and being healthy and preventing further disease! Up to this point in about 2 1/2 months I have lost about 10 lbs and to be honest it was a lot because I was on metformin smh lol. I wasn't really exercising or eating right for real..... Now I have decided to get off all medicine and do this myself with healthy eating and exercise. I still want to loose about 15-20 more lbs! Any advice or success on how you did it without medicine would really be of help to me. Thank you ladies and if you have overcome this be proud! God is good!!! :-)


  • WifeofPJ
    WifeofPJ Posts: 312
    Where is your sugar intake coming from? MFP does not differentiate sugar from a candy bar and sugar from an Apple. So if your sugar is coming from fresh fruits then yes you can loose weight even if you go over on your sugar but if it's becuase of treats and stuff you may struggle a little bit more. You still can have some sweets though I pay attention to how certain foods affect me and stay away from ones that don't react well.
  • washboardtummy929
    Ok thanks. I just looked that up the other day, I went back through my journal and saw that fruit was a lot of it. I have been trying to watch the sweets although yesterday was my first pop in like 3 1/2 weeks :( I felt so guilty, not doing that again!!!!! lol But yeah so now I know that difference between the sugars and I have been doing well and will continue on.