Introduce Yourself


My name is Apipol. Originated from Thailand, but now live in Texas. Pretty fit and healthy, but I can always get better. Love life and just wanted to share with others.


  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    half-Filipino half-Mexican here :D
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Chinese. Also currently located in TX ;).
  • oceanemma1227
    Half Korean half Scandanavian,
    5'11" current 185 lbs goal 145lbs
    I'm hoping to find a friend or two who can totally relate to the pressures and tough love comments by asian parents. Like my grandmother yelling at my mother because she can't buy me clothes from Korea because I can't fit into Universal size (like a US 4) -_-
  • zampa19
    zampa19 Posts: 24
    Hi, I'm an Okinawan(Japanese)-American. 5'7", SW 145 GW 125. I was born and raised in Okinawa till I got married to an American and moved to the states. I have been gaining weight ever since I moved here to the US and just want to get back to what I used to be. oceanemma1227, I totally understand the pressure of the asian relatives and family o-0 It's amazing how they expect you (half foreign DNA) Japanese to be the exact same size as they are.... I always had trouble buying clothes in Japan... always had to by 3/4 sleeve shirts because my arms were too long and L size pants for my legs and butt :)